Specification Sheet
Catalog Specification Sheet No.
Item No.:
Project No.:
S.I.S. No.:
Short Form Specifications
Overall cart dimension 31
end-load models. Overall cart dimension of 21
length for side-load models. Full height model, in front- or
end-load models, allows for 30 trays. Half height model, in
front- or end-load models, allows for 20 trays. 5˝-diameter
50 shore A polyurethane wheels. Optional conductive split
sleeves and grounding cables provide ESD characteristic. Front
and back tray locks.
half size, end load model
with optional drag chain
⁄4˝ width x 215⁄8˝ length for
and ESD trays
⁄8˝ width x 313⁄4˝
Electronic Vibration
Dampening Tray Carts
Design and Construction Features
• Provides maximum benefits in vibration transfer, ESD
safety, and cost.
• Aluminum split sleeves.
• Wire shelves, posts, push handles, and locks are
• Vibration transfer is dramatically reduced via polyurethane
50 shore A casters with expander stems, 5˝ (127mm)diameter, swivel, two with brake.
• Aluminum split sleeves and an optional grounding device
(ESD grounding cable or anti-static drag chain) make carts
• Front and rear locks to ensure product safety.
• End- and side-load units available.
• Full height and half height units available.
• Half height models feature push handles.
Electronic Vibration Dampening Tray Carts
Options / Accessories
ESD Tray
ESD Grounding Cable
Anti-Static Drag Chain
100 Industrial Boulevard, Clayton, DE 19938-8903 USA
Phone: 302-653-3000 • Fax: 302-653-2065
Foodservice Division: Phone 800-441-8440
MHC/Retail Display Divisions: Phone 800-637-5100
For custom configuration or fabrication needs, contact our SpecFAB®Division.
Phone: 302-653-3000 • Fax: 302-653-3091 • e-mail: specfab@eaglegrp.com
Spec sheets available for viewing, printing or downloading from our online literature library at www.eaglegrp.com
Eagle Foodservice Equipment, Eagle MHC, SpecFAB®, and Retail Display are divisions of Eagle Group. ©2008 by the Eagle Group
EG07.04 Rev. 12/08

Electronic Vibration Dampening Tray Carts
Catalog Specification Sheet No.
Item No.:
Project No.:
S.I.S. No.:
––––––––overall dimensions–––––––– sliding full size
width length height weight space pan
model # description in. mm in. mm in. mm lbs. kg in. mm capacity
ETCE20-Z end load, half height 313⁄4˝ 807 215⁄8˝ 543 493⁄8˝ 1254 80 36.3 13⁄4˝ 45 20
ETCE30-Z end load, full height 31
ETCS20-Z side load, half height 215⁄8˝ 543 313⁄4˝ 807 493⁄8˝ 1254 80 36.3 13⁄4˝ 45 20
ETCS30-Z side load, full height 215⁄8˝ 543 313⁄4˝ 807 623⁄8˝ 1584 97 44.0 13⁄4˝ 45 30
Electronic Vibration Dampening Tray Carts
⁄4˝ 807 215⁄8˝ 543 623⁄8˝ 1584 97 44.0 13⁄4˝ 45 30
Options for Electronic Tray Carts
ESD Grounding Cable
Provides greater dependability on
mobile units. Replaces conductive
casters when used with conductive
split sleeves. Easily installed.
model #
Anti-Static Drag Chain
16˝ (406mm) long. Used for
conductive applications.
model #
100 Industrial Boulevard, Clayton, DE 19938-8903 USA
Phone: 302-653-3000 • Fax: 302-653-2065
Foodservice Division: Phone 800-441-8440
©2008 by Eagle Group
MHC/Retail Display Divisions: Phone 800-637-5100
Spec sheets available for viewing, printing or downloading from our online literature library at www.eaglegrp.com
Although every attempt has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information provided, we cannot be held responsible for
typographical or printing errors. Information and specifications are subject to change without notice. Please confirm at time of order.
Printed in U.S.A.
Rev. 12/08