Dynapro Technologies PD70A manual excerpts

M anual Excerp t : (Locat ed p r om inently inside the front cover of t he User’s Man ual)
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, p ursuant to part 15 of th e FCC Rules and ICES 03. These l im its are d es ign ed to provide reason abl e pr otection ag ainst harmful interfer ence in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequenc y energy and, if not in-s talled and used in accordance wit h the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is n o guarant ee that interferen c e will not oc cu r in a part icu lar installation. If this equipment does c ause harmful interference to rad io or television reception, whic h can b e determined by turning the equipm ent off and on, the user is enc ourag ed to try to c orrect the interfer ence by one or m or e of the f ollowin g measures:
Reori ent or r elocat e the receiving antenna.
Incr eas e the s eparat ion between the equipment and r ec eiv er .
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a cir c uit different from that to
which the r ec eiver is c onn ec ted.
Cons ult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technic ian for help.
Changes or m odificati ons to this equ ipment , not expr es s ly approved by the man ufacturer c ould void the user's auth or ity to operat e the equipment .