Function Button In Main Mode
SAFETY KEY: Fit safety key in right position to power on the computer. When safety key is pulled away from its position, the computer will be
automatically shut down.
START button: Pressing “ START ” button to start treadmill, When pressing “START” button, there will be 3 second final count down on window
display, then machine starts running. In MANUAL, treadmill starts at MIN SPEED and treadmill starts at program preset value in PROGRAM.
STOP button:
Pressing “ STOP ” button to stop treadmill, When pressing “STOP” button, Slowly lower the speed to run with stops.
ENTER button: Press “ENTER” button to change each function. MANUAL can set using time, Pre-set PROGRAM can set using time and speed.
PROGRAM button: Select a program
FAST button: If user doesn’t enter a setting then this button is non-functional.
SLOW button: If user doesn’t enter a setting then this button is non- functional.
UP button: If user doesn’t enter a setting then this button is non-functional.
DOWN button: If user doesn’t enter a setting then this button is non-functional.
SPEED RAPID button: 3 preset buttons for rapid speed: 3,6,9 mph(kph)
INCLINE RAPID button: 3 preset buttons for rapid incline: 3,6,9
SAFETY KEY: When safety key is pulled away from its position, the computer will be automatically shut down.
STOP button: press “STOP” button to stop treadmill.
ENTER button: non-functional.
PROGRAM button: non-functional.
FAST button: Press the button to increase your speed and each increase is 0.1mph. If button is pressed continuously then speed increases to
MAX SPEED quickly.
SLOW button: Press the button to decrease your speed and each decrease is 0.1mph. If button is pressed continuously then speed decreases to
MIN SPEED quickly.
UP button: Press the button to increase your incline and each increase is 1. If button is pressed continuously then INCLINE increases to MAX
INCLINE quickly.
DOWN button: Press the button to increase your speed and each increase is 1. If button is pressed continuously then INCLINE increases to MAX
INCLINE quickly.