What makes the DynaTrap the best choice for controlling mosquitoes?
The DynaTrap safely, quietly, and effectively reduces the population of mosquitoes and other flying insects without zapping or
How is this insect trap different than other products on the market?
The DynaTrap does not utilize any chemicals — so it can safely be used both indoors and outdoors. It does not use electricity to
kill insects, so you will not have any loud zapping noises, burning odors, or insect fragments scattered on the floor or ground. It
does not use propane to create carbon dioxide so you do not need to purchase and re-fill propane tanks. Just plug it in and turn it
on, let it run 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Is the DynaTrap noisy?
No! The only moving part is the vacuum fan, which produces a low hum similar to a computer fan.
How soon should my DynaTrap begin to control mosquitoes and other
flying insects?
The trap will begin to catch mosquitoes and other flying insects immediately. It will gradually reduce your mosquito population
and within 6 weeks you will have successfully broken the mosquito’s lifecycle.
Can I use my DynaTrap outside?
All of the DynaTrap’s classified as “indoor/outdoor” traps are constructed of durable, all-weather materials. They can be used
outdoors year ‘round.
What attracts mosquitoes?
Carbon dioxide, the gas you emit when you exhale, is the most universally recognized mosquito attractant and draws mosquitoes
from up to 200 feet away. Other attractants include body odors (sweat, lactic acid, etc.) and heat. The DynaTrap mimics these
conditions through the creation of carbon dioxide and the light and heat given off by the UV Bulb.
Will it harm my family or my pets?
The DynaTrap does not use, or emit any chemicals or pesticides so it is completely safe around your pets and your family.
Which DynaTrap Mosquito and Insect Trap is right for me?
Consider the following to make this determination —Are you planning to use your DynaTrap Mosquito and Insect trap outdoors?
If so, choose an outdoor model. Outdoor models can also be used indoors.
1. Are you planning to use your DynaTrap Mosquito and Insect Trap indoors?
Any model can be used indoors; however there are a few models designed specifically for indoor use. Indoor models are just as
effective as our outdoor models, the only difference is that they are designed to be placed anywhere in your home. We
recommend to place your indoor trap in open areas, near the highest concentration of the insect problem for maximum
effectiveness. Indoor models should not be used outdoors.
2. How large is the area you would like to protect?
Take into consideration any “barriers” within the space you would like to protect. For example, if your property measures 1 Acre
and your house is situated in the middle, you may want to place a ½ Acre trap in your front yard and a ½ Acre trap in your back
yard. If you have a 2-story house, with 600 sq ft on each level, you may want to place an indoor trap on each level.
3. Where are you planning to position your DynaTrap Mosquito and Insect Trap?
The position of your trap may determine how you would like to install it. Installation options include hanging with a chain from a
tree or shepherds hook, mounting on a wall or post, tabletop placement, or pole mounted. The position of your trap may also
determine the range of protection you should consider. For example, if you plan to position your DynaTrap on the edge of a 1
Acre property, you will protect ½ of an Acre on your property and a ½ of an Acre on the adjacent property (your neighbors will
become your best friends!).
Where is my on/off switch?
Depending on which model DynaTrap you have your on/off switch can be a twist on/off or an on/off button can be found under
the hood of the unit.
How do I know what my model number is?
There are three places where you can find the model number of your DynaTrap. They are on the bottom of the box, on a silver
label either on the back of the trap or underneath the top lid, and in the top, left-hand corner of the owner’s manual. It should
start with the letters ‘DT’ followed by three or four numbers. If you cannot find this information on your DynaTrap, please
contact our customer service department at 1-877-403-8727 and they will assist you with determining your model number.
How do I install my DynaTrap?
Installation of the unit is not required. Just plug it in and turn it on!
Where should I place my DynaTrap?
The DynaTrap can be placed anywhere. Just remember that flying insects will be attracted to the unit so you may want to place it
20-40 feet away from your outdoor living area. For best results, place it away from other competing light sources such as spot or
porch lights.
How high off the ground should I place my DynaTrap?
The DynaTrap should be placed three to six feet off the ground. This can be accomplished by placing it on a table or shelf or
hanging it from a shepherd’s hook or tree.
Should I leave the DynaTrap plugged in all of the time?
Yes. The DynaTrap should be left on 24 hours a day, seven days a week (except when cleaning) during the insect and mosquito
season. In some areas of the world this might be several months during the summer, in other areas, it may be year-around.
DynaTrap reaches maximum effectiveness in 6-8 weeks, but please continue running DynaTrap 24/7 after this period for the
duration of the insect and mosquito season.
When should I start using my DynaTrap?
Mosquitoes hatch when the temperature reaches 45 degrees, we recommend setting your DynaTrap out as soon as the weather
warms up.
How many traps should I buy for around my house?
This is dependent on the size of your house and how much land you have. In general we recommend that you have at least one
trap set up in your front yard and one in your back yard.
I have a lot of bugs coming in my house from the garage. Can I use one
Yes! Many of our customers have had success placing a DynaTrap in their garage, stopping flying insects before they can enter
their home.
How long is the electrical cord?
In general, our indoor traps have 7′ electrical cords and our outdoor traps have 10′ electrical cords. Dependent on the model
year, this may vary.
What kind of extension cord can I use for my unit?
The extension cord must have a tag stating “Suitable for Use with Outdoor Appliances.” The gauge can be either 14 or 16.
It has recently rained, will the mosquitoes return?
Mosquitoes require water to lay their eggs. You can reduce a mosquito’s breeding ability by removing standing water from
around your home. For example, in clogged gutters, old tires, children’s wading pools, decorative ponds, birdbaths and fountains,
over-irrigated and poorly drained lawns, saucers under potted plants, tree stumps and tree holes, water cans, buckets, and
Does it attract other insects besides mosquitoes?
The DynaTrap attracts and kills many flying insects including mosquitoes, biting flies, Asian beetles, no see-ums, wasps, hornets,
moths, stink bugs, and more.
Does my DynaTrap attract butterflies and honeybees/bumblebees?
No, butterflies, honeybees, and bumblebees will not be attracted to DynaTrap because they are not attracted to CO2. However, it
will attract and trap yellow jackets, hornets, and wasps.
Does my DynaTrap work on fleas, bed bugs, or lice?
The DynaTrap is not effective against these insects.