No loss of suction. No awkward moves.
Range brochure
Dyson supporting
“We look at every detail: how machines move,
how people use them, how to reduce raw
materials while staying strong. The priority
is always the same – improvement.”
Inventor of cyclone vacuum technology
Over 35 years of invention
19 74
While renovating,  James designs  the Ballbarrow. A  wheelbarrow with a  load-spreading ball  that stops it sinking  into the mud.
Dual Cyclone™ technology
Dual Cyclone™  technology and DC01,  the first vacuu m with  no loss of suction.
Dyson cyclone  technology is  developed to fit the  shape of a barrel  vacuum. Within 14  months, it’s the UK’s  best-selling barrel.
Radix Cyclone™ technology
Dyson develops Radix  Cyclone™ technology.  Dust and dirt is now  captured from the  airflow using eight  cyclones .
Ball™ technology
No more wheels.  DC15 rides on a  ball to steer without  the awkward moves  of conventional  vacuums. 
Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer
The Dyson Airblade™  hand dryer uses  640km/h sheets of  air, scraping water  from hands in just   10 seconds. 
Radix Cyclone™ technology + intermediary cyclone
Improved cyclone  technology includes an  intermediary cyclone,  to capture even more  microscopic dust than  any other cyclone.  
Dyson digital motor
The Dyson digital  motor is smaller than  conventional motors,  yet it spins up to  104,000rp m – five  times fast er than a  racing car engine.
DC31 Handheld
The next generation  of Dyson handhelds,   powered by the  Dyson digital mot or.  It’s the most powerful  handheld.
Air Multiplier™ technology
The Dyson Air  Multiplier™ fan   with no blades.  Air is amplified 15  times, giving an  uninterrupted stream  of smooth air.
Dyson Digital Slim™
Dyson Ball™ barrel vacuum
2010 2011
The Dyson Digital  Slim™ vacuum  cleaner has twice the  suction of any other  lightweight cordless  vacuum cleaner - and  it doesn’t lose suction.
Turns on the spot. The  only barrel vacuum  cleaner with a central  steering mechanism -   for greater cont rol.
The Dyson Airblade™hand dryer was awarded the Carbon Reduction Label from the Carbo n Trust and Planet Ark for the product ’s life cycle me asurement and communicatio n of total greenhouse   gas emissions released, along with a commitment to further reduce these emissions in the next t wo years. The Aust ralian Inte rnational Design Award™ is the in d ependent symbol of product design excellence. It represents that this produc t has been assessed by an independent pane l of Australian and  interna tional design experts who re commend that Standards Aus tralia endorse it as an example of desig n excellenc e. Australian International Design Awards. A divisio n of Standards Austr alia.
Other vacuum cleaners lose suction
Bagless vacuum cleaners lose suction.
Although they might look similar to one another, many   other bagl ess vacuum cleaners have inefficient cyc lones.  They captur e less dirt than others so rely on filt ers to trap   it instead. Just like bag s, these disposable filters clog   during use causing suction to drop.
Bagged vacuum cleaners can lose suction too.
James Dyson developed vacuum cyclone technology  because bagged vacuum cleaners lose suction.   When you use them, pores in the bag clog wi th   dust causing suction to dro p.
Dyson cyclone technology doesn’t lose suction
With a Dyson vacuum cleaner there’s no loss of suction.
Dyson vac uum cleaners don’t have bags and don’t rely on filters.  Dyson cyclone technology generates forces up to 100,000G   to separate even microscopic particl es from the airflow.   So there’s no loss of suction.
Captures more dirt than any other cyclone
Dyson has been continually refining cyclone technology since inventing it more than 20 years ago.
Radial Cyclone™ technology has been developed with remodelled airflows to maximise suction. Improved flow efficiency reduces turbulence and preserves air pressure, so more microscopic particles are extracted by the inner cyclones. These refinements help remove more dirt, dust, allergens and pet hair from the home.
Cyclone gaskets
The airtight seals within the cyclone  assembly are made from materials  designed to maintain high pressure  differentials.
Self-inflating seal
Maintai ns pressure difference   in cyclone chambers.
Inner cyclones
A symmetrical array of smaller  cyclones generate centrifugal forces,  extracting microscopic particles down  to 0.5 microns in size, including mould  spores and bacteria.
The design means t he outer  cyclone captures debris allowing  refinement of the i nner cyclone to  remove fine dust.
Vortex fingers
Guide air from inner cyclones,  reducing turbulence and noise.
Sand Pollen Allergens Bacteria
Dust and fluff
Outer cyclone
Dirty air is spu n around a vertical  axis, generating centrifugal forc es  that fling larger debris and hai r  from the airflow into the bin.
Hair and dirt
Choosing the right Dyson vacuum cleaner
Here’s a few things to consider when choosing a new   Dyson vacuum cleaner:
Type of clean
• For the main clean, cho ose a barrel    or upright vacuum that best suits  
  your house size
• For quick, in-between cleans,     a handstick is ideal
•  For spot cleans, choose a handheld
Type of floor
• Di fferent heads are designed fo r       improved pick-up on different surfaces
• A turbine or motorised head provides     high pick-up on carpets
• A ha r d floor tool improves pick-up on     hard floors and tiles
Allergy sufferers
• All Dyson Uprights and Barrels are     accepted by the National Asthma      Council Australia
• Dyson HEPA machines capture more     microscopic particles 
• Dyson Allergy models have a mattress     tool to remove dust mite faeces  
Size of house
• A full size vacuum cleaner is best      suited to family homes
• For villas or apartments, a medium     size vacuum cleaner is ideal
• In small studio s or one bedroom flats,     choose a compact vacuum cleaner
Pet hair removal
• Dyson turbine or motorhead models     are best for homes with pets
• Dyson Animal models have an extra     tool to remove pet hair from upholstery
• Consider the Groom tool accessory     for mess-free grooming of your dog
• Dyson Ball™ Barrels pivot on the spot     and follow without the awkward moves
•  Dyson Ball™ Uprights steer smoothly     with the turn of the wrist, manoeuvring     easily around furniture, obstacles and     into difficult places
Large - for family homes
Large - for family homes
Medium - for villas and apartments
Medium - for villas and apartments
Small - for studios and one bedroom flats
Small - for studios and one bedroom flats
For spot cleans
For in-between cleans
No loss of suction. No awkward moves.
Radial Cyclone™ technology
Remodelled airflows maximise suction.
Ball™ technology
Turns on the spot. The only barrel   vacuum cleaner with a central steering  mechanism – for greater control.
Ball engineering
The ball houses many of the major vacuum cleaner components: motor, polycarbonate air ducts and cable. This lowers the centre of gravity, making the machine easy to control.
Integrated air duct
Airflow reaches the motor  efficiently, with minimal loss  of airspeed and energy.
Cable rewind system
Positioned for balanced weight  distribution.
Centralised motor
Locat ed at the bottom   of the ball to lower the   centre of gravity.
Axle bearings
Bearings in the axle reduce  friction, enabling the ball   to rotate smoothly.
Vibration isolation mounts
Suspending the motor and   motor housing transmits less  motor noise and vibra tion.
Ball underside
The ball’s smooth surface means  it doesn’t dig into carpet pile.
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