DYNEX MAS17503LL, MAS17503LD, MAS17503LC, MAS17503LB, MAS17503FS Datasheet

The MA17503 Interrupt Unit is a component of the MAS281 chip set. Other chips in the set include MA17501 Execution Unit and the MA17502 Control Unit. Also available is the peripheral MA31751 Memory Management/Block Protection Unit. The lnterrupt Unit, in conjunction with these additional chips, implements the full MIL-STD-1750A Instruction Set Architecture.
The MA17503 - consisting of the Pending Interrupt Register, Mask Register, Interrupt Priority Encoder, Fault Register, Timer A, Timer B, Trigger-Go Counter, Bus Fault Timer, and DMA interface - handles all interrupt fault, and DMA interfacing, in addition to providing all three hardware timers. The Interrupt Unit also implements 26 of the MIL-STD-1750A specified l/O commands. Table 1 provides brief signal definitions.
The MA17503 is offered in dual-in-line, flatpack or leadless chip carrier packaging. Screening and packaging options are described at the end of this document.
Mil-Std-1750A Instruction Set Architecture
Full Performance over Military Temperature Range (-55°C
to +125°C)
Radiation Hard CMOS/SOS Technology
Interrupt Handler
• 9 User Interrupt Inputs
• Pending Interrupt Register
• Interrupt Mask Register
• Interrupt Priority Encoder
Fault Handler
• 8 User Faults Inputs
• Fault Register
• Timer A
• Timer B
DMA Interface
Interface Discretes
• Normal Power-Up
• Start-Up ROM Enable
• Configuration Word Enable
Implements 26 MIL-STD-1750A Specified l/O Commands
MAS281 Integrated Built-ln Self Test
TTL Compatible System Interface
Radiation Hard MIL-STD-1750A Interrupt Unit
Replaces June 1999 version, DS3566-4.0 DS3566-5.0 January 2000
The MA17503 Interrupt Unit (IU) is a component of the GPS MAS281 chip set. This chip set implements the full MIL-STD­1750A instruction set architecture. Other chips in the set include the MA17501 Execution Unit (EU) and MA17502 Control Unit (CU). Also available is the peripheral MA31751 Memory Management Unit/Block Protection Unit (MMU(BPU)). Figure 1 depicts the relationship between the chip set components.
The IU provides the interrupt and fault handling interfaces for the chip set. The IU also provides the DMA control interface logic, contains interval Timers A and B, the Trigger-Go Counter, the Bus Fault Timeout timer, and decodes all MIL­STD-1750A specified l/O commands in support of these functions. The EU provides the arithmetic and logical computation resources for the chip set. The EU and IU are each controlled by microcode from the CU. The MMU(BPU) may be configured to provide either 1M-word memory management (MMU) and/or 1K-word memory block write protection (BPU) functions.
As shown in Figure 1, the MAS281 is the minimum processor configuration consisting of an Execution Unit, a Control Unit, and an Interrupt Unit. This configuration is capable of accessing a 64K-word address space. Addition of a MMU configured MA31751 allows access to a 1M-word address space. Addition of a BPU configured MA31751 provides hardware support for 1K-word memory block write protection.
The IU, as with all components of the MAS281 chip set, is fabricated with CMOS/SOS process technology.
Detailed descriptions of the lUs companion chips are provided in separate data sheets. Additional discussions on chip set system considerations, interconnection details, and Digital Avionics Instruction Set (DAIS) mix benchmarking analysis are provided in separate application notes.
AD00 - AD15 I/O/Z 16-Bit Address/Data Bus M04, M05, M06 I 3 Bits of the Mlcrocode Instruction
INTREN I Interrupt Unit Microcode Interface
Enable DMAKN O DMA Request Acknowledge DMAE O DMA Interface Enable DMARN I DMA Request M/ION I Memory/lnput-Output DSN I Data Strobe SYNCLKN I Synchronisation Clock IRDYN O Interrupt Unit Ready DDN O Data Transceiver Dlrection Control CDN O Control Bus Transceiver Direction
Control SYSFN I System Fault FLT7N I Fault 7 (Undefined Fault) PIOXEN I Programmed I/O Transfer Error EXADEN I External Address Error DMAPEN I DMA Parity Error PIOPEN I Programmed I/O Parity Lrror MPEN I Memory Parity Error MPROEN I Memory Protection Error ILLADN O Illegal Address PIFN O Instruction Abort PWRDN I Power-Down Interrupt INT02N I Level 2 Interrupt INT08N I Level 8 Interrupt INT10N I Level 10 Interru pt INT11N I Level 11 Interrupt IOI1N I I/O Register Interrupt 1 INT13N I Level 13 Interrupt IOI2N I I/O Register Interrupt 2 INT15N I Level 15 Interrupt OV1N I Fixed-Point Overflow Interrupt IRN O Interrupt Request TCLK I Clock for Tlmers A and B TGCLK I Trigger Go Timer Clock DTIMERN I Disable Timers DTON I Disable Bus-Fault Timeout TGON O Trigger-Go Timer Overflow NPlJ O Normal Power-up Indicator SURE O Start-up ROM Enable CONFWN O Configuration Word Enable HLDAKN I Hold Acknowledge MSTOPN I Microcode Stop PAUSE O Processor Pause VDD I Power GND I Ground
Table 1: Signal Definitions
The Interrupt Unit consists of a Pending Interrupt Register, Mask Register, Interrupt Priority Encoder, Fault Register, two interval timers, two watchdog timers, DMA Control interface, and both microcode and internal I/O instruction decode logic. Details of these components are depicted in Figure 2 and are discussed below:
The Pending Interrupt Register (Pl) is the dedicated 16-bit register that latches all pending interrupt requests and stores them until serviced. The inputs to the Pl are buffered by falling­edge detectors to prevent repeat latching of interrupt requests held low longer than required. The Pl supports nine external interrupts inputs and seven chip set generated interrupts. The output of the Pl is ANDed with the Mask Register to create the interrupt request (IRN) signal for the MA17502 Control Unit. A one in a Pl bit position indicates an interrupt is pending and the interrupt level is equal to the bit position.
