Dynamite Promotions ZT LY04 User Manual

Mini Bluetooth Keyboard
User Manual
Version 1.0.111
Table of con te nt
Hardware Installation
So ft wa re I ns ta ll at io n an d Us e
Wi nd ows Mobil e OS
Wi nd ows with IV T st ack
Wi nd ows with Br oadcom stack
Li nu x OS
ip ad and iPhone 4 .0 OS
Co mb o Keys Function Guide
Tha nk you fo r purch asing t he Mini B lueto oth Key board ! You can u se it for e mails , chatt ing and y our fav orite g ames. It is c ompat ible wi th:
1. Compu ters wi th Wind ows/ Mac Linux OS
2. Handheldswith Android/ Windows Mobile(6 .0 & lat er)/Nokia Symbian S60
3. Sony Playstation3
4. HTPC with built-in Bluetooth
5. Apple iPad, iPhone/ Touch in 4. 0 OS
Package Contents
The r etail p ackag e conta ins: Min i Bluet ooth Ke yboard Ins talla tion CD Inc l Use r Manual Pow er USB2 .0 Cabl e
If an y items a re dama ged or mi ssing , pleas e conta ct your vendor.
( ).
(V3. 0 & later) OS
Bluetooth Version Bluetooth V2 0 49 keys m ini Built in rechargeable Li charging Color LED for Built in intelligent power manage software for power conservation Working range: 10m Charging time: 3-4 hours
: .
working status indication
-ion battery, Micro USB port
Mobile System Requirements
The d evice m ust bui lt in Bluetooth function The m obile O perat ing Sys tem sho uld be on e of foll owing :
Windows Mobile
- (6 .0 & above) OS
Nokia Symbian S60
-(V3.0 & above) OS
-i Phone 4 .0 OS
Computer/Laptop/HTPC System Requi rements
Blu etoot h-ena bled in W indow s 98, Me, 2 000, XP Vi sta Bluetooth-enabled Mac OS
, , Win 7
Hardware Installation
Not e: Plea se rech arge th e batte ry befo re the fi rst use
Swi tch the k eyboa rd ON, by O N/OFF b utton :
1. The B LUE led w ill lig ht up for 2 s econd s.
2. Pr ess the p air/c onnec t butto n : The B LUE led w ill fla sh.
3. No w the Min i Bluet ooth ke yboar d is in pai ring mo de and waiting for connection with your device.
pair /conn ect but ton
1. Wh en low po wer, th e blue LE D will li ght up fo r 1 secon d and be bli nking i nterm ittently.
2. Wh en char ging, t he Red LE D will li ght up, a nd be off w hen full cha rging .
Recharge the battery
Con nect th e mini Bl uetoo th keyb oard to y our com puter ’s USB por t by the Po wer USB c able (y ou can fi nd the ca ble in th e ret ail box ).
Software Installation And Use
Microsoft Windows Mobile OS
Ins truct ions be low are f or mobi les run ning WM 6.0 and ear lier OS . For WM6 .1 and la ter OS mo biles , just us e the mob ile bui lt-in B lueto oth to co nnect t his Min i Bluet ooth Ke yboar d directly!
On your computer:
. Ins ert Dri vers CD a nd open t he CD fro m “My com puter ”.
2. Locate the “Windows Mo bile” f older a nd the “wi ndows mobil e.cab ” CAB fil e.
3. Co py the CA B file to y our mob ile dev ice.
On your Windows Mobi le device:
1. Locate the CAB file copied.
2. Ru n the win dowsm obile .cab fi le to sta rt inst allat ion.
The Mini Bluetooth keyboard Driver will install on your device aut omati cally . At the en d of the in stall ation , the set up will req uire a re set.
ins ide
The f irst ti me you ru n the Blu etoot h Keybo ard Dri ver on yo ur Win dows Mo bile de vice, y ou’ll s ee a prom pt to act ivate t he software:
If you press NO or if the Internet is not available, Activation wil l fail an d you won ’t be abl e to use th is soft ware.
Mak e sure yo ur Wind ows Mob ile dev ice is co nnect ed to the Int ernet , p ress YE S. You on ly need t o do this o nce after the installation.
Configuration and Troubleshooting
After the software is successfully installed on your device, you need to pair the Bluetooth Mini Keyboard.
1. Make sure your Bluetooth Mini keyboard is in the pairing mod e.
2. Open th e Bluet ooth on y our dev ices, a nd clic k “Add ne w”
3. Se lect th e Bluet ooth Mi ni Keyb oard, a nd tap “N ext”
4. Wh en prom pt for pa sskey , leave t he pass code fi eld bla nk and t ap “Nex t” (if th is fail s, ente r 0000 as a p assco de and press Next)
5. At t his ste p selec t the “In put dev ice” se rvice a nd tap “F inish ”.
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