The world’s first
particle counter
for stents.
Coating Durability Tester
Discover what you’ve not been seeing with your stents
CDT-20: The most powerful coating durability tester in the world
Introducing the patented1 CDT-20 Coating Durability Tester from Dynatek Labs. Inc., the world’s first
and only high-throughput stent tester offering durability testing and real-time particle counts from
coated and bare metal stents. Capable of testing 20 coated or bare stents of similar sizes2 for durability
simultaneously, the CDT-20 is a powerful workhorse that can drive your stent from the lab to regulatory
approval in record time. An optional isolation valve system allows you to hot-swap samples in minutes.
Deployment phase data can be obtained using an optional Tuohy-Borst fitting for stent delivery. Data
from your tests are encrypted for security and logged into TDMS files that can be accessed by Excel,
DIAdem and Matlab programs.
High-throughput testing speeds you to
regulatory approval
The CDT-20 features Dynatek’s Hyper Drive linear motor to produce
an adjustable bellows compression which allows for physiological
to accelerated loading conditions for up to 20 stent samples
simultaneously. Unrivaled flexibility allows you to test straight, curved
or bifurcated tube configurations under precisely controlled test
parameters, while tube deflection is monitored by a laser micrometer3.
The CDT-20 is available in two configurations: benchtop or with an
integrated mounting stand.
Particle counts track shedding behavior of
Particle shedding by coated and bare metal stents is a regulatory
concern, but it doesn’t need to be yours – with the CDT-20. With
cutting-edge patented technology, the CDT-20 features 20 customdesigned laser particle counters that detect, in real time, the number
and size of particles greater than 5 microns4 shed by each individual
stent during pulsatile durability testing. Once these particles are
detected, they are categorized into between 2-6 configurable size
ranges or virtual ‘bins.’
Real time counts offer powerful insight into
potential disease state formation
Instead of a single count of all shed particles after a test run is
completed, the CDT-20 allows you to count particles as they are being
shed. As particles pass through the particle counter, they are detected
and logged by particle size and quantity. Real time counts let you
visualize when and how much your stent is shedding particles at every
stage of testing, helping you understand your stent’s potential for
promoting a pathological condition in vivo.
Dynatek’s CDT-20 benchtop Coating Durability Tester
Real time particle counts on the CDT-20
“…the CDT-20 takes us beyond compliance
to true patient safety by allowing us to
address standards passed or being drafted
by the ASTM and AAMI/ISO committees that
focus on the release of particulates from