The Mask Register (MK) is the dedicated 16-bit register containing the information that filters the Pl output to the Priority Encoder and the IRN generation logic. A one in a MK bit position allows the interrupt request, of the same bit position in the Pl, to enter the Priority Encoder and cause IRN to drop low. Pl bits 1 - 4 and 6 - 15 are maskable.
The Interrupt Priority Encoder accepts the enabled, mask filtered, output of the Pl and generates a four bit code designating the level of the highest priority pending interrupt. Level zero (Pl bit zero) has the highest priority and level 15 (Pl bit 15) the lowest. The four bit priority code is placed on the AD Bus during the microcoded interrupt handling routine.
The Fault Register (FT) is the dedicated 16-bit register that latches the 15 specified (fault 12 is reserved) faults. The FT supports eight external Fault inputs and three chip-set generated Faults. The output of the FT is ORed together, buffered by a falling-edge detector, and input to the Pl to generate the level one interrupt. FT bits 13 - 15 are used to indicate the results of the MAS281 BlT. Once the FT has latched a fault, it can only be cleared via internal l/O command (individual fault bits cannot be cleared).
Figure 1
Figure 2: MA17503 Interrupt Unit Architecture
Anti-repeat logic between the FT and Pl prevents latching more than a single interrupt into the Pl before the user interrupt service routine has cleared the FT. The microcoded interrupt service routine reads the interrupt priority vector from the Interrupt Unit and clears the serviced interrupt from the Pl. At this point the Pl is ready to latch another interrupt into this bit. When this microcoded service routine acts on a level 1 interrupt, it clears the Pl bit 1, but the FT maintains the interrupting fault bit(s). Therefore, a level 1 interrupt would be latched again if there were no anti-repeat logic to prevent a never ending loop of interrupts from occurring.
Interrupts are serviced at the end of the currently executing instruction if not masked and if interrupts are enabled. System software servicing level 1 interrupts must clear the FT via the RCFR internal l/O command at some point in the routine to allow subsequent faults to latch a level 1 interrupt request. A non-destructive read of the FT is provided by the internal I/O command RFR, but this command should be used carefully.
The Interrupt Unit contains both MIL-STD-1750A 16-bit interval timers, A and B. The TCLK input is synchronized with SYNCLKN and increments Timer A once a TCLK period. Timer B is incremented by the synchronized TCLK divided by 10. Timer A overflow sets Pl bit 7 and Timer B overflow sets Pl bit 9. The timers are controlled via the l/O command decode logic, or they can be disabled via the DTlMERN input.
The Interrupt Unit contains two watchdog timers, Trigger­Go and Bus Fault. The Bus Fault timer assures timely completion of all AD Bus cycles by terminating bus cycles over two TCLK (maximum, minimum one TCLK period) periods in duration. This function is automatic, but can be disabled by DTON low. FT bit 5 or 8 is set for terminated l/O transfers or memory transfers, respectively, when the Bus Fault timer expires.
The Trigger-Go timer is an autonomous 16-bit ripple counter incremented by TGCLK. Upon power-up, the Trigger­Go timer begins to count. The GO l/O command resets the timer, thus preventing it from overflowing and causing TGON to drop low. The DTIMERN input prevents the Trigger-Go timer from incrementing.
The DMA control interface logic is contained in the Interrupt Unit. The interface is composed of the three signals: DMAE, DMARN, and DMAKN. If the interface is enabled, an internal l/O command raises DMAE high to indicate the MAS281’s readiness to accept DMA transfer requests (DMARN low). A subsequent low on DMARN causes the lU to respond with DMAKN low. DMAKN low halts the processor and places all AD Bus and bus control lines in the high-impedance state. Control is returned to the MAS281 when DMARN is pulled high again. DTIMERN is the user available way to disable the DMA interface.
