All specifications and information are subject to changes without further notices
Safety Notice
Do not disassemble the de vice; it may
cause malfunction or fire
Magnetic material m ay erase the data in TViX.
Keep any magnetic material away from TViX.
Do not expose TViX to oil, smoke, water,
humidity and dust.
Do not touch power plug with wet hands or do
not use defective power cable & loose outlet. It
may cause electric shock or fire
Keep TViX away from heat or fire.
Do not block any ventilat ion openings. Ensure
that a free airflow is maintained around the
Be careful not to drop TViX from a height. It
will damage the internal hard drive.
Do not take out the inter nal hard drive by yourself. T he internal hard drive is very hot when it is
working. The warranty will be void if any other hard dri ve is inser t ed int o TViX.
"Do not block any ventilation openings. Ensure that a free airflow is maintained around the appliance."
The socket-outlet shall be installed near the equipment and shall be easily accessible.
Usage Precautions
Please read the following usage precautions before using your TViX HD.
Make sure the power is off when you connect the A/V cable between the TViX and the TV.
When cleaning the TViX product, pull out the power cord and then wipe it with a soft piece of dry cloth.
W hen connected to the com puter through the USB cable the TViX HD acts as an external USB storage
device (In this state, there is no video/audio output and the VFD will show as USB ON). For normal TViX play
mode, disconnect the USB cable connected to the computer and turn on the TViX HD.
When the TViX HD is playing and th e USB is c on nec t ed to th e c omputer, a USB ON icon will be displa yed
on the center of the screen. Disconnecting the USB port will show the original screen.
Make sure the jum per setting of the hard disk which is installed on the TViX HD is set as Si ngle Master.
Otherwise the hard disk will not be recognized by TViX HD.
When detaching the HDD, please let the heat out sufficiently.
The supplied cables and accessories are recommended for customized best performance of the TViX HD.
Using other cables or accessories may not provide best performance.
If you want to unplug the device, press the Stop button in 'Unplug or Eject Hardware'.
TViX M-4000SA model is supporting the SATA hard disk only and M-4000PA model is supporting the
PATA(General IDE) hard disk.
Windows 98SE and Windows ME does not support NTFS file format. However, NTFS file format is
available on Windows 2000/X P. “Primar y Partit ion” is r ecom m ended whe n crea ting t wo or m ore partit ions
with a single hard disk drive.
If you choose FAT32 file format on Windows 2000/XP, the drives maximum size will be limited to 32GBs.
If you want to use a single drive letter of 32GBs or more, you have to format on Windows 98SE/ME.
The certification sticker mark is on the bottom of the device.
You can inser t the charact er using rem ote-numer ic key. Number 1 key is changed as @Æ : Æ / Æ _ Æ -
when this key is pressed.
** Some functions will require you to update the firmware in first.
GNU General Public License ................................................................... 57
1 Introduction
1.1 Multimedia Player
TViX HD plays back DVD movies with the full functionality of DVD navigation. You can
create your own virtual DVD library by storing your personal collection of DVDs in .ISO
or .IFO format and watch t hem exactly as if the y were running from the original DVDs (all
original features inc luded: Menu, Chapter, Audi o Stream, Subtitle, Fas t Forward, Rewind,
Slow, Pause, Step Forward, Repeat, Search etc.).
TViX HD plays back high definition v ide o (u p to 1920x1080i) a nd s t il l images. Pre-r ec orded
HDTV programs fr om a digital T V set-top box or p ersonal di gital vide o contents tak en by a
HDV™ camcorder can be played bac k with the TViX HD on a high defin ition displa y. The
TViX HD features a DVI co nnector and com ponent, which will match the high r esolution of
HD level video contents.
TViX HD is a standalone , multimedia hard disk pla yer wh ich p lays
digital videos, d igital m usic, digita l still im ages and DV D files to a
TV display and home entertainment system. You can enj o y digital
contents in your living room without having to burn discs or
having to play it back on a DVD or CD player anymore.
Using the latest EM8621 processor, TViX HD supports the latest multimedia formats
(WMV9 & WMV HD) as well as MPEG4 3.11,4.0 , 5.0.
Using the high definition DVI output, you can directly connect the TViX HD to your HDTV.
TViX HD supports DT S hardware decoder to m ix DTS sound into 2 channels for a more
dynamic sound quality.
The TViX HD can b e netw orked with a PC s ystem using its built-in L AN port. You ar e able
to navigate to a PC file through TViX HD ’s wir ed or wireless network and pla y the file from
its original dest ination without ha ving to c opy it into the T ViX fir st. We’r e supporti ng the fil e
copy via LAN.
