The display module is a 2-line by 8-character LCD. Standard reading in operation is
Gas Type
xxx Units
1.2 Keypad and Function Configuration
Relay settings and other configurable items are accessed through the keypad and menu
The keypad is a set of 3 buttons recessed along the upper right side of the enclosure. It is
not necessary to open the cover for use of the keypad. Access to the menus is password
restricted. Press any key for 3 seconds to enter the menus. (See below for details)
83850-001-003 RF Jan 2009
Operation And Maintenance Manual
1.3 Password
Factory preset default password is 0017.
Password can be changed. RECORD PASSWORD IN A SECURE PLACE. If the
password is lost, the unit must be returned to Dwyer to be reset
1.4 Output Signals
Options are 4-20 milliamp or 2-10 VDC linear. Choose the option by moving the jumper
on JP3. On over range concentrations the signal can exceed the range slightly.
Figure 2 Signal Configuration JP3
: Voltage monitoring should be into a monitor with at least 50 000 ohms
input impedance. Voltage monitoring is not recommended over long distances, as
these signals are more susceptible to induced noise than current signals
1.5 Meter Jacks
Test pads accepting standard test probes are provided on the circuit card. These are
labeled SigA, SigB and Common
To test milliamp signals measure:
• SigA to Common shorts to internal ground.
• SigA to SigB without interrupting signal to monitor
To Test voltage signals measure:
• SigB to Common.
1.6 Signal and Display Range
It is important to distinguish between Signal Range (often called Span) and Display
83850-001-003 RF Jan 2009
Operation And Maintenance Manual
Display Range is the range of concentrations the unit is capable of displaying
(which is the same concentration it will report on the digital communications).
The display range varies with the gas type.
Signal Range is the assignment of the 4 to 20 mA signal. Default assignment of 4
mA is zero concentration. The default setting for 20 mA varies with the gas type.
The Signal range is fully adjustable within the limits imposed by the Display Range. Both
the 4 mA level and the 20 mA level can be reassigned through the menu system. Please
note that this adjustment does not change the measurement resolution.
1.7 Optional Relay Package
Two relays are supplied; single pole double throw (SPDT; Form C) 1 Amp. Dry contacts
only. Configuration allows setpoint adjustment for actuation point, dead-band, and
delays, increasing or decreasing concentrations. The relay settings have the same range as
the Display Range, and are independent of Signal Range.
1.8 Default Conditions
Default conditions are those conditions, which occur:
• During the short wait state on Power On.
• In Fault status.
• In the menu tree.
In these situations the following conditions hold:
• Signal set at 4.0 milliamps (2 Volts)
• Relays set non-energized.
• Digital communications report 0; no alarm status and 4 milliamp equivalent
1.9 Sensing and Calibration
Sensor type: Various electrochemical.
1.9.1 Calibration
The sensor is strongly linear in it’s response to gas. It is therefore straightforward to
calibrate. Two gases are needed for calibration: Zero gas (clean air) and an appropriate
span gas. Adjustment is by one potentiometer on the circuit board.
1.9.2 Implications for Troubleshooting
The microprocessor will detect various component faults and out-of-range conditions,
and drop the output signal to 0.0 milliamps. When a fault is detected, both relays will be
deactivated as well. However, it cannot detect simple out of calibration conditions, which
can only be detected by applying a gas standard.
83850-001-003 RF Jan 2009
Operation And Maintenance Manual
2. Function and Configuration
2.1 Menu Structure and Use
Note: While the keypad functions are available without opening the case. It is necessary
to open the case to apply the calibration gases. The ‘keypad’ switches are located in the
upper right side of the enclosure. See Figure 1 Page 3.
Display: The display is 2 line by 8 character alphanumeric. The top line contains the
feature name and the second contains the variable.
Keypad: The keypad consists of three (3) pushbutton switches.
S1 Scroll Up
S2 Scroll Down
S3 Enter/Accept
Display at Turn-On:
The display shows the following for about 2 seconds:
Vx.xx Ry
Where: x.xx = the Software Version
y = the Software Revision
Followed for about 2 seconds by:
Vx.xx Ry
Where: ElectrCh = Electrochemical
x.xx = the Sensor Algorithm Version
y = the Sensor Algorithm Revision
Display in Operation: The display shows
xxx Units
Where GAS will show the target gas, and xxx is concentration of
the gas. Units may be either ppm (parts per million) or %.
83850-001-003 RF Jan 2009
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