This Quick Start Setup guide can be used by experienced instrumentation technicians to configure the
Transmitter using the Zero and Span actuators or via the optional HART Communications. For more
detailed information please consult the complete manual before operating. The Quick Start procedure
with HART is designed for users already familiar with the use of the HART Communicator and loop
powered instrumentation.
1. Insure the process connection is clear of any debris and is machined to the proper dimensions.
nstall unit into the process connection. (Do NOT torque transmitter into the hole at this time!)
Allow time for the transmitter temperature to equalize to the process temperature. This w
elp eliminate thread galling and ease removal later. There should be NO pressure applied at
this time.
2. Connect power to the transmitter. For conduit output configurations, Red wire is Sig+/Exc +,
Black wire is Sig-/Exc-, Green wire is Ground. For a 6 pin connector version, Pin A is Sig+/Exc+
and pin B is Sig-/Exc-. Insure proper loop supply voltage is applied to transmitter.
3.After temperatures have equalized, tighten transmitter.
4.Perform Zero Function
• D
o not remove seal screws when the circuit is live in a hazardous area
• Remove zero pushbutton seal screw
• Using a 2mm or smaller Allen key, depress the pushbutton for a ½ second
• Release pushbutton for a ½ second
• Depress the pushbutton again for a ½ second and release
5. Verify loop output is zero (4 mA).
6. Replace the Seal Screw.
•Seal screws must remain in place to retain Explosion Proof
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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ollow Steps 1 through 3 from Quick Start Using Push Buttons.
1. F
2. Connect Communicator to the loop. If unsure on how to do this, refer to “Connecting the HART
Handheld Communicator” (Figure 6-1).
3. Power on HART Communicator. See HART Command tree on the following page for reference.
4. From the Main Menu:
a. Enter Tag (Quick Key 1, 3, 1)
b. Set Pressure Units (Quick Key 1, 3, 2), if required
c.Set URV (Quick Key 1, 3, 3, 2) if output turndown (rescaling), is required
d. Perform Zero Trim (Quick Key 1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 1)
5. Verify loop output is zero (4mA).
6.Remove HART Communicator from loop.
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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1 Device Setup1 Proc ess1 PV Pres1
Alrms & WrningsEEPROM Fai lure
Variabl es2 Pv % rngeGage Fail ure
3 PV AO2 Max. Press ureWatchdog Error
4 TV Snout tempPushbutton Stuck
5 TV % rnge3 Max. Ele ctronics Low Voltage
6 TV A O Tempe ratureOutside URV LRV
7 SV Elect temp4 Max. Snout TempCurrent S IM ON
2 Diag/Se rvice1 Device S tatus1 Pressure1 Rer ange1 Enter values1 PV LRV
2 Apply values2 PV URV
2 Self Test2 Temperatu re2 Trim analog 3 PV USL
output1 Zero trim4 PV LSL
3 Master reset3 Recall Fact. Trim3 Se nsor trim2 Lower Sensor Tri m
2 PV Pres3 Upper Sen sor Trim
4 Loop testpsi4 Rcal
bar1 Rcal Set
5 Calibrationkg/S qcm
%1 Temperatu re1 Temp Ove rrideDisable
6 Restore MPa Overri deEnable
Factory De faultsKPa2 Trim analog2 Tem p Overrid e
Output Value
3 Basi c Set up1 T ag1 PV LRV
2 PV URV1 PV Pres
2 PV Unit3 TV LR V2 PV % rgne
3 Range valu es5 PV LSL4 TV Snout temp2 PV URV
6 PV USL5 TV % r nge3 PV USL
3 TV Snout4 Dev ice7 TV LSL6 TV AO4 P V LSL
Temp Information8 TV USL7 SV Elect temp
5 PV Damp
1 Date1 Enter values
4 Detailed1 Signal condition2 Des criptor2 Apply values
Setup3 Message
2 Output conditionpsi
1 Process v ariable sbar
3 Field Device
PV Min span1 PV Pres
PV Damp1 Proce ss variabl es2 PV % rgn e
PV % rn ge3 PV A P
PV Xfer fnctn2 Analog output4 TV Sno ut temp
PV Rnge unit5 TV % rn ge
PV URV3 HART output6 TV A O1 Enter values1 PV LRV
PV LRV7 SV Elect temp2 PV URV
Lower Tri m Point V …Hi2 Apply value s3 PV USL
Upper Trim Point V…1 PV AOLo4 PV LSL
TV C2 TV A OHold last out value
TV US L3 PV AO Alrm typ
TV LSL4 Loop test1 Pressure1 Rerang e1 Zero tri m
TV % rn ge5 Calibration2 Lower Sensor
TV Rnge unit2 Te mperature2 Trim AO Trim
TV UR V1 Poll addr3 Upper Sensor
TV LRV2 Num req preams3 Recall Fact. Trim3 Sensor t rim Trim
Write protect3 Burst mode
Tag4 Burst optionOff4 Rcal1 Rcal Set
Descrip tor1 TagOn
Message2 DateDisableNo t used1 Tem p1 Te mpDisable
Date3 Descript orEnableNone Overri de OverrideEnable
Unive rsal rev4 MessageStdUnknown2 Trim AO
Fld dev rev5 Mo de lZero trimSpcl2 Tem p
Softw are rev6 Local Pushbuttons Overri de Val
Hardware re v7 Revision #'s1 Univers al revPV
8 Final asmbly num2 Fld dev rev% ran ge/current
9 Dev id3 Softw are revProce ss vars/crnt
enu Tree
OTE: Above is the Menu Tree for the latest Device Descriptor. For units with software revision < 100
refer to Appendix 2 for appropriate Menu Tree.