The Interrupt Unit implements the 26 MIL-STD-1750A specified l/O command functions listed in Table 2. The lU also decodes an additional 386 commands that are implemented in the MMU(BPU) and the two Status Word XlO commands that are handled in microcode for AD Bus control. The lU continually monitors AD Bus traffic. When M/lON is low, the lU latches the information present on the AD Bus during the address portion of the bus cycle. This information is subsequently decoded and creates the appropriate control signals to perform the l/O command function.
The microcode decode logic can be split into command and control functions. Microcode instruction bits 4, 5 and 6 are decoded as commands for the FT, the interrupt interface, the DMA interface, and the discrete output signal, NPU. The microcode command interface is enabled when lNTREN is pulled low and is disabled during DMA and the Hold state. Microcode bits 5 and 6 provide control of DDN during memory read and write cycles, and external l/O cycles.
Operation Command Mnemonic
Code (Hex)
Set Fault Register 0401 SFR Set Interrupt Mask 2000 SMK Clear Interrupt Request 2001 CLIR Enable Interrupts 2002 ENBL Dlsable Interrupts 2003 DSBL Reset Pending Interrupt 2004 RPI Set Pending Interrupt Reglster 2005 SPI Reset Normal Power Up Discrete 200A RNS Write Status Word 200E WSW Enable Start Up ROM 4004 ESUR Disable Start up ROM 4005 DSUR Direct Memory Access Enable 4006 DMAE Direct Memory Access Disable 4007 DMAD Timer A Start 4008 TAS Timer A Halt 4009 TAH Output Timer A 400A OTA Reset Tngger-Go 400B GO Timer B Start 400C TBS Timer B Halt 400D TBH Output Timer B 400E OTB
Read Configuration Word 8400 RCW Read Fault Register Wlthout Clear 8401 RFR Read Interrupt Mask A000 RMK Read Pending Interrupt Reglster A004 RPIR Read Status Word A00E RSW Read and Clear Fault Reylster A00F RCFR Input Timer A C00A ITA Input Tlmer B C00E ITB
All signals comply with the voltage levels of Table 1. In addition, each of these functions is provided with Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protection diodes. All unused inputs must be held to their inactive state via a connection to VDD or GND.
Throughout this data sheet, active low signals are denoted by either a bar over the signal name or by following the name with an “N’’ suffix (e.g., DMAKN). Referenced signals that are not found on the MA17503 are preceded by the originating chip’s functional acronym in parentheses (e.g., (EU)OSC).
Following is a description of each pin function grouped according to functional interface. The function name is presented first, followed by its acronym, its type, and its description. Function type is either input, output, high impedance (Hi-z), or a combination thereof. Timing characteristics of each of the functions described is provided in Section 5.0.
The power interface consists of one 5V VDD connection and one GND connection.
The clock interface, discussed below, provides synchronization for lnterrupt Unit operations and the clock inputs for the interval and watchdog timers.
3.2.1 Synchronisation Clock (SYNCLKN)
Input. The MA17501 Execution Unit (EU) generates the SYNCLKN signal for the Interrupt Unit. The Interrupt Unit uses this signal to synchronise system inputs (e.g., interrupts and faults) to the MAS281 machine cycle and to control all other internal functions.
3.2.2 Timer Clock (TCLK)
Input. TCLK is a 100 KHz, user provided clock signal that drives the interval timers A and B, and the Bus Fault timer. TCLK is synchronised to the MAS281 machine cycle, via SYNCLKN, before being sent to the interval timers. This allows the lU to implement the Internal l/O Commands associated with timer operation.
The synchronised version of TCLK drives interval timer A, clocking it once every 10 microseconds. The synchronised TCLK is divided by 10 to provide a 10 KHz clock for driving interval timer B, clocking it once every 100 microseconds.
The unsynchronised TCLK is used to increment the Bus Fault watchdog timer. When DSN drops low, the Bus Fault timer is enabled to count and expires after two TCLK high-to­low transitions.
3.2.3 Trigger-Go Clock (TGCLK)
Input. This user provided clock drives the autonomous on­chip system watchdog timer. The Trigger-Go timer is incremented by the high-to-low transition of TGCLK.
Following is a discussion of the two communication buses connecting the lnterrupt Unit to the rest of the three chip set. The AD Bus transfers 16-bit data and commands, while the M Bus communicates microcode control data.
