Dynavector Te Kaitora Rua Cartridge
Instruction Manual
The original Te Kaitora cartridge the result of a
collaboration between Dynavector Japan and Dynavector
New Zealand embarked analogue enthusiasts worldwide
on a voyage of discovery to the outer extremities of vinyl
Te Kaitora Rua (Discoverer Two) continues to scale
these heights by incorporating many of the features of its
Dynavector stablemates XV-1s and XX-2 yet retaining its
original silk like treble and openness.
1. The wire for the coil has been changed to the PCOCC
coper wire from the silver wire. It sounds a much smoother
and has a much better musical performance.
2. A titanium headpiece for maximum ridgity along with a
miniature stainless steel bolt coupling the front and rear
yokes to the magnetic circuit assembly.
3. A 6mm long boron cantilever with the Pathfi nder (PF)
line contact stylus as used with both Dynavector XV-1s
and XX-2.
4. The ingenious square shaped armature and matching
square shaped aperture in the front yoke providing much
improved linearity in the magnetic fl ux distribution.
5. Alnico magnets are used for high magnetic fl ux density.
6. The wait is over after nine years of Te Kaitora bliss the
new Te Kaitora Rua invites you to embark and once again
experience the unique.
Fixing to the headshell
The thread size of the mounting holes of the Te Kaitora
Rua is M2.5, so please use the enclosed screws to mount
the cartridge. The cartridge should be aligned according
to the arm manufacturers instructions. They will nor mal ly
supply a protractor for this purpose.
Connect the lead wires from the headshell to each pin
shown below. Best performance is obtained if you use the
en closed lead wires that are 6N copper wire.
Please note that you should check “ Absolute Phase” to
your systems when you could not obtain a good re sult.
Because Te Kaitora Rua is a very sensitive cartridge to
“Ab so lute Phase”.
Te Kaitora
M2.5mm thread

Stylus Cleaning
Keep your records clean. Dust causes record wear and
sonic distortion. When cleaning the stylus, use the soft
brush suppled with the cartidge. Brush only from back to
front to avoid damage to the stylus assembly. If a dark
deposit like tan should appear on the stylus tip, always use
the soft brush with a minium amount of the high quality
stylus cleaning fl uid. No-alcohol stylus cleaning fl uid is
recommended in a routine maintenance. We do not
recommend to use commercial cleaning vibrators.
Stylus Replacement and War ran ty
Dynavector operate an exchange scheme for the Te
Kaitora Rua which entails rebuilding the car tridge. The
rebuild in cludes replacing all moving parts, ie the cantilever
and stylus assembly as well as the coils and sus pen sion.
This al lows re place ment stylus cost to be minimised.
To qualify for an exchange please return the cartridge to
your dealer or national distributor.
The cartridge is guaranteed for a period of one year from
date of purchase against electrical and me chan i cal defects
excluding user's mis han dling or abuse.
Specifi cations
Type :
Low output moving coil cartridge with
Alnico magnet and Flux Damper
Output voltage : 0.26mV (at 1KHz, 5cm/sec.)
Frequency response : 20 - 20,000Hz (±1dB)
Channel separation : 30 dB (at 1KHz)
Channel balance : 1.0 dB (at 1KHz)
Compliance : 10 x 10
DC resistance : R= 6 ohms
Stylus tip : PF Line contact shape
stylus radius 7 x 30 micron
Cantilever : 6mm length 0.3mm dia. solid boron
Recommended load : more than 30 ohms
Tracking force : 1.8 - 2.2 g
Weight : 9.8g
This product can be recycled. Products bearing this symbol must NOT
be thrown away with normal household waste. At the end of the product's
life, take it to a collection point designated for recycling of electrical and
electronic devices. Find out more about return and collection points through
your local authority.
The European Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
Directive was implemented to dramatically reduce the amount of waste
going to landfi lls, there by reducing the environmental impact on the planet
and on human health. Please act responsibly by recycling used products. If
this product is still useable, consider giving it away or selling it.
If there is any problem please consult your authorised
dealer fi rst for service. Should it prove necessary to return
the cartridge to the factory, you should return the defective
car tridge to your dealer or national dis trib u tor, together
with the warranty card. Please keep your original packing
for safe shipping.
16-15 Iwamoto-cho 2-chome Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 101-0032 Japan
Phone 813-3861-4341 FAX 813-3862-1650