Architectural & Engineering
521 ZDT Preamplier Module
The preamplier module has a frequency response of 1Hz - 200kHz +0.5dB and distortion
less than one part per million (0.0001%). It shall
have an input noise of 1.6nVHz½ at 20dB gain
and 0.6nV/Hz½ at 60dB gain and a slew rate
of 22V/μs. It shall have a DC oset, servo bal-
anced of +1 mV typical. Power requirements
are +16 VDC, supplied by standard 500 Series
rack. Inputs will be transformerless, dierential
balanced terminating a 500 Series EDAC Edge
connector. Input impedance shall be 10KΩ with
phantom on and 100KΩ with phantom o. The
amplier will have a balanced dierential output
which will only feed balanced signal lines, and
a front panel auxiliary 1/4 inch t-r-s (tip+ & ring
ref) output connector which will feed either balanced or unbalanced signal lines. It shall have
a front panel polarity reverse switch, a standby
(channel on/o) switch and a 48V phantom
power on/o switch with a phantom power LED
indicator. It shall also have a LED clip indicator
and DC power on LED indicator. The amplier
shall be available in single channel module for
a standard 500 Series rack. The single channel
preamplier will have dimensions of 1.5” x 5.25”
x 6” (38 x 133 x 152mm) and occupy one 500
Series rack space, weighing 0.8 lb. (0.36kg).
The Earthworks 521 is specied.
521 ZDT Preamplifier
Zero Distortion Technology Preamplifier for 500 Series Racks
• ZDT Preamplier Module for
Standard 500 Series Racks
• Zero Distortion, Less Than One
Part Per Million (>0.0001%)
• Lowest Noise of any Preamp
on the Market
• All Discrete Components, Class A
Amplication (no ICs in signal path)
• No Electrolytic Capacitors in
Signal Path
• Greater Transparency with Minimum
Signal Path and Minimum Features
• High Output Level +30dBu
• Full Differential (balanced) from
Input to Output (i.e. no internal
conversion to single-ended)
• 15-year Warranty
ZDT Preamp for a 500 Series Rack
Earthworks Zero Distortion Technology preampliers were previously only available as standard rackmount units in single, two and four channel models.
The new 521 ZDT single channel module will t into
a standard 500 series rack. This provides the user
with ZDT pristine amplication at a lower cost per
channel, and the ability to choose as many or as
few 521 ZDT modules as they desire for their 500
series rack(s).
Zero Distortion Technology -
in ampliers was invented by David Blackmer, the
engineering genius of dbx® and founder of Earth-
works®. His goal was to create an amplier which
contributed no audible noise, distortion, or color of
any kind - absolutely pure amplication with nothing added, “Like Wire with Gain.” And he did it! We
proudly present the Earthworks ZDT series of pre-
ampliers for those who wish to hear no unwanted
additives in their amplication.
Many audio engineers have expressed the need for
a preamp with “pure gain” which will allow you to
hear the true characteristics of a microphone and
an artist’s performance. Then, if desired add color
(signal processing or special eects). David Blackmer’s Zero Distortion Technology preamps have incredibly low distortion (less than 1 part per million
(<0.0001%). It’s like having “wire with gain,” meaning pure gain with not color, no distortion, phenomenal headroom and extremely low noise. The 521
ZDT preamps are Class A and made with all discrete
components in the main signal path (no ICs) for unparalleled transparency. The remarkable 521 ZDT
single channel preamps will t into a standard 500
series rack. Let “Pure Gain” start working for you,
and take greater control of your sound.
The Proof is in the Pudding
Many would tell us that our claim of “Like Wire
with Gain” was too bold, and may not stand up to
scrutiny. So, we decided to measure the distortion
of a straight piece of wire on an Audio Precision
Audio Analyzer which is the industry standard for
measuring distortion. We measured the distortion of
the wire and stored it on one trace, then we measured the distortion of a ZDT preamp channel and
stored it on a separate trace. Then we overlaid the
two traces, which can be seen in the graphic above.
The results show that both the wire and the ZDT
preamp have distortion levels so low, that they were
Looking Deeper into the ZDT Preamp
The primary signal path, input to output is fully differential and is balanced all the way through, from
input to output (i.e. no internal conversion to singleended). The gain control for the main signal path is
controlled with a precision stepped gain switch from
5dB to 60dB, in 5dB steps. In addition, there is a
simultaneous front panel t-r-s output with a variable
gain control that allows 20dB of gain variation from
each stepped switch setting. When you change
gain from the main 5dB stepped gain control, 5dB
steps may be too much or too little. The t-r-s output
is controlled by a continuously variable potentiometer on the front panel to provide you the exact level
you desire.
