Dynamic iPortal Installation Manual

the wheelchair display
interface for powered
Installation Manual
GBK52991 iPortal Installation Manual Issue 2.03, November 2012
2 About this manual
About this manual
This manual is an Installation Manual, which is primarily targeted towards the manufacturer/dealer. There is also a User Manual available, which is targeted towards the power wheelchair user.
This Installation Manual is for manufacturers/dealers. It is assumed that you are an approved manufacturer/dealer preparing to install the iPortal module, mounting arm and cradle. It is recommended that you read the User Manual, the Apple iPhone User Guide, and the relevant DYNAMIC CONTROLS installation manual for the Shark, DX or DX2 system.
The iPortal connects with a Shark, DX, or DX2 System. This manual must be read together with the Shark, DX or DX System Manual and all other relevant Shark, DX and DX2 component manuals as applicable.
iDevice(s) in this manual refers to iPhone, and iPod touch.
In this manual, a few symbols will help you identify the purpose of the paragraph that follows:
Warnings provide important information that must be followed in order to install, configure, and use the product safely and efficiently. Not following the instructions given in a warning can potentially lead to equipment failure, damage to surrounding property, injury or death.
Cautions provide supporting information in order to install, configure, and use the product. Not following the instructions given in cautions can lead to equipment failure.
Notes provide supporting information that may be important to the user, but which does not involve risk to life, or injury, or damage to the equipment.
Reference directs the reader to a source of further or more detailed information on a given topic.
Key information follows such as a mechanical or electrical specification.
3 About this manual
Do not install, maintain or operate this equipment without reading, understanding and following this manual – including the Safety and Misuse Warnings – otherwise injury or damage may result. This manual contains integration, set-up, operating environment, test and maintenance information needed in order to ensure reliable and safe use of the product.
The Shark, DX and DX2 Systems are not user serviceable. Specialised tools are necessary for the repair of any component. Any attempt to gain access to or in any way abuse the electronic components and associated assemblies that make up the wheelchair system renders the manufacturer’s warranty void and the manufacturer free from liability.
Due to continuous product improvement, DYNAMIC CONTROLS reserves the right to update this manual. This manual supersedes all previous issues, which must no longer be used.
DYNAMIC CONTROLS reserves the right to change the product without notification.
iPhone, iPod touch, Safari, Mac and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth® SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Apple is under license. Apple is not a participant in or sponsor of this promotion.
“Made for iPod” means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPod and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.
“Made for iPhone” means that an electronic accessory has been designed to connect specifically to iPhone and has been certified by the developer to meet Apple performance standards.
Apple is not responsible for the operation of this device or its compliance with safety and regulatory standards. iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.
DYNAMIC CONTROLs, the Dynamic logo, the Shark, DX, DX2, iPortal and Dashboard logos are trademarks of DYNAMIC CONTROLS. All other brand and product names, fonts, and company names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
DYNAMIC CONTROLs owns and will retain all trademark rights and DYNAMIC CONTROLS or its licensors own and will retain all copyright, trade secret and other proprietary rights, in and to the documentation.
All materials contained within this manual, in hardcopy or electronic format, are protected by copyright laws and other intellectual property laws.
© Copyright 2012 DYNAMIC CONTROLS. All rights reserved.
4 Contents
ABOUT THIS MANUAL ...................................................................................................................................... 2
CONTENTS ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2 SPECIFICATIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................... 6
2.2 MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS ........................................................................................................................ 7
3 INSTALLATION .......................................................................................................................................... 8
3.1 MOUNTING AND CONNECTING ....................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.1 Mounting the arm and cradle ......................................................................................................... 8
3.1.2 Mounting the module ................................................................................................................... 11
3.1.3 Connecting the module ................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.4 Connecting the iDevice .................................................................................................................. 17
3.1.5 Status LEDs .................................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 DASHBOARD SOFTWARE APPLICATION ............................................................................................................ 21
4 PROGRAMMING ..................................................................................................................................... 22
5 TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................................... 22
CONNECTION FAILS .................................................................................................................. 22
5.1.1 Restart the iDevice’s Bluetooth®: .................................................................................................. 22
5.1.2 Wait longer for Bluetooth® to establish a connection: .................................................................. 22
5.1.3 Clear the iPortal from the iDevice’s Bluetooth® list: ...................................................................... 22
5.1.4 Increase the sleep timeout of the chair:........................................................................................ 22
6 APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................... 23
6.1 INTENDED USE AND REGULATORY STATEMENT ................................................................................................. 23
6.2 SERVICE LIFE ............................................................................................................................................. 23
6.3 MAINTENANCE .......................................................................................................................................... 24
6.4 WARRANTY .............................................................................................................................................. 24
6.5 SAFETY AND MISUSE WARNINGS .................................................................................................................... 25
6.6 ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) .................................................................................................... 25
6.7 ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT ...................................................................................................................... 26
6.8 APPLE DISCLAIMER ..................................................................................................................................... 26
6.9 EU AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE ................................................................................................................ 26
5 Introduction
1 Introduction
The iPortal Dashboard for iDevices displays wheelchair information in real-time using Bluetooth® technology to communicate with the wheelchair system. The iPortal is fully compatible with the Shark, DX, and DX2 control systems.
