Dynasonics MFX Data sheet

Series MFX
Series MFX Insertion MagProbe™ Flow Meters feature the world’s most advanced magnetic flow measurement technology. The Series MFX is a cost-effective solution for accurate measurement of conductive liquid in closed conduit, pressurized-pipes without process shutdown. The "flat tip" design will reduce fouling in applications where suspended solids are present.
The MFX reliably measures most conductive fluids including water, sewage, wastewater, clarified water, RAS, WAS, primary sludge and cooling tower water, as long as adequate lengths of straight pipe are available where the sensor is installed.
The MFX system consists of a hot-tappable insertion-type sensor that mounts through a 1-1/2” ball valve pipe-tap into the flowing liquid, and a remote digital display enclosure. The digital display is utilized to
Absolute (bi-directional) measurements from 0.1 to 30 FPS (0.03 to 9 MPS).
Integrated sensor pre-amplifier permits separation of up to 990 feet (297 m) between the sensor probe and MFX electronic analyzer.
Optional, optically isolated, field replaceable input/output modules include: 4-20mA, dual-relay, rate pulse, RS232 and RS485.
Hot-tap sensor can be installed and retracted from process piping without draining or depressurizing the system.
program engineering units, view flow rate/totalizer values and provide process outputs. Velocity and pipe diameter information are entered by the user via the display keypad or UltraLink™ software and used to calculate volumetric flow, over wide flow ranges, with a high degree of accuracy.
The Series MFX is more versatile and convenient than most conventional full-pipe magnetic meters. MFX meters can be univer­sally applied to a large range of pipe sizes without hardware changes, compared to the specific internal pipe dimension design of conven­tional magnetic meters. In addition, cost differences are minimal when moving to larger pipe sizes.
MagProbe sensors are available in limited access mounting configura diameters 4 to 120 inches (102 to 3048 mm).
High impedance input circuits minimize the influence of electrode coating.
Industrial-grade sensor design: NEMA 6 (IP 67) submersible, temperature to +225 °F (+105 °C), pressure to 700 PSIG (48 bar), titanium, 316SS, Viton
UltraLink PC utility permits configuration and intelligent diagnostics to be performed.
and PVDF wetted materials.
various lengths to accommodate
tions and installation in pipe internal
Series MFX Series MFX Series MFX
The MagProbe used for measuring electrically conductive liquids, such as water and water-based fluids, in closed piping systems. The unit operates utilizing Faraday’s principle of magnetic conduction, whereby a moving conductor (the liquid) has a voltage imposed on it that is directly proportional to two variables – the strength of a local magnetic field and the velocity of the moving conductor.
Imposed voltage α Magnetic field × Fluid velocity
If the strength of the magnetic field is held constant, then the magnitude of the voltage will be proportional to the velocity of the moving conductor. The equation then simplifies to Imposed voltage α Fluid velocity. The MFX applies tri-stated, alternating polarity DC pulses to an integral electromagnet (See Figure 1). Voltage measurements are made with the magnet off, to measure ambient background noise, and then with the magnet on in both polarities. The magnitude difference in voltage measured is proportional to flow. Once fluid velocity is measured, then various volumetric flow measurements will be obtained if the pipe internal diameter (I.D.) is known.
Point-velocity flow meters measure the fluid velocity at a specified depth into the fluid stream, typically 1/8 of the pipe I.D., which has been proven to be the nominal velocity point when symmetrical flow profiles are present. This assumption requires the probe to be downstream of any piping condition (elbows, valves, thermo-wells, tees, etc.) that can cause flow Typically, a minimum of 15 pipe diameters of straight pipe is required to develop a symmetrical flow profile.
is a point-velocity measuring device
The MFX is the perfect alternative to clamp-on and inline style flow meters where pipe construction and site accessibility may present an installation problem. Dynasonics’ “hot-tap” design makes installation of the MagProbe sensor possible without having to plumb in or drain a line.
A typical application would find the MagProbe installed on a pipe inside a vault or manhole (See Figure 3), measuring the flow of water or wastewater. The NEMA 4X enclosure rating of the MFX transmitter gives the added flexibility of indoor or outdoor usage.
The MFX is best suited for measuring clean liquids on large pipes with large amounts of straight run.
Figure 3 – Typical MagProbe Water Application
Figure 1 – Magnet Excitation
Magnet On
+ Polarity
Figure 2 – MagProbe Design
1/8 of Pipe
Magnet On
- Polarity
Pipe Wall
Pulsed Magnetic Field
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