Model SCC-POT/C Single Channel Module
Each SCC-POT/C unit is configured and calibrated
at the factory for the input signal range and voltage output range printed by the factory on the
SCC unit’s side-label.
The SCC-POT/C unit is capable of accommodating 0 to 500 Ohms or 0 to 100KOhms at its input.
The unit automatically selects the proper input
range for the connected potentiometer. Factory
configured units have been calibrated for a 0 to
10KW input The SCC-POT/C unit is capable of a
0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA output signal. Unit reconfiguration requires Dwyer Instruments, Inc.
Configurator Utility.
This SCC unit may be reconfigured by a user at
any time via their personal computer (PC) or
handheld personal computer (HPC) by installing
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. Windows®/PC or Windows®/CE HPC based SC Configurator Utility, interfacing the SCC unit to the computer’s RS-232C
comm port with an SCC Configuration Cable (sold
separately), and then changing the unit’s input/
output configuration settings.
The SCC family of single channel signal conditioning and isolating modues are intelligent, user
programmable, high-accuracy, user friendly, signal conditioning units.
Each SCC model supports one (1) specific analog
signal-type on its input channel and outputs one
(1) high-level current or voltage signal depending
upon model. A diverse SCC model family permits users to select the model which meets their
unique signal conditioning needs.
SCC models may be purchased with a factory preset configuration for plug-n-play application or
available unconfigured so user may configure the
unit to meet their unique need. All SCC models
may be configured/reconfigured by a user at anytime through use of an optional SCC Configuration Package.
Theory of Operation - An analog world input signal
arriving at the SCC unit is isolated, filtered, amplified, scaled and/or linearized (as required) by the
units onboard microprocessor under the direction
of the unit’s configuration parameters set by the
user (or factory) via Windows®/PC or Windows®/
CE HPC (Handheld Personal Computer) based SC
Configurator Utility.
The conditioned signal is then converted to a high
level analog current or voltage output signal (depending upon model) and presented at the unit’s
isolated output.
• 15 - 32VDC, 30mA external supply voltage
• SC Configuration Package (Part No. SCCCC-A1) Package consists of:SC
Configurator Utility and SCC Configuration Cable.
1. Mount SCC unit on standard TS32 or TS35
DIN rail.
2. See wiring diagram on reverse side. Connect
external 15 to 32VDC power source to SCC
Positive (+) to SCC terminal +VDC
Negative (-) to SCC terminal -VDC/-OUT
3. Connect Potentiometer to SCC unit:
Pot 1 to SCC terminal POT1
Pot Wiper to SCC terminal POT WPR
Pot 3 to SCC terminal POT3
4. Connect output actuator/device to SCC unit:
Positive (+) to SCC terminal +OUT
Negative (-) to SCC terminal -VDC/-OUT
Two LEDs one RED and one GREEN are located
on the front face of the SCC’s enclosure and provide user with visual indication as to unit operation.
LED’s have three operational states:
Steady ON
Steady OFF
RED = Steady OFF
Meaning: Module is processing data.
Condition: GREEN = Steady ON
RED = Steady ON
Meaning: 1) Configuration data is not loaded in
module memory. -OR- 2) During module re-configuration both LED’s are normally ON indicating data is being properly transferred to or from
module memory.
Meaning: The measured input signal is outside
the modules configured range. When the signal is
within configured range the LED’s indicate normal operation.
All other combinations indicate the module is not
operating correctly.

15 to 32 VDC
Power Source
A = Pot 1
B = Pot Wiper
C = Pot 3
SCC-POT/C Wiring Diagram
An SCC’s configuration can only be changed
through use of a personal computer running our
Windows® based SC Configurator Utility and a
special configuration communication cable to
interface the SCC unit and personal computer
together. (See Requirements - on reverse side for
purchasing information.)
Instructions on how to accomplish configuration
change are included with SC Configuration
Package and not covered here.
Input Power: 15-32VDC
Isolation: 2 way input to power/output 1500V peak
Over Voltage: 240VRMS continuous
Step Response to 99%: 0.3 seconds
Operating Temp.: -40 to +75°C
Storage Temp.: -40 to +85°C
Mounting: 32 and 35mm DIN Rail & G Rail
Dimensions: 75mm H X 12.2mm W X 60 mm D
(2.95” X 0.485” X 2.5”), 24 modules can be installed
per linear foot of DIN Rail
Diagnostics LEDs: Active and alarm indications
Maximum Wire Size: 14 AWG
Input Type: Potentiometer
Input Range: 0 to 500 Ohms or 0 to 100K Ohm
Accuracy: ±0.05%
Current -- 0 to 20mA or 4 to 20mA
Warning: Initial power-up requires a mini-
mum of 15 Vdc and a maximum of 32 Vdc. Any
voltage outside this range will cause damage to
the unit. When installing or servicing the unit,
take precautionary steps in preventing any electrostatic discharge to the unit.
Caution: The torque specification for tight-
ening the wire terminal set screws is 2.0 in/lbs.
Any torque greater than this will cause damage to
the unit.
