Owner’s Manual – Dux Electric Boosted Solar
H3161 025248 Rev. D
Installer’s Guide
Full installation instructions for the
collectors are in the Installer’s Guide,
included inside the water heater’s carton.
Do not commence an installation until
you have satised yourself that all safety
issues associated with working on and
lifting components onto a roof have
been addressed.
Local Authority Regulations
All work associated with the installation
must comply with local authority
regulations, including AS/NZS 3500.4.2.
Where these installation instructions and
local regulations are in conict, local
regulations must prevail.
Location of Collectors
There are several factors to consider in
selecting the collector location site:
• For best performance, the collectors
need to face true north. Due to the
high solar energy levels experienced
in Australia, installations on angles
of up to 45° away from true
north should not have a major
effect on the annual solar output.
Consequently, installations up
to 45° away from true north
are acceptable. See Collector
Orientation Compass on page 9.
• If the collectors are installed with an
east facing bias, the best solar input
is achieved in the morning and if
there is a west facing bias, the best
solar input is in the afternoon.
• The collectors should be installed
with a minimum inclination of 10°
and a maximum inclination of
45°. See Collector Inclination Guide
on page 9.
• Careful site inspection is required to
ensure the selected location is not
subjected to shading from adjacent
trees or buildings at any time of the
day, but particularly between 9am
and 3pm, the highest solar input
• Remember that shadows are longer
in winter than in summer, so a
site that is free of shadows from
adjacent objects in summer may
have some shadows in winter.
• To optimise efciency, the collectors
should be as close as possible to
the storage tank.
• For best performance, the collectors
should be located no more than
20m from the storage tank.
• Ensure that the roof structure is
suitable to support the weight of
the collectors. The collectors weigh
approximately 40kg each when full.
Installation of Collectors