3.3.1 Address/Data Bus (AD Bus)
Input/Output/Hi-z. These signals comprise the multiplexed address and data bus. During internal bus operations, the AD Bus accommodates the transfer of Internal I/O commands and data from the MA17501 Execution Unit to the lnterrupt Unit. lt also accommodates the transfer of data from the lnterrupt Unit to the Execution Unit in response to internal I/O commands. AD00 is the most significant bit position and AD15 is the least significant bit position of both the 16-bit data and 16-bit command. A high on this bus corresponds to a logic 1 and a low corresponds to a logic 0.
Commands on the AD Bus are passed through transparent latches during the low state of input/output SYNCLKN cycles and are latched at the low-to-high transition of SYNCLKN. Data on the AD Bus, is either clocked into the lU by the high-to-low transition of SYNCLKN or placed there by the lU during the low portion of SYNCLKN.
3.3.2 Microcode Bus Bits 4, 5 and 6 (M04, 05 & 06)
Inputs. M04, M05, M06 are bits 4, 5 and 6 of the 20-bit Microcode Bus and are coded in the 40-bit microcode instruction as bits 4, 5 and 6. These bits are latched into the IU at the SYNCLKN high-to-low transition and are decoded for commanding the Fault Register, the DMA interface, the NPU discrete, and for providing the 4-bit priority encoded interrupt vector to the EU. lU microcode command cycles are extended to six (EU)OSC cycles by INTREN low. Microcode bits 5 and 6 provide control of DDN during memory and external I/O cycles. The microcode bus is not latched during DMA or the Hold state (DMAKN or HLDAKN low).
The following is a discussion of the signals used to control the AD Bus and M Bus. They enable the respective busses at the proper time and control system access to the MAS281 System AD Bus.
3.4.1 Data Strobe (DSN)
Input. The Interrupt Unit receives DSN from the Execution Unit. The DSN high-to-low transition starts the Bus Fault watchdog timer and during successful bus data transfers, the low-to-high transition halts and resets the Bus Fault watchdog timer. DSN is also instrumental in controlling the DDN signal during MAS281 Read/lnput bus cycles.
3.4.2 Memory/lnput-Output (M/ION)
Input. The Interrupt Unit receives M/ION from the Execution Unit. M/ION low enables l/O command decoding logic M/ION also selects the FT bit to set in response to a low on MPROEN and EXADEN.
3.4.3 Interrupt Unit Ready (IRDYN)
Output. The Interrupt Unit uses the IRDYN signal to cause the Execution Unit clock generation state machine to inject one wait state into lnternal I/O machine cycles, thus causing the minimum five (EU)OSC period machine cycle to be extended to a six (EU)OSC period 50% duty cycle machine cycle. Internal l/O machine cycles occur during execution of the lU implemented l/O commands listed in Table 2.
3.4.4 Interrupt Unit Microcode Enable (INTREN)
lnput. The Execution Unit provides lNTREN to the lnterrupt Unit to enable the microcode command interface. When INTREN is low, microcode instruction bits 4, 5 and 6 (latched into the lU microcode register at the SYNCLKN high-to-low transition, if HLDAKN and DMAKN are high) are decoded by the lU as commands for the FT, NPU discrete, internal DMA interface, and interrupt vectoring. lNTREN low causes the EU to extend the machine cycle to six (EU)OSC periods.
3.4.5 Data Transceiver Direction (DDN)
Output. DDN is provided to control the directionality of the AD/Data Bus transceivers. DDN is high during data transfers from the MAS281 to the user system and when it is necessary to keep the transceivers from driving the MAS281 System AD Bus. DDN is low during transfers from the user system to the MAS281.
Cycles during which DDN is high include: memory writes, outputs, IU implemented Internal l/O command execution (except Read Configuration Word (RCW)), and all MA17504 MMU(BPU) implemented l/O command execution.
Cycles during which DDN is low include: memory reads (data portion), inputs (data portion), the Configuration Word read (identified by CONFWN, low), and during DMA and Hold cycles (to allow access to the MMU(BPU).
3.4.6 Control Transceiver Direction (CDN)
Output. CDN is provided to control the directionality of the Control Bus (consists of DSN, (EU)AS, M/lON, RD/WN, and IN/OPN) transceivers. CDN is high during all MAS281 directed machine cycles. CDN drops low only when DMAKN or HLDAKN is low, indicating the MAS281 has placed the control bus signals in the high-impedance state. (It is necessary to use transceivers to buffer the control bus, if a shared MMU(BPU) architecture is used, to allow the sharing device access to the MMU(BPU) functions.)
The Interrupt Unit supports 16 levels of prioritised interrupts, nine of which are accessible to the user system. All user accessible interrupts are active low, are buffered with edge detectors to prevent repeat latching of the interrupt, and are latched into the Pending Interrupt register (Pl) by the high­to-low transition of SYNCLKN.
The following interrupts do not have dedicated input pins on the MA17503. Level 1, Machine Error lnterrupt, is driven by the ORed bits of the Fault register (FT). Levels 7 and 9 are driven by the overflow of Interval Timers A and B, respectively. The Internal I/O command, Set Pending Interrupt (SPI), is used to set interrupt levels 3, 5, and 6 (Floating-Point Overflow, Executive Call, and Floating-Point Underflow, respectively) via microcoded execution.
