The Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card products are designed to be interoperable with any
wireless LAN product that is based on Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum(DSSS) radio
technology, and is compliant to:
•The IEEE 802.11 Standard on Wireless LANs(Revision B), as defined and approved
by the Institute of Electrica l a nd Elec tr onics Engin eer s.
•The Wireless Fidelity(WiFi) certification as defined by the WECA Wire le ss Ethernet
Compatibility Alliance.
Wireless LAN and your Health
Wireless LAN products, like other radio devices, emit radio frequency
electromagnetic energy. The level of energy emitted by Wireless LAN devices
however is far much less than the electromagnetic energy emitted by wireless
devi ces like for examp le mo bile pho nes.
Because Wireless LAN products operate within the guidelines found in radio
frequency safety standards and recommendations, Toshi ba believes Wireless LAN is
safe for use by consumers. These standards and recommendations reflect the
conse nsus of the scienti fic com munit y a nd re sul t fro m de libe ra tion s of pa ne ls and
committees of scientists who continually review and interpret the extensive
research literature.
In some situations or environments, the use of Wireless LAN may be restricted by
the proprietor of the building or responsible representatives of the organization.
These situations may for ex ample i nclude:
• Using the Wirel ess LAN equ i pment on bo ar d of airplanes , or
• In any other environment where the risk of interference to other devices or
ser vi ces is perceived or identified a s harmfu l .
I f y ou are unce rtain of the poli cy that applie s on t he use of wire less de vice s in a
specific organization or environment (e.g. airports), you are encouraged to ask for
author i zation to use the W i r eless LAN device pri o r to tur n i ng on the equip ment.
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
Regulator y Information
The To shi ba Wi re le ss LAN Mi ni PC I Ca rd must be installed and used in strict accordance with the
manu factu re r’ s i n stru cti on s as de scr ib e d i n the user docu me n tat ion t hat comes with th e p rod uct. Thi s
device complies with the following radio frequency and safety standards.
Canada – Industry Canada (I C)
This device complies with RSS 210 of Industry Canada.
Operation is subject to t he following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference ,
and (2) this device must accept any interf erence, including interferenc e that may cause
undesired operation of this device.”
L ‘ utilisatio n de ce dis p o sitif est autoris ée seulement aux condit ions suivantes : (1) il ne doit pas produire
de brouillage et (2) l’ utilisateur du dispositif doit é tre pré t à accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique
reçu, même si ce brouillage est susceptible de comp romettre le fonctionnement du dispositif.
Europe – EU Declar ation of Conformity
This de vice com pl ie s wi th th e e ssen ti al r e qui remen t s of th e R& TTE Dir e cti ve 1999/5/EC with essential
test suites as per standards:
EN 60950 Safety of Information Technology equipment
• ETS 300 328 Technical requirements for radio equipment
• ETS 300 826 General EMC requirements for r adio equipment.
For outdoor usage only channel 10 (2457 MHz) and 11 (2462 MHz) is allowed.
For private usage outside buildings across public grounds ove r le ss than 300m no special registration
with IBPT/BIPT is required. Registration to IBPT/BIPT is required for private usage outside buildings
across public grounds over more than 300m. An IBPT/BIPT license is required for public usage
outside building.
For registration and license please contact IBPT/BIPT.
Gebruik buiten gebouw a lle en op kanalen 10 (2457 MHz) en 11 (2462 MHz). Voor privé-gebruik buiten
gebouw over publieke groud over afstand kleiner dan 300m geen registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig; voor
gebruik over afstand groter dan 300m is wel registratie bij BIPT/IBPT nodig. Voor publiek gebruik
buiten gebouwen is licentie van BIPT/IBPT verplicht. Voor registratie of licentie kunt u contact
opnemen met BIPT.
L’utilisation en extérieur est autorisé sur le canal 10 (2457 MHz) et 11 (2462 MHz).
