Bulletin D-57
Model 1430 Microtector®Electronic Point Gage
Installation and Operating Instructions
Model 1430 Microtector®Portable
Electronic Point Gage combines mod-
ern, solid-state integrated circuit electronics with a time-proven point gage
manometer to provide fast, accurate
pressure measurements.
• Accurate and repeatable to ± .00025
inches water column
• Pressure range: 0 - 2˝ w.c., positive,
negative, or differential pressures
• Non-toxic and inexpensive gage fluid
consists of distilled water mixed with
a small amount of fluorescein green
color concentrate
• Convenient, portable, lightweight
and self-contained, the unit requires
no external power connections and
is operated by a 1.5 volt penlight cell
• A.C. detector current eliminates
point plating, fouling and erosion
• Micrometers are manufactured in accordance with ASME B89.1.13-2001, and
are traceable to a standard at the National
Institute of Standards and Technology
Patent No. 3,726,142
• Three-point mounting, dual leveling
adjustment, and circular level vial
assure rapid setup
• Durablock precision-machined acrylic
plastic gage body
• Sensitive 0 - 50 microamp D.C. meter
acts as a detector and also indicates
battery and probe condition
• Heavy 2˝ thick steel base plate
provides steady mounting
• Top-quality glass epoxy circuit board
and solid-state, integrated circuit
• Electronic enclosure of tough, molded
styrene acrylonitrile provides maximum
protection to components yet allows
easy access to battery compartment
• Rugged sheet steel cover and carrying
case protects the entire unit when not
in use
• Accessories included are (2) 3-foot
lengths Tygon tubing, (2) 1/8˝ pipe
thread adapters and 3/4 oz. bottle of
fluorescein green color concentrate
with wetting agent
Maximum pressure: 100 psig with
optional pipe thread connections.

Precision Pressure Measurement
The Dwyer Microtector®combines the timeproven principles of the Hook Gage type
manometer and modern solid-state integrated circuit electronics. It provides an inexpensive means of achieving accuracy and
repeatability within ± .00025 inches water column throughout its 0 to 2 inches w.c. range.
It is truly a new standard in precision measuring devices.
Principles of Operation
A pressure to be measured is applied to the
manometer fluid which is displaced in each
leg of the manometer by an amount equal to
1/2 the applied pressure. A micrometer
mounted point is then lowered until it contacts
the manometer gage fluid. The instant of contact is detected by completion of a low-power
A.C. circuit. Current for this circuit is supplied
by a 1.5 volt penlight cell feeding two semiconductor amplifiers which act as a free-running multivibrator operating at a frequency of
approximately two kilohertz. Completion of
the A.C. circuit activates a bridge rectifier
which provides the signal for indication on a
sensitive (0 to 50 microamps) D.C. microammeter.
On indication of contact, the operator stops
lowering the point and reads the micrometer
which indicates one half the applied pressure.
By interpolating eight divisions (each being
.000125˝ w.c.) between .001 micrometer
graduations, a total accuracy of .00025 can
easily be achieved. The micrometer complies
with Federal Specification GGG-C-105A and
is traceable to a master at the NIST.
Locating and Opening
Stand the Microtector®and case on a firm flat
level surface. Remove cover by releasing the
latches and lifting it straight up. If it is necessary to move the gage without case, handle
only the base plate or clear acrylic block.
(CAUTION: Do not handle gage by grasping
meter-electronic package housing Item 7 on