3.5.1 Power Down Interrupt (PWRDN)
Input. The PWRDN interrupt is the highest priority interrupt, level 0, and is latched into Pl bit zero. It is nonmaskable and cannot be disabled.
3.5.2 User Interrupts (INT02N,08N,10N,11N,13N & 15N)
lnputs. Each of these user definable interrupts is latched into the Pl register bits 2, 8, 10, 11, 13, or 15, respectively. Level 2 is the highest priority and level 15 is the lowest. These interrupts are maskable and can be disabled.
3.5.3 I/O Registered Interrupts (1011N & 1012N)
Inputs. Each of these interrupts is latched into the Pl register bits 12 and 14, respectively. Level 12 is higher than level 14. These interrupts are maskable and can be disabled.
3.5.4 Fixed-Point Overflow (OVIN)
Input. This interrupt is driven by the MA17501 Execution Unit and is latched into the Pl register bit 4. The OVlN interrupt is maskable and can be disabled.
3.5.5 Interrupt Request (IRN)
Output. This signal is the logical inclusive OR of the Pl bits and is used to signal the MA17502 Control Unit that an interrupt request is pending.
The Interrupt Unit supports 16 registered error condition flags. Eleven of the faults are directly accessible through dedicated input pins. A low on any of these fault inputs is latched into the Fault register (FT) by the high-to-low transition of SYNCLKN. Once a fault is latched, it can only be cleared by clearing the entire FT via lnternal l/O command. The latching of any fault causes the level 1 interrupt to be set. Once set and subsequently cleared by the microcoded interrupt service routine, Pl bit one cannot be set again until the FT is cleared via internal I/O command. Any unused fault inputs must be pulled­up to VDD.
3.6.1 Memory Protection Error (MPROEN)
lnput. A low on this input is used to inform the MAS281 that an access fault, execute or write protection violation has been detected. When the MA31751 MMU(BPU) is used with the MAS281, the MPROEN fault input is provided by the MMU(BPU). FT bit 0 is set if a MAS281 directed memory cycle caused the error and bit 1 is set if a DMA device directed memory cycle caused the error.
Setting FT bit 0 causes PIFN to drop low. This aborts the MIL-STD-1750A instruction that was executing when the error occurred and branches execution to the machine error, level 1 interrupt service routine, if the interrupt is not masked. If the interrupt is masked, execution continues with the next instruction.
FT bit 0 is not latched during DMA or the Hold state (DMAKN or HLDAKN low).
3.6.2 Memory Parity Error (MPEN)
lnput. A low on this input indicates a parity error has been detected during a memory transfer. This fault is latched into FT bit 2.
3.6.3 Programmed l/O Parity Error (PIOPEN)
lnput. A low on this input indicates a parity error has been detected during an external l/O transfer. This fault is latched into FT bit 3.
3.6.4 DMA Parity Error (DMAPEN)
Input. A low on this input indicates a parity error has been detected during a DMA data transfer. This fault is latched into FT bit 4.
3.6.5 External Address Error (EXADEN)
Input. A low on this input indicates execution of an unimplemented or reserved l/O command has been attempted (M/lON low) and sets FT bit 5, or an attempt has been made to access an unimplemented memory address (M/lON high) and sets FT bit 8.
Provision for detection of these conditions has been made on the MA17503 in the form of a Bus Fault watchdog timer. If during an l/O or memory access cycle the system machine cycle completion circuitry or (EU)RDYN generation logic fails to provide the (EU)RDYN signal within the required amount of time, the Bus Fault watchdog timer will terminate the cycle by forcing IRDYN low and set the appropriate FT bit (FT5 if l/O, FT8 if memory). The minimum Bus Fault watchdog timeout period is one TCLK period, the maximum is two TCLK periods.
Setting FT bits 5 or 8 causes PIFN to drop low. This aborts the MIL-5TD-1750A instruction during which the error occurred and branches execution to the machine error, level 1, interrupt service routine, if the interrupt is not masked. lf the interrupt is masked, execution continues with the next instruction.
FT bit 5 and 8 are not latched during DMA or the Hold state (DMAKN or HLDAKN low).
3.6.6 Programmed l/O Transmission Error (PIOXEN)
Input. A low on this input indicates a user defined error has occurred during an l/O transfer. This fault is latched into FT bit
3.6.7 Fault #7 (FLT7N)
lnput. This is a user definable (spare) fault input. A low on this input sets FT bit 7.
3.6.8 System Fault (SYSFN)
Input. A low on this input indicates a system Built-ln Test error has occurred. This fault is latched into FT bits 13 and 15.
