Dynamics PRIME5 0 User Manual

3G mobile phone
Ice Mobile
Prime 5.0
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 The Basics………………………………………………………………………………………….………..……………..3
1.1 Overview…………………..…………………………..………………………………….……… ……….….3
1.2 Safety guide…………..…………………………..……………………………………..…...…………. 3
1.3 Safety warnings and notices…………………….………………………………..………….3
1.3.1 General attention.………………..…………………..………………..…..….3
1.3.2 When using your phone…………………...…………………….……………4
1.3.3 When using the battery……………………………….………………….…….5
1.3.4 Charging your phone…………………..….…………………….………….….6
2 Getting Start…………………………………..…………………………………………………………………...……..9
3 Functional Menu……………………………….… ……………………………………………………………………....15
1.3.5 Cleaning and maintenance……………..…….……………………….….8
2.1 Meet your phone……….……………………………..…………………………………………….……9
2.2 Key explanations……………………………………………………….………………….….…10
2.3 Using the touchscreen………………………………………………….…………...…….11
2.4 Connecting to the network………………………………………………………….…..11
2.4.1 Inserting /removing the SIM card………………….……………….11
2.4.2 Turning your phone on and off………………………….…….…....11
2.4.3 Unlocking the SIM card…………………………………………….…………12
2.4.4 Unlocking your phone.……………………………………….…………….12
2.4.5 Connecting to the network……………………………….……..……….12
2.4.6 Making a call……………………………..…………………………………………..13
2.4.7 Making a domestic call………………….…………………..……………..13
2.4.8 Making an international call……………..……………………..……..13
2.4.9 Making a call from the list…………….………………………..………..13
2.4.10 Making an emergency call………..………………………..….…….14
2.4.11 Call menu………………..………………………………………………….………..14
3.1 FILE MANAGEMENT…………………………………………………………..……..……15
3.2 SENDING AN EMAIL……………………………..………..………………….………….15
3.3 DIALING………….…………………………………………..………...……………..………………16
3.4 3G VIDEO CALLS……………………….…………..……….………...…………..…….16
3.5 CALCULATOR…………..……………………………..………..….………..……………..16
3.6 BROWSER……………………..…………….………..………….……...…………………….16
3.7 VOICE RECORDER…………………………..……..………..………..…….……….18
3.8 CALENDAR…………………..…………………………………………...………..……………18
3.9 SETTINGS…………………………………………..………..…………………..……….…....18
3.10 CLOCK………………………………………………..…………..…………….……..……….…..19
3.11 RADIO……………………………..…………..………………..…………….……..………………20
3.12 SEARCH………………………………….………..……………..………………..…..……..…21
3.13 CONTACTS…………………………………..………………..………………..………….....21
3.14 GALLERY……………………………………………………..………………….…..……….…..22
3.15 WIRELESS KEYBOARD…………………………..……………...…………………22
3.16 CAMERA……………………………..…………..…………………..………………..…...…..23
3.17 MESSAGE………………………………………………..……….………..……….…….….….23
3.18 BLUETOOTH……………..………………………………..……………..……………….….24
3.19 NOTIFICATION MENU……………………………………………………………..…..25
3.20 DOWNLOAD CONTENT…………………….……………………..…….…….…..25
3.21 MUSIC……………………..………………………..…………..………………..….……….…….25
3.22 CALL RECORDS………..…………………………….…………..………………...…….26
3.23 WIDGET…………..……………………………….…………..………………..………………....27
3.24 SELECT WALLPAPER ………………………..…….….……………………..…….27
4. Text Input…………………………………………………………………..………..………………..………………….27 5 SD Card Introduction………………..………………………..…………..…………………………….…….28 6 FAQs and Solutions………………………………………..………………..………………..………..……..30
1 The Basics
1.1 Overview Thank you for choosing ICEMOBILE device. After reading this guide you will be able to fully master the use of your phone and appreciate its functions and ease of use. Not only does the smartphone and network system provide you with basic calls functions and call records but also with practical many functions and services to improve the time you spend working and playing. The availability of some services and features described in this manual depends on the networks and your subscription. Therefore, some menu items may not be available in your phone. The shortcuts to menus and features may also vary from phone to phone.
1.2 Safety guide If your phone is lost or stolen, please contact telecommunications
authorities or a sales agent immediately to have a hold on the phone and the SIM card. This will prevent you economic losses caused by unauthorized calls made from your mobile phone.
When you contact telecommunications or a sales agent, they need
to the IMEI number of your mobile phone (remove battery to expose number located on the label on back your phone). Please copy this number and keep in a safe place for future use.
