EarthQuaker Devices Levitation OPERATION MANUAL

Have you ever wanted your tone to soar like a majestic eagle in a vast canyon? Perhaps you are a simpler mortal and just want your tone to echo like the cries of a sparrow in a small room... Now you can do both like a champ plus a whole lot more! Welcome to your new Levitation™ reverberation
machine! This Levitation device is a vintage voiced reverb that aims to t somewhere between dirty
sixties chambers, classic spring and the big, ringing plate reverbs of days gone by. Four knobs and one switch control quite a bit more than you’d expect. Want a slap back small room sound? Set all of your controls to the minimum and use the mix to dial in the sound of room devoid of any
thing but a guitar and amp. Want to revel in innite spatial oscillations? Flip the toggle to long, turn up
Length (Toggle)- Broad stroke control for decay time. Shorter to left, longer to the right.
Decay- Controls the length of the reverb decay. Longer clockwise, shorter counter clockwise.
Atmosphere- This is a harmonic regeneration control, it feeds the upper frequencies
of the reverb trails back through to create a more harmonic (ringing) reverb. More atmosphere clockwise, less counter clockwise.
Mix- This controls how much wet signal is blended in with the dry. More reverb clockwise, less counter clockwise.
Tone- This is an input bandwidth control for the reverberated signal. All the way counter clockwise reduces all low end content to make a brighter reverb, turning counter clockwise allows more low end to pass through resulting in a fuller reverberated tone.
Our pedals take a standard 9 volt DC power supply with a 2.1mm negative center barrel. We always
recommend pedal-specic, transformer-isolated wall-wart power supplies or multiple isolated-
output supplies. Pedals will make extra noise if there is ripple or unclean power. Switching-type
power supplies, daisy chains and non-pedal specic power supplies do not lter dirty power as well
and let through unwanted noise. Do not run at higher voltages!
Current draw
This device is true bypass and uses electronic relay based switching. Audio will not pass without power.
Suggested Placement
After all dirt and modulation, before signal boosters and into a clean amp. But, hey, these are only suggestions, ya know? It’s yours now so do as you wish.
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