3.6.9 Illegal Address (ILLADN)
FT bits 5 and 8 are set by a low on the EXADEN input or by the Bus Fault watchdog timer overflow. FT bits 5 and 8 are not latched, and ILLADN is held high during DMA or the Hold state (DMAKN or HLDAKN low).
3.6.10 Instruction Abort (PIFN)
Output. A low on this output effects a MlL-STD-1750A instruction abort. When a SYNCLKN high-to-low transition latches FT bit 0, 5, or 8, the following SYNCLKN high-to-low transition causes PIFN to drop low and remain low for one SYNCLKN period (except during DMA and the Hold state, i.e., DMAKN or HLDAKN low).
PIFN directs the MA17502 Control Unit to branch microcode execution to the interrupt vectoring routine for level 1 interrupt servicing. lf the level 1 interrupt is masked, execution will resume with the next MIL-STD1750A instruction.
PIFN causes the MA17501 Execution Unit to hold DSN and (EU)AS in their inactive state during the transition from error indication to the beginning of the interrupt servicing routine.
The DMA lnterface consists of the necessary handshake signals required to effect transfer of control from the MAS281 to a DMA controller and back again.
3.7.1 DMA Transfer Enable (DMAE)
Output. When this output is raised high via execution of the lnternal I/O command DMAE, direct memory access requests will be acknowledged by the MAS281. lf DMAE is low, direct memory access requests will not be acknowledged by the MAS281.
3.7.2 DMA Transfer Request (DMARN)
Input. A DMA controller pulls this input low to request control of the AD Bus and bus control signals for DMA transfers. DMARN is held low by the DMA controller for the duration of the DMA transfer, and the low-to-high transition indicates the DMA controller is finished using the AD Bus.
3.7.3 DMA Transfer Request Acknowledge (DMAKN)
Output. The lnterrupt Unit responds to a low on DMARN, if DMAE is high, by dropping DMAKN low at the SYNCLKN high­to-low transition.
The Inter-Chip Control signals are used to halt the processor (the three-chip set) during the DMA and HOLD cycles and during microcode testing.
3.8.1 Processor Pause (PAUSEN)
Output. This output is low during DMA operations (DMAKN low). PAUSEN is used by the lnterrupt Unit to reset and disable the Bus Fault Timeout circuitry. PAUSEN is also used by the MA17501 Execution Unit clock generation circuitry to produce an internal disable signal. This internal disable signal holds CLKPCN and SYSCLK1N low and CLK02N high, which halts processing, and places the DSN, AS, IN/OPN, RD/WN, and M/ION output buffers, and the AD bus l/O buffers in the high impedance state, and drop DDN and CDN low to allow DMA controller access to the MMU(BPU) in shared MMU(BPU) systems.
3.8.2 Hold Acknowledge (HLDAKN)
Input. HLDAKN resets and disables the Bus Fault Timeout circuitry, causes DDN and CDN to be brought low, and prevents latching of microcode commands and decoding. The Execution Unit responds to a Hold state request (execution of BPT, or a low on HOLDN) by pulling HLDAKN low.
3.8.3 Microcode Stop (MSTOPN)
Input. MSTOPN allows microcode to be single-stepped during testing by GEC Plessey Semiconductors and should be pulled up to VDD in customer applications.
These Timer Control inputs allow external control of Timers A and B, the Trigger-Go Counter, and the Bus Fault Timeout circuitry.
3.9 1 Disable Timers (DTIMERN)
Input. A low to this input disables Timers A and B and the Trigger-Go counter, and also disables DMA access by forcing DMAE low and DMAKN high. Raising DTIMERN high causes Timers A and B and the Trigger-Go counter to resume counting where they were stopped, and also allows normal DMA operations.
3.9.2 Disable Bus-Fault Timeout (DTON)
Input. A low to this input will reset and disable the Busfault timeout circuitry.
Four discrete outputs are provided for system use, all of which are enabled or disabled or both via internal l/O commands.
3.10.1 Trigger-Go Timer Overflow (TGON)
Output. This output drops low whenever the Trigger-Go counter overflows (rolls over to 0000). lt returns high when the Trigger-Go counter is reset by software using the GO internal l/O command.
3.10.2 Normal Power-Up Indicator (NPU)
Output. This output is brought low via internal I/O command during module initialization as the first step of BlT. lf BIT is completed successfully, NPU is raised high via microcode, and remains high until reset by software via the RNS internal I/O command.
Output. This output is used to enable an externally implemented Start-Up ROM. SURE is brought high via the execution of the ESUR internal l/O command (done by microcode during initialization or by software), and remains high until it is reset by software by using the DSUR internal l/O command. While SURE is high, all memory reads shall access main memory. This feature is utilized via the MOV instruction to effect a non-volatile memory program transfer to faster program execution RAM.