With two USB2.0 h ost ports, you can now attach a dditional external USB hard dr ives to
further extend the storage capacity or transfer files from another USB device such as a
thumb drive. You can als o playback files f rom a digital camera, USB flas h dri ver , USB f las h
card reader, or a MP3 player.
** For the further functions, please refer to following FAQ.-
1.2 Audio Player
TViX HD can play a variety of audio files such as FLAC,MP3, Ogg Vorbis or WMA (Windows Media Audio)
through the TV speak er and an y other aud io s ystems. You can listen to your favorite m usic f iles nonstop, b y
organizing a custom winamp playlist. Now you can enjoy music all day without changing CDs.
TViX supports the internet radio of shoutcast streaming format(.pls,.m3u).
You can watch picture s lid eshows with the opt ion of b ackgr ound music (supports m usic slideshows using
picture images).
1.3 External Storage
If you connect to a USB 1.1 port, the TViX HD will work at USB 1.1 speed, so we strongly recommend that
you use USB 2.0.
It can be used as an external device to save video, audio, image files, data, program backups, etc.
USB 2.0 enables TViX HD to become an external storage device which supports up to 480Mbps.
It supports Plug & Play, so Windows will automatically recognize TViX HD.
TViX M-4000S model is supporting the SATA hard disk and M-4000P model is supporting the
PATA(General IDE) hard disk.
If you connect the USB port when playing the TViX HD, the VFD will show as USB ON. When you
disconnect the USB, you do not have to reboot the TViX HD for continuous use.
If you are a Windows98SE user, you should download a USB storage driver from our website
Windows ME/2000/XP.
before you connect your TViX HD with your system. You do not need to install a driver in
1.4 Specifications
Main Chipset Sigma Design EM8621
VFD Display
Photo JPG
7 Alpha-Numeric Character
5 Digit Numeric Display
Format :.wmv, .avi, .mpg, .vob, .mp4, .asf, .tp, .trp , .IFO, .ISO
Codec : MPEG 1 / 2 / 4, AVI, XVID
Resolutions up to 1920 x 1080i
AC3, DTS Pass Through and Down Mixing
USB2.0 Host 2 Ports
USB2.0 T arget 1 Port
LAN (10/100Mbps)
WLAN 802.11g(optional)
DVI, Component, S-Video, Compos ite,
AV In / Out
File Formats
Hard Disk
ODD Support Through USB 2.0 Host
FAN 40mm Brushless FAN
FAN Control Temperature Sensing, Variable Speed
Flash ROM 8 Mbyte
Internal Power 90~250V Free Voltage, , 50/60Hz, 50W
Size 183x139x75 mm
Weight 1.3Kg (HDD included)
Digital : Coaxial, Optical / Analog: Stereo
Optional Tuner box
DTV Tuner : 7200rpm, NTFS
Text Subtitle : smi,sub,srt,aqt,utf,lrc
Image Subtitle : sub (with idx)
Basic functions can be done without the remote control.
2.2 Cable Connection
You can connect the T ViX to a TV disp lay or audio A mplifier using th e A/V cable. T here is detail i nstruction
for tuner box on the quick guide of optional tuner box package.
Optical Out
HD Tuner port
Cooling FAN
2.3 Package Contents
TViX main unit Power cable A/V cable USB Cable Manual TViX Remote
3 Installation and Connection
3.1 Making an HDD Folder
1. As shown in the picture below, one end of the USB cable should be con nected to the USB connector of
the TViX and the other end to the computer.
The USB cable has a different shape on both
ends. We use a USB 2.0 type "A" Plug(male)
to "B" Plug(mal e).
2. After connecting to t he PC, tur n on
the power of the TViX.
3. Double click the icon ‘My
Computer’ on your monitor and you
will see a newly created drive; TViX
as shown in picture ‘A’.
(The name of the drive can be
4. For easy usage, doub le click TVIX
and make separate folders named
video, audio, and photo. Then store
all your files accordingly to each
3.2 Video Connection
We support DVI, Component, S- Video, Composite video output for connecti ng to the TV and each output
needed to change settings on the TViX HD.
The highest quality components are as follows: DVI > S-Video > Composite.
3.2.1 Connection with an Ordinary (Composite) TV Output
Connect the TViX HD and your TV using the yellow video cable.
Turn on the TViX HD and TV. Select an appropriate video input mode on your TV until you get the initial TViX
HD screen.
3.2.2 Connection to S-Video Output
Connect the TViX HD and your TV using the S-Video cable.
Turn on the TViX HD and TV. Select an appropriate video input mode on your TV until you get the initial TViX
HD screen.
(The S-Video cable is not included and has to be purchased separately.)