Dans le cas d’une utilisation privée, à l’extérieur d’un bâtiment, au-dessus d’un espace public, aucun
enregistrement n’est nécessaire pour une distance de moins de 300m. Pour une distance supérieure à
300m un enregistrement auprès de I’IBPT est requise. Pour une utilisation publique à I’extérieur de
bâtiments, une licence de I’IBPT est requise. Pour les enregistrements et licences, veuillez contacter
License required for outd oor installations. Check wit h reseller for pr ocedure to followDeutschland
Anmeldung im Outdoor-Bereich notwendig, aber nicht genehmigungspflichtig. Bitte mit Händler die
Vorgehensweise abstimmen.
Restricted frequency band: only channels 10 and 11 (2457 MHz and 2462 MHz respectively) may be
used in France. License required for every installation, indoor and outdoor installations. Please contact
ART for procedure to follow.
Bande de fréquence restreinte : seuls les canaux 10 à 11 (2457 et 2462 MHz respectivemen t) doivent
être utilisés en France.
Toute utilisation, qu’elle soit intérieure ou extérieure, est soumise à autorisation. Vous pouvez
contacter I’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommuniations ( pour la
procédure à suivre.
License required fo r indoor use. Use with outdoor installations not allowedItalia:
E’necessaria la concessione ministeriale anche per l’uso interno.
Verificare con i rivenditori la procedura da seguire. L’us o p er installazione in esterni non e’ permessa.
License required for outd oor installations. Check wit h reseller for pr ocedure to followNederland
Licentie verplicht voor gebruik met buitenantennes. Neem contact op met verkoper voor juiste
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
USA-Federal Commun icat ion s Commission ( FCC)
This device compl ies with Part 15 of FCC R ule s. Ope ratio n of the de vice s in a Wi rele ss LAN S ystem i s
subject to the following two conditions:
This device may not cause harmful interference.
This device must accept any interference that may cause undesired operation.
Caution: Exposur e to Radio Frequency Radiation.
The radiated output power of the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card is far below the FCC radio
frequency exposure limits. Nevertheless, the Toshi ba Wi re l e ss L AN Min i P CI C ard sh al l b e used i n su ch
a manne r that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. When using this
device in combination with Wireless LAN Outdoor Antenna products, a certain separation distance
be twee n ante nna an d n e ar by per son s h as to b e kep t to en sure R F e x po sure co mpl i ance. The d ist ance
between the antennas and the user should not be less than 5cm. Refer to the Regulatory Statements as
ident ified in the documentation that comes with those products for additional information.
The Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card is far below the FCC radio freque ncy exposure limits.
Nevertheless, it is advised to use the Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card in such a manner that human
contact during nor mal opera tion is minimized.
Inter f eren ce Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limi ts are designed to p rovide reasonable protection against
harmful interference i n a residential ins tallation.
This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy. If not installed and used in
accordance with the instructions, it may cause harmful i nterfe rence to radio communication s. However,
there is no guar ant ee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try and correct the
interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient o r relocate the receiving antenna.
In crease the distance betw een th e equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment to an outl et on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Toshib a is n ot re spo n sib le f or an y rad io or television i nte rfe re nce cause d b y unau th or ized m odi fi cati on
of the dev ices included with this Toshiba Wireless LAN Mini PCI Card, or the substituti on or attachmen t
of connecting cables and equipment other than specified by Toshiba .
The corre ction of in te rferen ce caused by such unauthorized modificatio n, substitution or attachment
will be th e respo nsibility of th e us er.
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
Approved Countries for use
This equipment is approved to the radio standard by the
countries inFig.1.
New ZealandNorwaySwed e n
Do not use this equipment ex cept in the countries in
Fig.1 Countries that have approved Bluetooth
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
U s in g t h is eq u ipment in Ja p a n
In Japan, the f requency bandwidth of 2, 400•2,483.5M Hz for second gene ration lo w-power data
communication systems such as this equipment overlaps that of mobile object identification
systems (premise s radio station and sp ecified low-power rad io station).
1. Sticke r
Please put the following sticker on devices incorporating this product.
