Product Announcement
Foodservice Equipment • Material Handling, Healthcare & Cleanroom Equipment • Retail Display
Soft Goods
for Retail Display
Item #:
Model #:
Project #:
SIS #:
• Utilizes Stand-Outs™ decorative
shelving and posts.
• Standard color is red and includes 3
shelves, one display arm, two hanger
rails and two etageres for signage.
• Options include your choice of finish
(samples on the right), display hooks,
additional shelves, hanger tubes and
decorative casters.
• 64˝ tall with standard adjustable feet.
w x l model# list
24˝ x 24˝ SGD2424R $342
soft goods display shown
with optional display hook
Call for more information on Stand-outs™ custom colors,
quantity and price break quotations.
Spec sheets available for viewing, printing or downloading from our online literature librar
MHC/Retail Display Divisions: (800) 637-5100
FAX: (302) 653-2065
100 Industrial Boulevard • Clayton, DE 19938-8903 USA • (302) 653-3000 • www.eaglegrp.com
Eagle Foodser
vice Equipment, Eagle MHC, SpecFab, and Retail Display are divisions of Eagle Group. ©2007 by the Eagle Group
vice Division: (800) 441-8440
y at
For custom configuration or fabrication needs,
contact our SpecF
Phone: (302) 653-3000. F
E-mail: specfab@eaglegrp.com
AB Division.
AX: (302) 653-3091.
EG8084 Rev. 3/07