3.2.3 Connection to Component Output
Connect the TViX HD and your TV with the component cables.
Turn on the TViX HD and TV. Select an appropriate video input mode on your TV (in this case, the
Component input mode)
3.2.4 Connection to DVI Output
Simply connect your TViX HD to the DVI port on the TV.
However, if the TV has a HDMI port only, you need to buy a HDMI cab le to convert the DVI data and then
you will be able to see the processing digital signa l.
To use DSUB monitor or projector, you may connect the gender of DVI to DSUB.
After you connect the video cable to your T V, press the TV Out button repeatedly on your rem ote control
until you get the initial TViX screen.
* The component cable is not included in the TViX and must be purchased separately.
3.3 Audio Connection
3.3.1 Connection to 2 CH Normal TV
Connect the left(white) and right(red) sound output to the appropriate terminal of your TV or Hi-Fi system.
3.3.2 Connection to 5.1CH Amplifier (Digital)
If you have a multi-chann el decoder /am plifier with an optica l/coax ial inp ut, you c an enjo y 5.1 CH hig h quali ty
sound through the coaxial or optical cables.
The illustration on the left shows where to connect the coaxial cab le. Optical cable connection is done in a
similar method.
(These cables are not included in the package and must be purchased separately.)
If no sound is heard after connecting the Optical or Coaxial Cable, you have to change the audio setup of
TViX to Digital.
3.4 LAN Connection
3.4.1 Connect PC via Network
< When connecting the computer directly to the TViX HD >
Connect the LAN cable to the LAN port of both the TViX HD and the PC.
In this case, you generally use a LAN cross cable type.
If the computer ’s LAN card was connected to an In ternet line, you can install an additional LAN
card to your PC and connect that LAN card to the TViX.
< When connecting with IP Router or Hub >
Connect the LAN cable to the LAN port for an IP Router or Hub.
In this case, you generally have to use Direct LAN Cable type.
With NFS, M-4000 can play tp files on a PC flawlessly through LAN.
We recommend NFS con nection than SAMBA. You need to install TViX Netshare pro gram on a PC but the
setting became much easier SAMBA method.
You can download NetShare installer from our website
Please refer to the Netshare program manual for detailed instructions.
You may skip the 3.4.2 section if you select to NFS network.
before you configure NFS network.
3.4.2 Set Network Configurations Under Windows XP (SAMBA mode)
1) Select the folder you want to share. Right-click that folder
and click ‘Sharing and Security’ in the popup menu.
2) Check ‘Share this folder’ on the network and type in the
share name ‘tvixhd1 (this is the only available one at the
3) Use ‘Ever yone’ if ‘ Everyone’ is displayed, other wise you
don’t have to c hange anything. Also, add ‘Everyone’ to the
security tab.
4) After that, the shared folder will be displayed like the
following picture.
5) Move to 'Settings ' > 'Control Panel' > 'Adm inistrativ e Tools' > 'Computer Management' > 'Loc al Users a nd
Groups' > 'Users', and double click ‘Guest’.
This is for W indows XP Pr ofessional. W indows X P Home user s cannot see this wind ow. If you cannot
find ‘Administrati ve Tools’ in the Control Panel, click “Switch to classic view” in the upper- left corner of
the screen.
6) Uncheck ‘Account is disabled’
7) ‘GUEST’ must be shown as the following image (a red X mark should not be shown on ‘Guest’).
8) Move to 'Control Pane l' > 'Network connections', and selec t ‘Local area connections’ properties b y right
clicking the mouse.
9) Remove “Guest” f rom the ‘User Rights Assignm ent’ > ‘Deny acc ess to this computer from the n etwork’
10) Move to ‘Access this c om puter fr om the network ’, and the n select ‘Prop erties ’ by right clicking the m ous e
or double clicking it.
13) Press OK, and Guest will be registered.
11) Click ‘Add User or Group’
12) Type in “Guest” and then click the “OK” button.
< When connecting Computer to TViX directly >
In this case, you have to use Cross LAN cable type generally..
If the computer ’s LAN card was connec ted to Int ernet
line, you can m ount additional LAN card to your PC
and connect that additional LAN card to TViX.
1. Move to ‘Control Panel’ > ‘Network connections’, and select ‘Properties’ properties by right click of mouse.
2. When Windows 2000 or XP, Check “Allow oth er net work users to connect thr ough this com puter’s internet
3. Double click ‘TCP/IP->LAN card’ that you want to us e on your computer. You must selec t the additional
LAN card.
Check ‘Specify an IP address’, and write ‘IP address’ & ‘Subnet mask’ that you want to use.
Ex) IP address : Subnet mask :
+ 42 hidden pages
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