There is a 48-volt phantom power switch with an
accompanying LED indicator and a standby switch
to mute the channel output when desired. A clip in-
dicator shows imminent overload conditions (ring
at 10% below clipping level). There is also a polarity
reversal switch, in addition to a “power on” LED indicator. Follow that up with an impressive frequency
response of 1Hz to 200KHz within + 0.5dB (almost
DC to light). The Earthworks 521 ZDT Zero Distor-
tion Technology preampliers set a new and impressive standard for 500 series preampliers.
More information including complete specications
are on the reverse side of this page.
Earthworks, Inc. • 37 Wilton Rd. • Milford, NH 03055
Phone: (603) 654-2433, ext 114 • Fax: (603) 654-6107
sales@earthworksaudio.com • ea rthworksa udio.com

ZDT the Ultimate in 500 Series Preampliers
Many of today’s sound and recording engineers
choose microphone preampliers for their color
or unique sound. Earthworks takes a dierent approach, in making microphone preampliers which
have “no color” and are “pure” with no unwanted
additives. Also, the noise is extremely low and the
distortion is immeasurable. There are some professionals who want an uncolored microphone pream-
plier that will pass the amplied sound from their
521 ZDT Preamplier Front & Rear Panel Information
Phantom Power
“on” LED indicator
LED Signal Clip
Signal Polarity
Reverse Switch
LED Indicator to indicate
channel is powered “on”
1/4 inch t-r-s output,
controlled by front panel
variable output control.
Will feed balanced or
unbalanced lines.
microphones untainted, uncolored and unaltered.
The Earthworks ZDT preampliers are the perfect
choice for these individuals. The ZDT pre ampliers
will let you hear all of the character and minute detail
of your microphone and the sound it is picking up.
Just pristine! Then you can add any additional color
you desire with signal processing or other enhancements. The sound of the Earthworks ZDT preampliers are “pure” and “transparent” with no added ar-
Phantom Power
on-off switch
Standby Switch
to mute output of
preamp channel
Stepped switch gain control
that uses precision resistors in
5dB increments. This controls
the level of the differential bal-
anced amplier output.
Continuously variable
attenuator adjusts the out-
put level from 0dB to
-20dB with respect to the
setting of the stepped
decibels gain control knob
which feeds the 1/4 inch
t-r-s front panel output
tifacts, no added noise and no added distortion. If it
is a pure signal path you desire, then look no further.
The Earthworks ZDT 521 500 Series preampliers or
our standard rack mount ZDT preampliers are the
masters choice. These preampliers are backed by
a 15-year warranty. You can’t go wrong! Just pick a
521 ZDT module or one of our rack mount models
with the number of channels you require and enter
the world of pristine preamplication.
Rear Panel
Pin 1
Chassis Ground
Pin 2
Output +
Pin 4
Output -
Pin 5
Signal Common
Pin 8
Input -
Pin 10
Pin 12
Pin 13
Power Supply
Pin 14
Pin 15
+48V for
phantom power
Preamp Type:
Number of Channels:
Frequency Response:
Impulse Response:
Input Noise:
Slew Rate:
Output DC Oset:
Input/Output Connector:
Input Impedance:
Front Panel Balanced Out:
37 Wilton Rd. • Milford, NH 03055 • Phone: (603) 654-2433, ext 114 • F ax: (603) 654-6107 • sales@earthworksaudio.com • earthwor ksaudio.com
Solid State
2Hz to 100kHz ±0.1dB, 1Hz to 200kHz ±0.5dB
main out: less than 1ppm (0.0001%); 1/4” out: 0.001%
1.6nVHz½ at 20dB gain; 0.6nV/Hz½ at 60dB gain
-132dBV at 20dB gain; -143dBV at 60dB gain
±1 mV typical, servo balanced.
500 Series EDAC Edge connector
10KΩ phantom on, 100KΩ phantom o
¼” t-r-s Fem. balanced transformerless (variable)
1-500 series rack space 1.5” x 5.25” x 6”
0.8 lb. (0.36kg)