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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Table of Contents
1 GENERAL …………………………………………………………………………….6
2 NOTES ON SAFETY ...................................................................... 11
3 TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................ 16
DYNISCO CONTACT INFORMATION .......................................... 56
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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This manual applies to the SPX industrial pressure product family only (SPX228/SPX538). The SPX melt
pressure family is covered in a separate manual. This manual must be kept near the equipment in a
readily and immediately accessible location at all times. The content of this manual must be read,
understood and followed in its entirety. This applies in particular to the notes on safety. Following the
safety instructions will help to prevent accidents, defects and malfunctions.
DYNISCO will not be held liable for any injury, loss or damage resulting from failure to follow the
instructions in this manual.
If the product malfunctions, in spite of having followed the operating instructions, please contact
customer service from our website:
Copyright law requires that this manual be used for intended purposes only.
It is strictly forbidden to allow reproduction of any kind “in whole or in part” to persons outside of
Dynisco, without approval from Dynisco.
HART is a registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation.
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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The manual uses icons to indicate information pertaining to safety:
Risk of destruction or damage to equipment, machines or installations
General danger to life or limb
Specific danger to life or limb
Related to ATEX/Intrinsic Safety requirements
Related to Factory Mutual Approval requirements
Related to Safety Integrity and Performance Level Applications
The safety instructions are provided again in the individual sections of the manual.
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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The following abbreviations are used:
BSL Best Straight Line
DD Device Descriptor
EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
FS Full Scale
HART Highway Addressable Remote Transducer
LRV Lower Range Value
PT Pressure Transmitter
PV Primary Variable (Pressure)
SV Secondary Variable (Electronics Temperature)
URV Upper Range Value
Watchdog An internal monitor for the electronics
The mechanical system consists of a gaged diaphragm. One side of the diaphragm is in direct contact
with the fluid media (gas or liquid) while a strain gage element in the configuration of a Wheatstone
bridge is bonded to the backside.
The deflection of the diaphragm causes a change in the resistance of the strain gage and hence a change
in the balance of the bridge. The amount of imbalance is directly proportional to the applied pressure.
This completes the translation of pressure applied to the diaphragm into a usable electrical signal.
The low level output signal from the bridge is amplified via an instrumentation amp circuit. The
amplified signal then goes to the input of the analog-to-digital (A/D) converter.
Once the microprocessor has the converted voltage input from the A/D converter, the digital signal is
sent to a digital-to-analog (D/A) converter which modulates the current of the unit’s power supply
between 4 and 20 mA for an output current proportional to the applied pressure.
Figure 1-1 Block Diagram of Operation
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When using an SPX as a safety component in accordance with the EC Machine Directive, Annex IIc, the
equipment manufacturer must take any necessary precautions to ensure that malfunction of the PT
cannot cause damage or injury.
For explosive gas the installation of the device must be in accordance with European installation
guidelines EN 60079-14 for explosive gas atmospheres. Over voltage protection shall be implemented as
mentioned in EN 60079-14.
When planning machinery and using one of the units from the SPX Family, follow the safety and accident
prevention regulations that apply to your application, such as:
•EN 60204, Electrical equipment in machines
•EN 12100, Machine safety, general design guidelines
•DIN 57 100 Part 410, Protection against electric shock
•EN 60079-0
•EN 60079-11 Intrinsically Safe Apparatus
•EN 60079-25 Special Requirements for Group II Category 1G
The operator or owner of the larger overall system, e.g. a machine, is responsible for following the
safety and accident prevention regulations that apply to the specific application.
