Dwyer Mark II Manometers come in a variety of ranges. Make sure the oil being used
is for the correct manometer.
Mark II #25, 27, MM-80 and M-700 Pa use
red gage oil (specific gravity 0.826).
Mark II #26, 28 and MM180 use blue gage
oil (specific gravity 1.9).
If additional oil is required, call or fax nearest
Dwyer office listed at bottom of page.
Position manometer on a vertical surface.
Drill two 1/8˝ or 9/64˝ holes on a vertical line
315/16˝ apart. Loosely mount manometer
with self-tapping screws provided. Adjust
gage until level bubble is centered in level
vial, then secure the manometer tightly.
For portable use, order optional A-612
Portable Stand.
Turn the zero set knob counterclockwise until
it stops, then turn clockwise 3 full turns. This
puts zero in approximately the middle of the
travel adjustment in either direction. Remove
the fill plug and fill with gage fluid until fluid
reaches zero on scale. Minor adjustments
can be made to adjust zero by adjusting zero
knob. Replace fill plug. If gage is overfilled,
remove excess by inserting pipe cleaner
through the fill port to blot up excess oil.
Check oil level regularly and adjust zero with
zero adjust knob. Be sure tubing connections are disconnected and gage is open to
atmosphere before adjusting zero.
Clean with mild soap and water. Avoid any
cleaning fluids which may result in damaging
the gage.
Each Mark II manometer includes two tubing
connectors for 1/8˝ pipe or sheet metal
ducts, two mounting screws, 3/4 oz. bottle
of indicating fluid, red and green pointer
flags, 8´ of double column tubing and instructions.
Mark II Series Molded Plastic Manometers
Specifications - Instructions and Operation
Bulletin D-58
Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.com
P.O. BOX 373 • MICHIGAN CITY, INDIANA 46361, U.S.A. Fax: 219/872-9057 e-mail: info@dwyer-inst.com
Mark II Model No. 25
inclined-vertical manometer,
(shown with optional A-612 portable stand)