In order to avoid the misuse of your mobile phone:
- Set the PIN number of your mobile phone’s SIM card and change
this number immediately if it becomes known to a third party.
- Please keep the phone out of sight when leaving it in a vehicle. It is
better to carry the phone with you, or lock it in the trunk.
- Set call barring.
1.3 Safety warnings and notices Before using your mobile phone, read and understand the following notices carefully to ensure you will use it safely and properly.
1.3.1 General attention
Only the battery and battery charger specified by our company
should be used in your mobile phone. Other product might result in battery leakage, overheating, explosion or fire.
To avoid your phone malfunctioning or catching fire, please do not
violently impact, jolt or throw your phone.
Please do not place the battery, phone or charger in a microwave
oven or high-pressure equipment. Otherwise it could lead to
unexpected accidents such as damage to circuit or fire hazard.
Please do not use your phone near flammable or explosive gases,
otherwise it could cause malfunction of your phone or fire hazard.
Please do not subject your phone to high temperatures, high
humidity or dusty places; otherwise this may lead to the malfunction of your phone.
Keep your phone out of the reach of small children. Your phone is
not a toy. Children could hurt themselves.
To avoid your phone falling and malfunctioning or being damaged,
please do not place it on uneven or unstable surfaces.
1.3.2 notices when using your phone
Turn off your mobile phone where the phone is not allowed, such
as on the airport or in hospitals. Using the mobile phone in those places may impact the normal operation of electronic devices and medical instruments. Follow relevant regulations when using your mobile phone in those places. Your mobile phone has the auto turn-on feature. Check your alarm clock settings to confirm that your mobile phone will not be turned on automatically during flight.
Please do not use your mobile phone near the weak signal or high
precision electronic devices. RF interference might cause malfunctioning of such electronic devices and other problems. Special tips must be paid near the following equipment: hearing aids, pace makers and other medical electronic devices, fire detectors, automatic doors and other automatic control installations. To find out the effect of mobile phones on a pacemaker or other pieces of electronic medical equipment please contact the manufactures or local sales agents of the equipment.
Please do not subject the LCD to impact or use the screen to strike
things, as this will damage the LCD board and cause leakage of the liquid crystal. There is a risk of blindness if the liquid crystal substance gets into the eyes. If this occurs rinse eyes immediately with clear water (under no circumstances rub your eyes) and go immediately to a hospital for treatment.
Do not dissemble or modify your mobile phone, as it will lead to
damage to the phone such as battery leakage or circuitry failure.
Under very rare circumstances using the mobile phone in certain
model cars may negatively affect the internal electronic equipment. In order to assure your safety under such circumstances please do
not use the mobile phone.
Please do not use needles, pen tips or other sharp objects on the
keypad as this may damage the mobile phone or cause it to malfunction.
In the event of antenna malfunction, do not use your phone as it
could be harmful to human body.
Avoid letting the phone come into close contact with magnetic
objects such as magnetic cards as the radiation waves of the mobile phone may erase the information stored on floppy disks, pay cards and credit cards.
Please keep small metal objects, such as thumbtacks far away
from the receiver. When the receiver is in use it becomes magnetic and may attract these small metal objects and thus these may cause injury or damage the mobile phone.
Avoid having the mobile phone come into contact with water or
other liquids. If liquids enter the phone, this could cause a short circuit, battery leakage or other malfunction.
1.3.3 Notices when using battery
The battery has a limited service life. The remaining life gets
shorter as the times of charging increase. If the battery becomes feeble even after the charging, this indicates the service life is over and you have to use a new specified battery.
Do not dispose of old batteries with everything domestic garbage.
Please dispose of old batteries at the directed places with specific rules for their disposal.
Please do not throw batteries into a fire, as this will cause the
battery to catch fire and explode.
When installing the battery, do not use force or pressure, as this
will cause the battery to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
Please do not use wires, needles or other metal objects to
short-circuit the battery. Also, do not put the battery near necklaces or other metal objects as this will cause the battery to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
Please do not solder the contact points of the battery, as this will
cause the battery to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
If the liquid in the batteries goes into the eyes, there is a risk of
blindness. It this occurs do not rub the eyes, but immediately rinse eyes with clear water and go to the hospital for treatment.
Please do not disassemble or modify the battery, as this will cause
the battery to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
Please do not use or place the batteries near high temperature
places such as near a fire or heating vessel as this will cause the battery to leak, overheat, crack and catch fire.
If the battery overheats, changes color or becomes distorted during
use, charging or storage, please stop using and replace it with a new battery.
If the liquid from the battery comes in contact with skin or clothing
this could cause burning of the skin. Immediately use clear water to rinse and seek medical tips if necessary.