Recommended torque: 2.0 in/lbs
TRADE SECRETS AND PROPRIETARY NOTICE -- This document and the software
described therein contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information of Dwyer
Instruments, Inc. and are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copy righted laws,
this document and the driver software supplied by Dwyer Instruments, Inc. may not be
copied, in whole or part, without the written consent of Dwyer Instruments, Inc., except
in the normal use of the software or to make a backup copy. The same proprietary and
copyright notices must be affixed to any copies to be made for others, whether or not sold,
given, or loaned to another person. Under the law, copying includes translating to another
language or format.
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. in developing this product and drivers for applicable programmable
logic controllers has attempted to offer the most current, correct and clearly expressed
information possible. Nonetheless, errors can occur. Except as expressly set forth above,
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. does not warrant that driver software is free from bugs, errors,
or other application limitations.
WARRANTY -- Manufacturer (Dwyer Instruments, Inc.) warrants that its product, under
normal use and specified use, is free from defects and poor workmanship for a period of
twelve (12) months from the date of shipment from the Dwyer Instruments, Inc. factory.
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. makes no other warranties or representations express or implied,
whether of merchantability, suitability of fitness for a particular purpose or otherwise
Dwyer Instruments, Inc. quality products were designed, and are manufactured with tight
tolerance specifications. Any attempt to repair or otherwise modify Dwyer Instruments,
Inc. products will result in the termination of all warranty benefits. Although Dwyer
Instruments, Inc. may choose to repair a product returned under warranty, it will not attempt
to repair products that are beyond the warranty period. Evaluation and repair costs of
product beyond the warranty period would likely exceed replacement costs. As such, Dwyer
Instruments, Inc. supports the policy of “repair by replacement”.
RETURNING MATERIAL TO THE MANUFACTURER -- Should it become necessary to
return any material to the manufacturer (Dwyer Instruments, Inc.), a Return Authorization
(RA) number must first be obtained. Telephone Dwyer Instruments, Inc. at 219-879-8868
or 219-879-8000 or Fax 219-879-9057 to request an RA#. Be prepared to: (1) Identify the
material to be returned (model, S/N, sales order#); (2) Detail the reason for the return; (3)
Describe the “next step” expectations from Dwyer Instruments, Inc.; (4) Provide a Purchase Order, if a replacement is requested prior to the receipt of the return -- even if it is
believed that the return is covered under warranty.
When returning material to Dwyer Instruments, Inc., the RA# must be included on all
shipping documents and prominently displayed on the outside of the shipping container -this will reduce your turn around time.
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY -- Buyer and/or end users sole remedy shall be the repair
or replacement of the defective product with any damages limited to the purchase price of
the product. In no event shall manufacturer have any liability for the direct, indirect, special,
consequential or incidental damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, use or
production, or for another claim for damages whether based or claimed in contract,
warranty, negligence, strict liability, indemnification or otherwise.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE -- This document and the accompany driver software diskette(s)
are Copyright 1995 - 1997 by Dwyer Instruments, Inc.. All right reserved. The software
described in document is furnished as-is.
F.C.C. STATEMENT -- This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if into installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference
to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur
in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user
is encouraged to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: (1)
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna; (2) Increase the separation between the
equipment and receiver; (3) Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit difference from
that to which the receiver is connected; (4) Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
technician for help.
Environment - Dwyer Instruments, Inc. products are designed to operate reliably and
safely in their specified environment. However the following guidelines must be followed to
ensure Safety, Electromagnetic Compatibility and Performance.
• Products have been tested for the Industrial Environment (BS EN 50081-2 and
50082-2) unless otherwise stated. Operation in any other environment is not
guaranteed and at the risk of the User.
• The User is required to suppress high energy transients, such as those caused by
lightning strikes, unless the product is specified for such purposes. Non-resistive
loads and contact arcing must be suppressed at source.
• Products are intended for installation inside an equipment cabinet or suitable enclosure unless otherwise specified. This should be accessible only to qualified personnel
during commissioning and maintenance. Open chassis products for use above 50V
should only be accessible by the removal of a cover using a key or tool.
• Anti-static precautions and conventional Instrumentation best practice must always
be observed. Each active module should be protected by a suitably rated fuse or
equivalent protection device.
Product EMC Performance - The performance of Dwyer Instruments, Inc. products
that fall within the scope of the EMC directive will meet the requirements of the relevant
performance criteria as determined by the particular tests listed in the EMC standards.
Products may temporarily be affected by the application of some electromagnetic disturbances but will return to published specification thereafter. Individual product details on
Directives - Dwyer Instruments, Inc. products are intended for installation by qualified
personnel into a larger piece of equipment or system and are not accessible by the operator
or that equipment or system under normal use. They do not contain any moving parts as
defined by the Machinery Directive and do not fall within the scope of either the Machinery
Directive or the Low Voltage Directive unless other stated. The responsibility for the final
equipment or system lies with the builder of that equipment or system. It is the duty of
the system designer or installation engineer to ensure that our products are used in
accordance with our instructions and that current safety, wiring and other relevant regulations are followed.
For order entry, application, or customer service assistance,
Dwyer Instruments, Inc.
P.O. Box 373
Michigan City, IN 46361 (USA)
Phone: 219-879-8868/219-879-8000
Fax: 219-879-9057
DS 10-5000-07 Jun-00
All Prices and Specifications subject to change without notice