Telescoping Stainless Steel Pitot Tube
Adjustable Design Extends Insertion Length to 36 Inches
The Model 166T Telescoping Pitot tube is a unique air flow sensor which
can quickly and easily be adjusted for any duct insertion length from 11.5 to 36
inches (29.2 to 91.4 cm). Now, this single compact unit can replace up to five
conventional fixed length Pitot tubes. For even greater convenience, it is
securely protected by a custom fitted polyethylene carrying case. Telescoping
sections lock in place as they are extended, enabling use of the handle grip to
gauge proper alignment of the tip within the airstream. Stainless steel
construction resists corrosion. Hemispherical tip has 1.0 flow coefficient, is 1/8˝
dia. (3.2 mm). Largest section is 3/8˝ (9.5 mm). Weight (with case) 1 lb, 9 oz
(709 g). Case: 12.5 x 6.25 x 1.75 in.
Model 166T
CONTACT US | U.S. 219/879-8000 | U.K. (+44) (0)1494-461707 | A.U. (+61) (0) 2 4272 2055 | China +852-23181007