Installation & Operating Instructions
1220/1230 Series
U-Tube and Well-Type Manometers
Bulletin D-21
Fig. 1
With both ends of the tube open,
the liquid is at the same height in
each leg.
The difference in height, “h”, which
is the sum of the readings above
and below zero, indicates
Measuring Pressure, Vacuum and Differential
Pressure with Dwyer®Manometers
Dwyer manometers are available in two different
styles. The W/M models use either water for
readings in inches of water or mercury for
readings in inches of mercury. The D models use
Dwyer .826 specific gravity red gage fluid for
readings in inches of water. The scales on the
two styles have different lengths, so it is
important to use the correct fluid.
Mounting Dwyer U-Tube Manometers
1221 - Mount to a vertical surface through holes
in the scale.
1222 - Attach magnets to steel surface or
remove magnets and mount through holes in
1223 - Attach magnets to steel surface or
through the hole in safety trap housing.
Fig. 2
The difference in height, “h”, which
is the sum of the readings above
and below zero, indicates the
amount of vacuum.
Fig. 3
1227 - Because of angled connections, 1227
must be filled with indicating tube at an angle.
After filling, check zero in vertical position. Clean
all fluid from the exterior of the unit to prevent
cracking of the backplate.
Note: Read vertical range on the right leg with
the manometer vertical. Incline the manometer
to zero for low range reading.
Mounting Dwyer Well Manometers
1230 - Mount to a vertical surface with flat-head
screws through the holes in the scale.
1235 - Mount behind panel cutout to show only
the tube and scale. Attach by drilling holes
through the manometer’s back-plate and
panels. Make the panel cutout for the length and
width of the tube and scale.
P.O. BOX 373 • MICHIGAN CITY, IN 46360, U.S.A. Fax: 219/872-9057
Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.com
e-mail: info@dwyer-inst.com

Filling U-Tube Manometers 1221 - 1222
Open both fittings to atmosphere. Slide scale to
mid-point of travel. Add liquid to zero on scale.
Clean all fluid from the exterior of the unit to
prevent cracking of the backplate.
Filling 1223 - 1230 and 1235 Manometers
Remove large fitting from well using a 3/4˝ openend wrench. Also remove cork, disc, and O-ring.
Be sure the other side is vented to atmosphere.
Adjust zero to middle of travel. Add fluid to well
up to the zero on scale. Replace cork, disc, and
O-ring before replacing fitting. Clean all fluid
from the exterior of the unit to prevent cracking
of the backplate on 1223 models. To order red
gage fluid, order part # A-101 (1 oz). To order
fluorescein green color concentrate, order part #
A-126 (1 oz).
Operation of 1221, 1222 and 1223
Connect either side to pressure or vacuum,
leaving the other side open to atmosphere. Add
together the readings above and below zero.
It is normal for the two sides to have different
readings and has no effect on accuracy. For
differential pressure, connect both the high and
low fittings. Add the readings above and below
zero on the scale.
Operation of 1230 and1235 Manometers
Positive Pressure: Connect the well reservoir
fitting to the pressure source, leaving the other
side open to atmosphere.
Negative Pressure: Connect the top fitting to
vacuum source, leaving well side open to
Differential Pressure: Connect higher pressure
to well reservoir fitting and lower pressure to
upper fitting.
Note: When finished, close fitting to prevent
spilling or evaporation.
With proper care, Dwyer Flex-Tube
Manometers will continue to give accurate
readings. If cleaning is needed, remove fittings,
drain fluid, and rinse with mild soap and water. A
cleaning brush (part #A-366) may be used to
remove oxidation.
Avoid harsh soaps and solvents which may
damage manometer and void warranty.
When replacing O-rings, apply a thin coat of
petroleum jelly to assure a good seal. Do not
coat O-ring used in the overpressure safety trap.
Avoid using fluids other than those specified.
Corrosive fluids may damage the manometer.
If return is needed contact customer service to
receive a return goods authorization number
before shipping.
©Copyright 2013 Dwyer Instruments, Inc Printed in U.S.A. 5/13 FR# 44-440475-00 Rev. 7
P.O. BOX 373 • MICHIGAN CITY, IN 46360, U.S.A. Fax: 219/872-9057
Phone: 219/879-8000 www.dwyer-inst.com
e-mail: info@dwyer-inst.com