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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he operator or owner of the larger overall system is responsible for following the safety and accident
prevention regulations that apply to the specific application.
DYNISCO will not be held liable for any injury, loss or damage resulting from failure to follow the
instructions in this manual.
The SPX is an ESD sensitive component. Electrostatic discharge may damage the SPX. Take ESD
Electrical shock can result in death or serious injury. Avoid contact with the leads and terminals. High
voltage that may be present on leads can cause electrical shock.
Mounting and electrical connection of the PT must be done by specialists with EMC training, following
all applicable regulations, and in pressure-less, voltage-free, intrinsically safe condition with the
machine switched off. The machine must be secured against being switched back on!
EMC/CE Compliant Connection
Earth the machine section with the process connections for the SPX in accordance with regulations. The
SPX must be connected to earth via the process connection.
Connect the shield of the connecting cable on both sides, making sure it conducts with full and
continuous contact.
When introducing the connecting cable into an EMC compliant switch cabinet, for example, connect the
shield correctly (cable gland, conducting, full contact, and continuous) to the conductive housing or
route it via a built-in cable connector that is also connected to the conductive housing. Connect unused
cable cores or free cable ends correctly to the cable shield on both sides.
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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The SPX can be used in me
dia temperatures up to +85°C (based on configuration). If the pressure
transmitter is used in other applications, the safety and accident prevention regulations specific to that
application must be followed. Ambient temperature for the electronics housing is +85°C maximum in
areas that are not classified as hazardous.
Higher temperatures can result in damage and malfunction. Do not install the pressure transmitter in
places where these temperatures are exceeded.
Use in Hazardous Classified Areas
veral configurations of the SPX are designed and approved for use in hazardous classified areas. Units
intended for installation in these areas must bear the applicable approval agency label.
The SPX is specially designed for measuring pressure in explosive gas atmospheres for Zone 0 under
safety class II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6/T4 (T6, Ta = -20 to + 50°C; T4, Ta = -20 to + 85°C). The SPX is also approved
for hazardous gas area Zone 1 under safety class II 2 G Ex ia IIC T6/T4 (T6, Ta = -20 to + 60°C; T4, Ta = -20
to + 85°C).
The maximum T
(medium temperature) for temperature class T6 is +60°C and for T4 is +85°C. The
medium temperature for the SPX is defined as the temperature of the pressure transmission fluid below
the measuring diaphragm (See Figure 1-1). This temperature can be verified by measuring the surface
temperature at the base of the electronics housing.
For category 1 (Zone 0) installations, care must be taken to avoid the danger of ignition due to
electrostatic discharges (ESD). The chance for static build up on the cable surface during normal
conditions of use, maintenance and cleaning must be eliminated. Install the cable in an appropriate
conduit or use some other cable reliable installation technique to avoid static electricity at the cable
The free length of the cable must be below 5 cm. If metallic conduits are used they need to be
rounded. If nonmetallic conduits are used they need to be antistatic (< 1G Ohm/cm
The housing shall be connected reliably to the local equipotential bonding system.
Those variants that include the material aluminum shall be installed in such a way that sparking as a
sult of impact or friction between aluminum and steel is excluded. Impact or friction between
aluminum and stainless steel is allowed if the existence of rust particles can be excluded.
For application as Category-1-E
conductive coating (R
surface < 10
quipment the connecting cable shall be equipped with a suitable
Ω) to avoid possible electrostatic charge.
After installation before operating the device the user must check that the complete
installation and wiring is intrinsically safe. Care must be taken that the power source is a
certified apparatus.
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Deviation of the supply voltage from the value given in the technical specifications, or reverse polarity,
can damage the pressure transmitter and cause malfunctions that can pose a risk of explosion. Operate
only with an intrinsically safe, EMC compliant power supply with the following specifications when
employing the pressure 4-20 mA output:
Supply Voltage max. Uo = 30 V
DC Current Output max. Io = 100 mA
Power max. Po = 0.750 W
The specified values of Lo and Co for the power supply need to be greater than Ci + Ccable and Li +
Internal Inductance Li < 40 µH
Internal Capacitance Ci < 4.5 nF
If the transmitter is installed in hazardous areas, only passive devices like switches or resistors may be
connected between the RCAL+ and RCAL- signals. Connection of any active electronic circuits or voltage
or current sources is not allowed.
Certain configurations of the SPX are also designed for use in hazardous areas as Explosion-proof and
Dust Ignition-proof by Factory Mutual for Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C & D, and Class II, III, Division
1, Groups E, F & G.
For SPX units that are explosion-proof approved for Class I, Division 1, Groups A, B, C & D the power
supply rating is 13-30 Vdc.
