Eago AM128ETL Installation Manual

Installation Instruction of
TS-series Control panel
Safety Information
1. Please read ca re fu ll y and follow all in st ru ct ions when opera ti ng .
2. Qualified ea rt h le ak age circuit-b re ak er m ust be installe d an d tested with tri al j um p to certify the de vi ce i s qu alified and safet y before using th e pr od uc t.
3. To avoid e le ct ri cal shock, the re pl ac in g of the wire must be d on e by the electric al e ng in eer or the retail er. C us to mer could not replace by your se lf .
4. Ground wire of m as sa ge w ater pump and air p um p mu st b e connected to gr ou nd w el l, the minimum si ze c op pe r wire of ground wire must not be le ss t ha n 1.5mm².
5. It is forbid to re mo de l, a dd or take part pro du ct s.
6. Please don't u se t hi s pr oduct after alc oh ol o r dr ugs.
7. The ch il dr en s hall be closely s up er vi sed by parents to u se p ro du ct.
8. All the electri ca l sp ar e parts except th e re mo te c ontrol must be pu t suitable and st ab le t o av oid slip into the t ub .
9. Wa rn ing: the mixed wa te r te mp erature shall n ev er e xc eed 60 degree centig ra de .
10. Don’t use sul ph ur ic a cid, hydrochl or ic a ci d, lye and other mi xe d strong corros iv e ch em ical liquid to cl ea n pr od uct.
11. Th e wa ter pump would be v er y ho t wh en running. Pleas e do n’ t touch the surfa ce o f th e machine to avoid sc al d.
12. The w at er l ev el must be higher t ha n th e je t before turnin g on t he product.
13. Please don’ t dr op a ny thing in or inser t wa te r pu mp and the opening hole of m ac hi ne .The socket pos it io n sh ould be suitabl e.
14. War ning - To preve nt r is k of e lectric shock , pl ea se c onnect the GFCI / RCD (earth l ea ka ge protection dev ic e) s ocket.
15. War ning - To preve nt e le ct ric shock, plea se d o no t co nnect any extension cor d to t he p ow er supply.
16 Caution - plea se u se t he p roduct under th e fo ll ow ing condition : water pressur e is 0 .1 5 ~ 0.40MPa, the grou nd m us t have the ability to supp or t th e es timated load, w at er c an not exceed the overflow leve l, t he w as hroom need to res er ve e no ugh space for proper to handl e th e ov er flow of water.
17. WAR NING - for bathtu b to b e us ed n ormally pleas e do n ot g ra sp the hand wheel dr ai ne r, no zzles, piping , ha nd ra ils, etc.,to ca us e any leakage and o th er p ro blem when unpac ki ng t he p roduct.
Maintenance instruction
1. Clean the acrylic surface:
Clean acrylic surface with cotton flannel or sponge and water in daily life. If there is scratch on the surface, please use No. 1500 water abrasive cloth polishing slightly to clear away scratches, and then polish with toothpaste, cotton flannel. Please don’t use strong caustic chemical liquid, such as sulphuric acid, hydrochloric acid, lye during maintenance.
2. Plated item maintenance:
Clean the surface of plated item with cotton flannel, please don’t use coarse cloth.
3. Suction net cleaning:
Turn the screw out and take the suction net out to clean dirt, to keep the water going through smoothly. Don’t use strong causticity chemical liquid to clean the product, such as sulphuric, hydrochloric acid, lye and so on.
Component Struction Water and wire line instruction diagr am
Wire connectio n diagram for computer b ox
Control panel usage instruction
Tro ubleshooting
Maintenance Card
AM128JDTSZ Component Struction
AM128 Water and wire line instruction diagram
No. Name No. Name
Speaker n et
Skirt pan el
Bottom li gh t
Hand show er h older
Hand show er
Convers io n valve
Thermos ta tic valve
PC board
4CM conve rs ion
Fitting n ut
One way stu ff
1 Inch thre e wa y
1 Inch incl in ed pipe
Lengthe ne d plastic
Wate r pump
Junctio n bo x
PC board cl ip
Stainle ss s teel bracke t
PC board
Stainle ss s teel stuff
Adjusta bl e leg
Back jet
Three way f or d rain
Han d showe r
Fau cet
Lig ht
Dra in
Con trol pa nel
Install at ion Ins tr uction 02
+ 6 hidden pages