Important Precautions
Thi s symbo l is used t o alert t he o pe rato r to foll ow impo rtant o pe ra ti ng
pro cedur es and pr ecaut io ns d et ailed
in do cumen tatio n.
Thi s symbo l is used t o warn op erator s that un insul ated "d an ge ro us volt age s" are pr esent w ithin t he e qu ip men t enclo sure th at m ay p os e a risk
of el ectri c shock .
1.Save t he cart on and pack ing mater ial
even if th e equip ment has ar rived in
good con ditio n. Should y ou ever nee d
to ship th e unit, u se only the o riginal
factor y packi ng.
2.Read a ll docu mentati on before o per ating yo ur equi pment. Re tain all do c umenta tion fo r future re ference .
3.Foll ow all in structi ons print ed on uni t
chassi s for pro per opera tion.
4.Do not s pill wa ter or othe r liquids
into or on t he unit , or operat e the unit
while st andin g in liquid .
5.Make s ure pow er outlet s conform t o
the powe r requi rements l isted on th e
back of th e unit.
6.Do not u se the un it if the ele ctrical
power co rd is fra yed or brok en. The
power su pply co rds shoul d be routed s o
that the y are not l ikely to be w alked on
or pinch ed by ite ms placed u pon or
agains t them, p aying par ticular a tten tion to co rds and p lugs, con venienc e
recept acles , and the poi nt where th ey
exit fro m the app liance.
7.Alwa ys oper ate the uni t with the AC
ground w ire con nected to t he electr i cal syst em grou nd. Preca utions sh ould
be taken s o that th e means of gr ound ing of a pie ce of equ ipment is n ot
defeat ed.
8.Main s volta ge must be co rrect and
the same a s that pr inted on th e rear
of the uni t. Dama ge caused b y connec tion to im prope r AC vo ltage i s not cov ered by an y warra nty.
9.Have g ain con trols on am plifier s
turned d own dur ing power-u p to p re vent spe aker da mage if the re are high
signal l evels a t the input s.
10.Pow er down & d isconne ct units fr om
mains vo ltage b efore mak ing conne c tions.
11.Do n ot turn t he power sw itch on the
"ON" p os ition i f you do not us e it.
12.Do no t use the u nit near st oves, hea t
regist ers, ra diators , or other he at
produc ing dev ices.
13.Do no t block f an intake o r exhaust
ports. D o not ope rate equi pment on a
surfac e or in an en vironme nt which
may impe de the no rmal flow o f air
around t he unit , such as a bed , rug,
weathe rshee t, carpet , or comple tely
enclos ed rack . If the unit i s used in an
extrem ely dus ty or smoky e nviron ment, th e unit sh ould be per iodical ly
"blown f ree" of f oreign ma tter.
14.Do no t remov e the cover. R emoving
the cove r will ex pose you to p otentia lly
danger ous vol tages. Ther e are no user
servic eable p arts insi de.
15.Con necti ng amplif ier outpu ts to
oscill oscop es or other t est equip ment
while th e ampli fier is in br idged mod e
may dama ge both t he amplif ier and tes t
equipm ent!
16.Do no t drive t he inputs w ith a signa l
level gr eater t han that re quired to
drive eq uipme nt to full ou tput.
17.Do no t conne ct the inpu ts / output s
of ampli fiers o r console s to any othe r
voltag e sourc e, such as a ba ttery,
mains so urce, o r power sup ply, regard less of wh ether t he amplif ier or cons ole
is turne d on or off.
18.Do no t run the o utput of an y amplifi er chann el back i nto anoth er chan nel's in put. Do n ot parall el- or
series -conn ect an ampl ifier out put
with any o ther am plifier o utput.
19.Do no t groun d any red ("h ot") term inal.
Never co nnect a " hot" (red ) output to
ground o r to anot her "hot" ( red) outp ut!
20.Non-use perio ds . The power cord o f
equipment should b e un pl ug ge d fr om
the outlet when left u nu se d fo r a lo ng
period of time.
21.Service Infor ma ti on E qu ip me nt
should be serviced b y qu al if ie d se rv ic e
personnel when:
A.The power supply cord or th e pl ug
has been damaged;
B.Objects have fal le n, o r li qu id h as
been spilled into th e eq ui pm en t;
C.The equipment ha s be en e xp os ed
D.The equipment do es n ot a pp ea r to
operate normally, or exhibits a
marked change in per fo rm an ce ;
E.The equipment ha s be en d ro pp ed ,
or the enclosure dam ag ed .
22.To ob ta in s ervice, contact your neares t
Page 1
Important Precautions
MP- 400 0 MP-5 00 0 MP -7 00 0 ( 3U MO DE L)
MP- 300 0 (2 U MO DEL )