Additional Comments:
1) Do not remove the transmitter push-button seal screws in explosive environments when the circuit
is live.
2) Transmitter push-button seal screws must be fully engaged to meet Explosion-proof requirements.
3) Before connecting a HART handheld communicator in an explosive atmosphere, make sure the
instruments in the loop are installed in accordance with intrinsically safe or non-incendive field wiring
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2.1 SAFETY integrity and performance level applications
User’s obligations
The operator or owner of the larger overall system, e.g. a machine, is responsible for following the
safety and accident prevention regulations that apply to the specific application.
Intended Use
See Certificate in section 9.4
Safety Function
See Certificate in section 9.4
For units with the optional monitoring channel (Guardian Series, Option Code = GCxxx):
Under normal operating conditions the relay contacts are closed. In the event that a failure is detected
the relay contacts open. Detectable failures include:
1) Loss of Power
2) Open Gage
3) Input over a predefined (customer selectable at time of order) threshold
The Guardian Series transducer has been designed to provide a protective measure. This has been done
by the avoidance and control of systematic and random failures.
This product will:
Measure the pressure and provide a safety relay output. Since this is being used to perform a protective
measure, this sensor should only be used for monitoring the pressure and not controlling the process.
Best practices declare that safety and control must be independent from each other.
The Guardian Series transducer detects many hardware failures including an open or short in the
measuring gage and if there is an overpressure condition. If any of these failures occur, the output relay
will open. It is the user’s responsibility to connect this relay to the system in such a way that when this
relay opens, it brings the system to a safe state.
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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This fault state is not latched. It is up to the user to latch this error if desired.
Recommended practices
This Guardian Series transducer must be installed in such a way that the opening of the
output relay will bring the system to a safe state. In this safe state the instrument that is
monitoring the pressure should be left operational.
This error indication is not latched. If it is necessary to latch the error until it is manually
reset, this is the user’s responsibility.
At startup and on a periodic basis the safety system should be tested to ensure proper
operation. This will require applying a pressure to the Guardian Series transducer that is
over the safe level but less than the maximum pressure. Verify that the protective measure
is initiated to take the machine to a safe operating condition.
Use of qualified personnel
The product may only be assembled, installed, configured, commissioned, operated and
maintained by persons with proven skills. Persons with proven skills are suitably
experienced to operate devices, systems, plant and machinery in accordance with the
general standards and guidelines for safety technology.
It is the user’s responsibility only to employ personnel who:
•Are familiar with the basic regulations concerning health and safety and accident prevention
•Have read and understood the safety guidelines given in this description
•Have a good knowledge of the generic and specialist s ta nd a rds applicable to the specific application
Connecting Safety Relay
Relay specs: Maximum switching voltage: 200Vdc; Maximum switching current: 0.5A
Device pinout
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Pressure Reference
Hazardous Area Classification
Process Connections
Electrical Connections
Wiring Connections
Option Code
Pressure Range
+/- 0.25%
Gage Pressure (PSI)
1/8-27 NPTF Internal
PT02A-10-6P Connector
Standard Wiring
Option Code
4-20mA HART Comms
AA 0
e exact meanings of the letter/digit combinations are given in the corresponding sections of this
1) Review section 3.4 Performance Characteristics for accuracy definition and details.
2) Review “Notes on Safety” (Chapter 2) before installation in Hazardous locations.
3) Certain models are not available in some configurations.
4) For other process connections please consult factory.
5) Other approved ranges may exist, please consult factory.
6) Transmitters are available with certain approved option codes. Please consult factory for list of
approved options.
Please see “Notes on Safety” (Chapter 2.)
P/N: 974153 | Rev: 072016 | ECO: 46503
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Accuracy (% of
15 – 72,500 PSI
+/- 0.50
15 – 72,500 PSI
+/- 0.25
5 – 10,000 PSI
+/- 0.15
5-25 psi, w/ overload stop
10 x range
50-750 psi, w/ overload stop
5 x range
250 – 30,000 psi
1.5 x range
Greater than 30,000 psi
1.2 x range
250 psi
10 x range
500-3,000 psi
5 x range
5,000 – 10,000 psi
3 x range
15,000 – 30,000 psi
2.5 x range
40,000 – 60,000 psi
1.5 x range
Accuracy is defined as combined error expressed as a percentage of full scale (% F.S.) output based
on the following standard configurations/conditions:
1) Best Straight Line % F.S. as per ISA-37.3
2) +20°C ambient electronics
*Consult factory for non-standard configurations.
±0.035% full scale @ 50% F.S. (average resolution)
± 0.10% of full scale
20 Hz [-3db]
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