If the battery leaks or gives off a strange odor, please remove the
battery from the vicinity of the open fire to avoid a fire or explosion.
Please do not let the battery become wet as this will cause the
battery to overheat, smoke and corrode.
Please do not use or place batteries in places of high temperature
such as in direct sunlight, as this will cause the battery to leak and overheat, lower performance and shorten the battery’s life.
Please do not continuously charge for more than 24 hours.
1.3.4 Charging your phone
Connect the connector of charge to the mobile phone. The battery
level indicator flashes on the screen. Even if the phone has been turned off, the charging image still appears, indicating that the battery is being charged. If the phone is overused when the current is insufficient, it may take longer time for the charging indicator to appear on the screen after the charging begins.
When the battery level indicator does not flash and indicates the
battery is full, this indicates the charging has been completed. If the phone is off during charging, the charging being completed image also appears on the screen. The charging process often takes 3 to 4 hours. During the charging, the battery, phone and charger gets warm, this is a normal phenomenon.
Upon the completion of charging, disconnect the charger from AC
power socket, and from the mobile phone. Notes:
During charging, the phone must be places in well-ventilated
environment of 5 ~ 40. Always use the charger supplied by your phone manufacturer. Using an unauthorized charger might
cause danger and invalidate the authorization and warranty clauses for your phone.
The standby time and call duration provided by the manufacturer
are based on ideal operating environment. In practice, the battery’s operating time varies depending on network conditions, operating environment and usage methods.
Make sure the battery has been installed before charging. It is best
not to remove the battery while charging.
Upon completion of charging, disconnect the charger from your
phone and the power supply.
If you have not disconnected the charger from your phone and the power supply, the charger will continue to charge the battery after 5 to 8 hours when the batter level decreases substantially. We advise you not to do like this, as it lowers your phone performance and shortens your phone life. Notices when using your charger Please use AC 220 volts. The use of any other voltage will cause
battery leakage, fire and cause damage to the mobile phone and charger.
It is forbidden to short circuit the charger, as this will cause electrical
shock, smoking and damage the charger.
Please do not use the charger if the power cord is damaged, as this
will cause fire or electrical shock.
Please immediately clean any dust gathered on the electrical
Please do not place vessels with water near the charger in order to
avoid water splashing onto the charger and causing an electrical shortage, leakage or other malfunction.
If the charger comes in contact with water or other liquid the power
must immediately be switched off to avoid an electrical short or shock, fire or malfunction of the charger.
Please do not disassemble or modify the charger, as it will lead to
bodily harm, electrical shock, fire or damage to the charger.
Please do not use the charger in the bathroom or other excessively
moist areas, as this will cause electrical chock, fire or damage to the charger.
Please do not touch the charger, power cord or power socket with
wet hands, as this will cause electrical shock.
Do not modify or place heavy objects on the power cord, as this will
cause electrical shock or fire.
Before cleaning or carrying out maintenance please unplug the
charger from the electrical outlet.
When unplugging charger, do not pull on the cord, but rather hold
on to the body of the charger, as pulling on the cord will damage the cord and lead to electrical shock or fire.
1.3.5 Cleaning and maintenance The mobile phone, battery and charger are not water resistant.
Please do not use them in the bedroom or other excessively moist areas and likewise avoid allowing them to get wet in the rain.
Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the mobile phone, battery and
Please do not use alcohol, thinner, benzene or other solvents to
wipe the mobile phone.
A dirty outlet will cause poor electrical contact, lose of power and
even inability to recharge. Please clean regularly.
2 Getting Started
2.1 Meet your phone
Indicate the intensity of network signals
Show missed calls
Location by satellite
Receive a new message
An application is being downloaded The downloading is over.
The alarm clock has been set and activated
2.1.2 Icons
In the standby mode, the following icons may appear in standby
A call is in progress
The phone is playing a song
The phone is being charged Enable USB
The access is blocked.
Get connected to the wireless network
Turn on the Bluetooth
No SIM card is installed in the phone GPRS data connection is on
Home key
At any status, press the key to return to the standby screen.
Power key
Hold down this key to turn your phone off and on.
Side volume key
During the conversation, press the two keys to adjust the volume. While playing an audio file, press the two keys to adjust the volume.
Menu key
Show options of current menu.
Return key
Return to the previous menu.
2.2 Key explanations
Note: In this guide, the phrase “press the key” refers to pressing and
thereafter releasing a key. “Hold down a key” refers to pressing a key and
keeping it depressed for 2 seconds or longer. The descriptions and functions of keys depend on the model of your phone.
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