In the frequency bandwidth of this equipment, industrial device,
scientific device, medical device like microwave oven, licensed
premises radio station and non-licensed specified low-power
radio station for mobile object iden tification system (RF-ID) that
is used in product line of factories,(Other Radio Stations)are
1 Please make sure before using this equipment that no Other
Radi o Sta tions are used in the n eighborhood.
2. Indication
The indication sh own below appears on th is equipment.
(1) (2) (3)
2 In case that RF i n te rference o ccurs t o Ot h e r R adi o S tat ions fr om
this equipment, please change promptly the frequency for use,
place to use, or stop emi tting Ra dio.
3 Please contact TOS HIBA PC Dial if you have a problem, such as
interference from this equipment to Other Radio Stations
(1) 2.4•this equipment uses a frequency of 2.4GHz.
(2) DS•This equipment uses DS-SS modulation.
(3) 4•The interference range of this equipment is less than 40m.
This equipment uses a frequency bandwidth from 2,400MHz to
It is possible to avoid the band of mobile object i dentification syste ms.
3. TOSHIBA PC Di al (Japanese Language Only)
Weekday: 9:00 – 18:00
Weekend : 9:00 – 17:30
(Except Publi c Hol iday and Dec. 31- Jan. 3)
Tel: 0570 - 00 - 3100
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
About Toshiba Wireless Solution
Wireless LAN Network Scenarios
The Wireless LAN Card Kit enables you to:
! Connect y our computer to a Pee r-to-P eer workgroup o f wi reless computing devices.
! Connect your computer to a Local Area Network (LAN) Infrastructure that includes
Wireless LAN Access Points, or other IEEE802.11 compliant LAN systems.
! Expa nd the capabilities of your Wireless LAN Access Points, to support wireless
devices that have been equipped with Wireless LAN Card.
The internal Wireless LAN Card can’t be used with the “Toshiba Wireless LAN PC
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
Peer-to-Peer W orkgroup
The Pe er- to- Pee r wo rkgro up co nfi gura ti on e nables y ou to quic kly s et up a smal l w ire les s
workgroup, w here the workgroup participants can exchange files using features like “Files
and Printer Sharing” as supported by Mi crosoft Networking.
Fi gure 1-1Peer-to-Peer Wireless Workgroup
You can use this option to setup a temporary or ad-hoc network in environments where no
access points are available (for example in Small Office/Home Office (SOHO)
As long as the stations are within range of one another, this is the easiest and least
expensive way to s et up a wireless network.
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
Enterprise Networking
Fi gure 1-2Stan d Alon e Wi reless LAN
With the Wireless LAN Access Points you can connect to a corporate Local Area Network
(LAN) infrastructure to have wire less access to all ne twork facilities. LAN Infrastructures
may either be.
! Stand-alone wireless LANs as pictures in Figure 1-2
! Wire less netw ork infrastructures connected to an existing Ethernet network as pictured
in Figure 1-3.
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
Fi gure 1-3LAN I nfrastructure
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
It’s Easy
The Wireless LAN Card functions like any standard wired Ether net card, but Wireless LAN
does not need any wires!
Wher e an Ethernet car d requires a c able connection to a hub and/o r patch panel, the cable
physically ties you down to the location of the wired connection.
Wireless LAN allows you connect your computer to a Local Area Network (LAN) system
fr o m any w he re w i thi n t he wi r ele s s c ov er a ge a rea . Expa ndi n g o r r e -de s i gni n g y o ur ne t wo r k
is easy: Add or relocate Wireless LAN Access Points, power-up your (new) Wireless LAN
computers, a nd you’re done!
Unlike Ethernet, Wireless LAN will enable you to roam throughout the network while
remaining connected to the LAN.
The Wireless LAN Car d is a radio product. Refer to the flyer “Information to the User” for
regulatory informa ti o n that ma y apply in your country.
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
Wireless LAN Card Features
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card is a wireless network card that fits into Mini PCI
Ty peIIIA.
Toshiba Wireless LAN mini-PCI Card – Getting started
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