Output. This output is brought low during the data portion of an RCW (Read Configuration Word) internal l/O operation. lt is used as an output enable strobe for the externally implemented Configuration Register. Because RCW is an internal I/O command, the read cycle is a fixed six (EU)OSC cycles and is terminated by IRDYN low. RDYN must not be asserted during execution of this command.
The following discussions detail the MAS281 chip set operating modes from the perspective of the Interrupt Unit. The MAS281 operating modes involving the MA17503 are: (1) initialization, (2) instruction execution, (3) interrupt servicing, (4) fault servicing, (5) DMA support, (6) Hold support, and (7) timer operations.
A microcoded initialisation sequence is executed by the chip set in response to a hardware reset. This routine, as applicable to the lnterrupt Unit, disables and masks interrupts, zeroes the Fault register, performs the MAS281 Integrated Built-ln Test (BIT), raises the Start-Up ROM enable discrete (SURE), clears and starts timers A and B, resets the Trigger-Go counter, and disables DMA access. The resulting initialised state of the MA17503 is listed in Table 3.
The microcoded BIT exercises all legal microinstruction bit combinations and tests all internally accessible structures of the MAS281 chip set. For the Interrupt Unit this includes the MK, Pl, and FT registers, Interrupt Enable/Disable, and Timers A and B. Table 4 details the tests performed by each of the five BlT routines.
If any part of BIT fails, an error code identifying the failed subroutine is loaded into FT bits 13-15, BlT is aborted with NPU left in the low state, initialization is completed, and instruction execution begins at address zero. The coding of the BIT results is shown in Table 4.
NOTE: To complete initialization and pass BIT, interrupt and fault inputs must be high for the duration of the initialization routine. ln addition, timers A and B must be clocked for BlT success.
Item Status
Fault (FT) Zeroed Pending Interrupt (Pl) Zeroed Mask (MK) Zeroed Interrupts Disabled DMA Access Disabled Timer A Reset and Started Timer B Reset and Started Trigger-Go Timer Reset and Started
Table 3: Interrupt Initialisation State
BIT Test Coverage BIT Fail Codes (FT13, 14, 15) Cycles
Microcode Sequencer
1 IB Register Control 100 221
Barrel Shifter Byte Operations and Flags
Temporary Registers (T0 - T7)
2 Macrocode Flags 101 166
MuItlply Divide
3 Interrupt Unit - MK, Pl, FT 111 214
Enable/Disable Interrupts Status Word Control
4 User Flags 110 154
General Registers (R0 - R15)
5 Timer A 111 763
Timer B
- BIT Pass/Fail Overhead - 26
Note: BIT pass is indicated by all zeros in FT bits 13, 14, and 15
Table 4: MAS281 BIT Summary
The MAS281 chip set will begin instruction execution upon the completion of initialization. The instruction execution operations that involve the Interrupt Unit are: (1) internal CPU cycles, (2) memory transfers, and (3) input/output transfers. Instruction execution can be interrupted at the end of any individual machine cycle by a DMA request (DMARN low with DMAE high) or at the conclusion of any given instruction by an lnterrupt or Hold state request.
4.2.1 Internal CPU Cycles
Microcode controlled lU functions are classified as internal CPU cycles. The lU interprets the three microcode bits, 4, 5, and 6, as a three bit instruction used for control of the FT, internal DMA interface, NPU discrete, and the interrupt priority vector code. The command is latched into the lU at the SYNCLKN high-to-low transition and decoded into control signals if INTREN is low. During these machine cycles, SYNCLKN is six (EU)OSC periods long. During internal CPU cycles, DSN and M/lON are held high by the Execution Unit, causing the lU to hold DDN high. Microcode bits 4, 5, and 6 are not latched or decoded during DMA or the Hold state (DMAKN or HLDAKN low).
4.2.2 Memory Transfers
The IU takes a passive role during memory transfers, i.e., it only controls the DDN signal. Microcode bits 4, 5, and 6 are latched by the SYNCLKN high-to-low transition then bits 5 and 6 are decoded to control the DDN control signal in concert with DSN. lf bits 5 and 6 are high (indicating a write), DSN is kept from affecting DDN, which remains high for the entire cycle. If either bit 5 or 6 is low, DSN is allowed to control DDN, which becomes a delayed version of DSN.
4.2.3 Input/Output Transfers
The IU monitors all AD Bus traffic and controls the DDN output as specified. During cycles where M/ION is low, the IU decodes the address/command portion (SYNCLKN high) of the machine cycle. If one of the commands listed in Table 2 is encountered, the specific action takes place at the following SYNCLKN high-to-low transition; the exceptions being “GO” and “RCW”. “GO” resets the Trigger-Go Timer at the SYNCLKN low-to-high transition and “RCW” drops CONFWN low during DSN low.
The read and write status word commands (“RSW”, “WSW’’) cause lRDYN to drop low to complete the EU/ MMU(BPU) machine cycle. IU decoded l/O command cycles are six (EU)OSC periods long (except for “RCW’’, there are five (EU)OSC periods).
