Installation Instructions & Consumer Information
Whole House
IAQ System
RS4 Whol e House IAQ System
Polarized-Media Electr onic Air Cleaner
Activat e d Ca r bo n M atr i x System
Series2 Germicidal UV Lamp
Note: Read these instructions
carefully before installation
Your RS4 Whole House IAQ System is a high efficiency air cleaning system designed to remove
all three types of airborne contaminants: particles, biologicals, and gas phase contaminants. The
large surface areas of the air cleaner and activated carbon help to reduce air veloc it y and static
pressure resistance for more effective filtration.
Section I. Cabinet Installation
1) Turn the thermostat fan switch to the “OFF” position.
2) Turn off power to the furnace/air handler.
3) Remove the existing filter from the furnace/air handler or return air grille.
4) Locate the RS4 cabinet on the return side of the ductwork, adjacent to and upstream of the
blower compartment. This placement will ensure that the furnace blower and cooling coil are
kept clean. Determine the mounting orientation in a location that is readily accessible for
service and maintenance, allowing a minimum of 27” in front of the slide-out access panel.
5) If the cabinet is installe d on a f lat s ur f ace, seat the c ab inet on vibr ati on p ads ( 1/2” minimum) to
provide adequate clearance for the door operation.
6) When securing the RS4 cabinet into the H VAC s ystem , do s o with the c abinet door in plac e to
keep the cabinet plumb. This will ensure that the access door fits properly after installation.
7) The RS4 cabinet uses int erchangeable bl ock-off plates that c an be positioned to allow airflow
through the cabinet at a right-angle or flow-through from side to side or top to bottom.
Mounting holes are provided in the air cleaner cabinet for #10 sheet metal screws or 1/8”
rivets. All system components allow for installation with airflow in any direction.
8) The RS4 c abinet includes one set of adjustable duct flan ges that can adjusted to c onnect the
top/bottom 24”x8” duct opening to duct sizes of 24’x8”, 24”x9”, 24”x10”, 2 4”x11”, or 24”x12”.
The cabinet is shipped with top flanges in the 24”x10” center position. T o adjust the flanges,
remove the flange screws, adjust t he flanges to the des ired duct size, and secure w ith scre ws.
Openings on the side of the cabinet m eas ure 23.5” x 13.5”. A dditiona l duct f lange k its for side
connections (part no. RS4-FLANGEKIT) are available as an optional accessory.
Knock-outs for UV Lamp
& safety switch
9) Holes for wiring access are provided on both sides of the cabinet and a gromm et is provided
for the wiring hole. Onc e t h e c ab ine t h as b een s ec ure d, s ea l al l se ams and holes with foil tape
or mastic so that the cabinet is air tight and UV light cannot escape.
Figure 4 – Top/Bottom View