D.W. Fearn PDB User Manual

PDB P assive Direct Box
The PDB Passive Direct Box is an accessory for the D.W. Fearn VT-1 or VT-2 Microphone Preamplifier that provides high-quality “direct” recording of electric instruments. It may also be used with other mic preamps. The PDB takes a low-level, high-impedance, unbalanced signal (such as from an electric bass guitar) and converts the signal to a mic-level, low-impedance, balanced sig­nal to be fed to a professional microphone preamplifier.
Note that the PDB is not designed to process line-level signals. For that application, the D.W. Fearn LP-1 Line Pad would be appropriate.
The PDB follows the industry standard wiring, with pin 2 “high” or “+” and pin 3 “low” or “-”. Pin 1 on the connecting cable should be connected to the cable shield. Internally, pin 1 is connected to the PDB chassis through a RC network when the “GROUND LIFT” switch is in the up position. In the down position, pin 1 is connected directly to the PDB chassis. The proper position of the GROUND LIFT switch must be determined experimentally for each set-up. It may also be necessary to experiment with other “ground” switches on an instrument amp (guitar amp) if one is connect­ed to the AMP jack. The correct position is the one that has the least amount of hum. In many sit­uations, there will be no difference in the switch position and it can be set either way.
The output level of the PDB depends on the level of the signal going into it, but with most pick-up type instruments (electric bass, electric guitar) the output will be around -50 to -30 dBu. This is ideal for most microphone preamplifiers. With some higher-output instruments (keyboards, ampli­fied bass), the level may be too high for some mic preamps. In that case, use the input pad feature of the preamp (on the VT-1 or VT-2, use the -20 input position). The PDB is designed to accom­modate signals as high as 2 volts peak-to-peak and it is highly unlikely to be overloaded by any typ­ical instrument.
The PDB is a passive device and requires no power. There is little to go wrong with the PDB, and
no routine maintenance is necessary.
PSB Passive Direct Box