Nine user interrupt inputs and one dedicated input (OVIN) are provided for programmed response to asynchronous system events. A low on any of these inputs will be detected at the high-to-low transition of SYNCLKN and latched into the Pl register on the following SYNCLKN high-to-low transition (with the exception of INT02N which is latched into Pl when lNT02N is first detected). This always occurs whether interrupts are enabled or disabled, or whether specific interrupts are masked or unmasked. (Because INT02N is captured asynchronously, it is possible under rare conditions for the PI bit 2 to remain set after INT02N has been serviced, causing double servicing of the one interrupt. To prevent this, bit 2 of the PI should be cleared at the end of the user service routine).
Each of the nine user interrupt inputs is buffered by a falling­edge detector to prevent repeat latching of requests held low longer than the first SYNCLKN high-to-low transition. An interrupt request input must go back to the high state before request on that input can be detected.
Command M04, M05, M06
Load Fault Register From AD Bus 001 Read Interrupt Priority Vector 010
Onto AD Bus Raise Normal Power-up Discrete 011 Disable l/O Control of DMA lnterface 100 Enable l/O Control of DMA Interface 101
The output of the Pl register is continually ANDed with the output of the MK register (level 0 interrupt is not maskable). If interrupts are enabled, and an unmasked interrupt is pending, the Interrupt Request (IRN) output to the Control Unit is asserted. This occurs when one or more interrupts are latched and unmasked. The unmasked pending interrupts are output to the priority encoder where the highest priority pending interrupt is encoded as a 4-bit vector.
After the currently executing MIL-STD-1750A instruction is completed, the Control Unit checks the state of the lRN input. If IRN is asserted, a branch is made to the microcode interrupt service routine. During this routine, the priority encoder's 4-bit vector is read into the Execution Unit, where the vector is used to calculate the appropriate interrupt linkage and service pointers (Table 6). When the EU reads the interrupt priority vector from the lU, the interrupt being serviced is cleared from the Pl. If no other interrupts are pending, this also causes the IRN signal to be deactivated.
Eight external fault inputs are provided to the interrupt unit. A low on any of these inputs is latched into the FT register at the high-to-low transition of SYNCLKN. The capture of one or more of these faults immediately sets pending interrupt level 1 (machine error) of the Pl.
Anti-repeat logic between the FT and Pl prevents latching more than a single interrupt into the Pl before the user interrupt service routine has cleared the FT. The microcoded interrupt service routine reads the interrupt priority vector from the Interrupt Unit and clears the serviced interrupt from the Pl. At this point the Pl is ready to latch another interrupt into this bit.
When this microcoded service routine acts on a level 1 interrupt, it clears the Pl bit 1, but the FT maintains the interrupting fault bit(s). Therefore, a level 1 interrupt would be latched again if there was no anti-repeat logic to prevent a never ending loop of interrupts from occurring.
Interrupts are serviced at the end of the currently executing instruction if not masked and if interrupts are enabled. System software servicing level 1 interrupts must clear the FT via the RCFR internal l/O command at some point in the routine to allow subsequent faults to latch a level 1 interrupt request. A non-destructive read of the FT is provided by the internal I/O command RFR, but this command should be used carefully.
Faults caused by a low on EXADEN, MPROEN, or Bus Fault Timer expiration (FT 0, 5, 8) require that the currently executing MlL-STD-1750A instruction be aborted. In order to accomplish this, the latching of faults 0, 5, or 8 causes the lnterrupt Unit to assert the instruction abort (PIFN) output to both the Execution Unit and the Control Unit Faults 0, 5, and 8 are not latched during DMA cycles or the Hold state (CDN low).
Table 5: Interrupt Unit Microcode Commands
Interrupt Priority
Linkage Service
Number Functlon Level Maskable Dlsablllty Pointer Pointer
0 Power Down 0 No No 20 21 1 Machine Error 1 Yes No 22 23 2 User 0 2 Yes Yes 24 25 3 Floating Point Overflow 3 Yes Yes 26 27 4 Fixed Point Overflow 4 Yes Yes 28 29 5 Executive Call 5 No No 2A 2B 6 Floating Point Underflow 6 Yes Yes 2C 2D 7 Timer A 7 Yes Yes 2E 2F 8 User 1 8 Yes Yes 30 31
9 Timer B 9 Yes Yes 32 33 10 User 2 10 Yes Yes 34 35 11 User 3 11 Yes Yes 36 37 12 l/O 1 12 Yes Yes 38 39 13 User 4 13 Yes Yes 3A 3B 14 I/O 2 14 Yes Yes 3C 3D 15 User 5 15 Yes Yes 3E 3F
Note: (1) Level 0 has highest priority, level 15 lowest.
Table 6: Interrupt Vector Assignments
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