The iPortal Dashboard has the following features:
speed and speed range indicator compass heading (iPhone 3GS only) seat adjustment indicator battery state indicator a log of wheelchair faults emergency call function
The iPortal also features:
connection with DYNAMIC CONTROLS Shark, DX or DX2 wheelchair control systems
without reprogramming the wheelchair
an adjustable mounting arm and cradle for iPhone or iPod touch that attaches to the
wheelchair and conveniently positions the iPhone or iPod touch for the user
an Apple USB charging-only port keeps the iDevice fully charged an auxiliary USB charging-only port keeps other devices fully charged
6 Specifications
Dashboard can only display information it receives from the wheelchair control system. Dashboard does not send any information back to the control system, and cannot control the wheelchair.
2 Specifications
The specifications for the iPortal module should be read and understood in conjunction with the specifications for the host control system.
2.1 Electrical specifications
Battery voltage (powered-on non-operating)
12 40
Battery voltage (operating)
Battery voltage (powered-off)
0 45
Reverse supply voltage
-40 V Quiescent current
Powered-off current
Operating current
iDevice USB charging connector
Output voltage at connector
Operating current
Auxiliary USB charging connector
Output voltage at connector
Operating current
7 Specifications
2.2 Mechanical specifications
8 Installation
3 Installation
The installation instructions for the iPortal module should be read and understood in conjunction with the installation manual for the Shark, DX or DX2 host system.
Chemical cleaning agents may cause damage to the iPortal module, mounting arm and cradle. To clean the iPortal system, wipe with a damp cloth, using only warm soapy water. For cleaning instructions for the iDevice refer to the iPhone, or iPod touch User Guide.
3.1 Mounting and connecting
The iPortal system includes a mounting arm, a cradle, a connection module and a USB cover. In addition, a DX BUS cable (for DX and DX2) or a DK BUS cable and Y-cable (for Shark) is needed. These must be ordered separately.
3.1.1 Mounting the arm and cradle
The iPortal mounting arm and cradle can be mounted anywhere on the wheelchair. However, when choosing the location of the mounting arm and cradle, the following should be taken into consideration:
ease of access by the wheelchair user the length of the charging cable mechanical interference with other equipment protrusion beyond the frame of the wheelchair crushing by the moving parts of the wheelchair
Route the cables and fasten all DYNAMIC CONTROLS components in a position so that the cables, the connectors and the connector sockets do not allow water entry or are subjected to physical strain, abuse or damage, such as cutting or crushing. Take particular care on vehicles with movable structures such as seat raise/tilt or swing-away arms. Make sure that the cables do not extend from the wheelchair to prevent them getting caught or damaged by external objects.
9 Installation
Do not position the cradle outside the frame of the wheelchair, otherwise it can strike objects or passers-by, causing injury. Adjust the cradle such that it remains inside the outline of the chair.
Leave enough charging cable so that the user can adjust the angle of the cradle from portrait to landscape orientation. Do not allow a loop of excess cable to hang down. Secure any excess cable at or near the iPortal connection module in accordance with general wiring recommendations.
CAUTION When not in use, protect the charging cable connector by putting it in the cable park. The cable park prevents the ingress of dirt and moisture.
There are two packages available for the mounting arm, and cradle: long, and short.
The long mounting arm and cradle package includes:
mounting arm (Part No. DJ-GNKL-IPH) cradle for iPhone cradle for iPod touch
The short mounting arm and cradle package includes:
mounting arm (Part No. DJ-GNKS-IPH) cradle for iPhone
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