SMART Air Hood™ Balancing Instrument | FAQ’s
1. Why should I buy a SMART Air Hood™?
The SERIES SAH SMART Air Hood™ Balancing Instrument is the most accurate and easy to operate air ow hood on the market. By using the included hood stand
and wireless communications to the handheld, a single operator can balance a branch in less time than traditional balancing teams. Besides being lighter than
most traditional capture hoods, the ergonomic design makes the Series SAH easy to maneuver, with less physical stress. The rugged polypropylene base hood
features patented Quad Flow Design Technology for controlling air ow and minimizing back pressure, which yields superior measurement accuracy. The Wi-Fi
direct communication gives reliable communication with a distance of up to 200 yards between the hood and the handheld test instrument.
2. What is Predictive Balancing?
The current industry method of balancing is commonly referred to as proportional balancing. Proportional balancing determines the ow between each terminal
and the key. The key ow changes with each adjustment of any given terminal, so the balancing technician must estimate a ow for the terminal and adjust the key
and the terminal until the correct proportion is achieved.
The SMART Air Hood™ is designed to provide Predictive Balancing™, an industry rst for air ow balancing. Predictive balancing guides the balancing technician on
where to go to set the proper ow for each register allowing the system to be fully optimized. The SMART Air Hood™ Balancing Instrument includes the PredictAir
Application Software which reduces the number of steps in the air ow balancing process using Predictive Balancing’s Express Balance mode. Predictive Balancing
is a method of predicting the optimal ow set point for each register and the order in which they should be adjusted.
3. What is Quad Flow?
Traditional industry cone shaped air ow hoods experience two main problems when measuring ow registers; poor accuracy of ow readings and back pressure
compensation. These factors contribute to wasted energy and poor performance. Dwyer’s patent pending, state of the art, Quad Flow Design concept is based on
controlling the recirculating air patterns that can create back pressure effects, while mixing the ow more evenly and efciently. This well mixed ow for velocity
sampling leads to superior measurement accuracy.
4. In what applications can I use the SMART Air Hood™?
Primary applications include commissioning, testing, adjusting and balancing volumetric air ow from diffusers, grilles, and registers in HVAC systems.
5. Where do I send the SMART Air Hood to be calibrated?
Recalibration of the SMART Air Hood™ is fast and easy. Dwyer recommends recalibrating the Hood, at a minimum, once a year to ensure maximum performance.
When it is time for recalibration, simply detach, by unclipping the clamps on all four sides, the four Quad Flow Sensing Grids along with the Sensor Module. The
Quad Flow Sensing Grids and Sensor Module need to be calibrated together. For your convenience, Dwyer includes with each purchase of a SMART Air Hood™ a
custom return calibration package specically designed for the four Quad Flow Sensing Grids and Sensor Module. To ensure no downtime, you can purchase a new
set of four calibrated Quad Flow Sensing Grids and Sensor Module, model A-SAH-CK part number 100765-09, ready to install on the jobsite. You can return the
original four Quad Flow Sensing Grids and Sensor Module in the custom return package to Dwyer using our RMA process or to any authorized Dwyer calibration
service company. Once The Quad Flow Sensing Grids and Sensor Module are calibrated, they will be returned as a set back to you, ready to install on your SMART
Air Hood™.
6. What is the warranty?
The SMART Air Hood™ has a 1 year warranty.
7. What is the price?
For the current list price, please check our website www.dwyer-inst.com.
8. Where can I purchase the SMART Air Hood™?
The SAH can be purchased through authorized Dwyer distributors, authorized manufacturer representatives or on-line direct from Dwyer at www.dwyer-inst.com.
T: 219-879-8000 | F: 219-872-9057 | info@dwyermail.com

SMART Air Hood™ Balancing Instrument | FAQ’s
9. Is a protective case provided for the SMART Air Hood™?
Yes, the SMART Air Hood™ is shipped in a protective travel case as standard. The price is included, there is no extra charge.
10. How much does it weigh and what are the dimensions?
Dwyer’s SMART Air Hood™ is a revolutionary crate design made from a rugged polymer construction. The lightweight design represents the smallest and most
aerodynamic design the industry has ever seen. The SMART Air Hood™ weighs less than 6 pounds and ¼ the height of current industry air hoods at 24˝x24˝x12˝.
11. Can it be shipped as air freight to the job?
Yes. The SMART Air Hood™ is shipped with a protective carrying case durable enough to be shipped air freight. Please note that there are shipping restrictions for
lithium batteries; consult your carrier prior to shipping.
12. What is the range of the handheld device that comes with the SAH?
The SAH uses Wi-Fi Direct for communications. Wi-Fi Direct allows the SMART Air Hood™ to create a Wi-Fi connection directly to the Dwyer handheld instrument.
There is no need for additional equipment needed, like a router. The range is up to 200 yards.
13. Can I store my results for future reference?
Yes, the SMART Air Hood™ mobile meter includes job based logging that will track the entire balancing process from beginning to end including a balance summary
that shows the actual nal ow at each register and the deviation from target. Each branch is considered a job. All of the registers for a job can be setup ahead of
time and distributed prior to performing the balance. Setup and modications to the setup can also be done onsite. Jobs can be paused and resumed allowing for
additional activities, breaks, maintenance, without disrupting the balancing process.
14. Can the SMART Air Hood™ accommodate various size diffusers?
Yes, various size canvas hoods with an adaptor are available as accessories for the SAH Consult the Dwyer Instruments website, www.dwyer-inst.com for details.
15. What type of battery is in the SMART Air Hood™?
The SMART Air Hood™ operates with a NCR 18650B MH12210 lithium ion rechargeable battery, 3.6v. In addition, 4 AA batteries can be used as backup so the
SMART Air Hood™ is always available for use.
16. Where do I go for help on how to use the SMART Air Hood™?
The Dwyer website is an excellent source for product information. Videos are available illustrating the SMART Air Hood™ features and benets as well as how to
use for balancing. In addition to the Dwyer website, the Dwyer Technical Support Team is available to take your phone calls and assist with questions. Please visit
www.dwyer-inst.com for contact information and technical support on the SMART Air Hood™.
T: 219-879-8000 | F: 219-872-9057 | info@dwyermail.com