Subwoofer Placement Guide
Why having two gains on a mono subwoofer is
a good thing?
Often you hear the term “subwoofers are non-directional”;
this is not true subwoofer placement is harder to pick when to
low frequencies are crossed . The wider the room, the more
directional the subwoofer. The easiest solution is to use two
subwoofers in the front: one on the left and a second on the
right. The signal to both is mono. In some applications, users
might have small front speakers or planer speakers. Both
speakers have an early roll off in the sub-harmonics. The
planer needs help from 150Hz on down, having two front
subwoofers placed on the left and the right is a health
solution to this problem.
Two Subs
While having two subwoofers is better than one, the MONO
signal that drives these subwoofers keeps them from
projecting the three dimensional images in the subharmonics. The use of two subwoofers allows you to cross
the sub up to 150 Hz sound quality, imaging and staging. The
two-front-subwoofer-system is an excellent solution to planer
speaker’s low frequency response early roll off. When
locating these subwoofers in a close proximity to the stereo
satellite, the subs will enhance low frequency extention. It
will be better to have a stereo subwoofer to help in the lower
bass notes and their placement.
If a bass Guitar player was standing on the left side of the
stage, and he played an EE note (42Hz) then the right sub will
also respond to that and create havoc on the stage. This can
occur if you only have one single sub in the room and it’s
placed on the right side of the room, while the bass guitar
player is playing his music on the left side of the stage. As
soon as he hits the EE note the sub speaks out on the right
and completely destroys the stage. To give you threedimensional front-end bass that allows you to have a low
frequency dynamic stage, Earthquake designed dual input
circuits that use buffers to maintain your stereo separation on
the processor side while mixing stereo front signals to
produce 3D bass.
Th e blue ar ro w represents th e sub-harmoni c
frequen cies as they mo ve a lways tow ard the
middle in a m ono-t wo-subs - syste m.
The re d ar ro w re present the lows+ the mids+ highs
as they fol low the a ction.
Note the br eakaw ay and the im age sep aration
BETTER / Th is illu stratio n shows d ual subwo ofer wi th mono sig nal
In this illustra tion th e st ereo su bw oofer s keep the
sub - h arm o nic s dyn a mic a l ly s ync h r oni z ed i n
motion wi th the re st of the aud io syst ems.
Fully compl ement ar y su b-har monics to the mids
and the hig hs
BEST / Th is illu stratio n shows d ual subwo ofers w ith stere o+mon o signals
GOOD / This i llust ration sh ows a sin gle subwo ofer se tup
Th e b lue a rro w rep re sen ts th e s ub har mo nic
frequen cies as they m ove always towa rd t he sub in
the singl e sub sys tem.
The red arrow rep resen ts t he l ows+ mids + hi ghs as
they foll ow the ac tion.
Note the br eakaw ay and the im age sep aration .
Best resp onse if t he blue and t he red ar e identic al.
Specific ation s Are Subject To Chan ge Wi thout Noti ce
XJ-600R Subwoofer Power Amplifier