Note: The quantity and
size of the downspout is
the responsibility of the
contractor or design
EXCEPTIONAL® Metals Downspouts are available with
an open or closed face. Both open and closed face
downspouts are available in standard 10’ lengths.
Custom sizes and assemblies are available.
A- and B-Style Elbows, Square-To-Round
Adaptors, and Drop/Outlets available.
Open-Face Downspouts
Help eliminate blockage due to ice and debris
Will nest together by cutting a 1” notch out of
each side of the receiving piece.
Closed-Face Downspouts
Standard 24-gauge downspouts feature a
Pittsburgh seam for a professional finish that
also eliminates the need for rivets.
Tapered ends nest together up to 3” and
eliminate field notching and crimping.
Contact Duro-Last® or EXCEPTIONAL Metals to
request a color chart, samples and information
regarding custom metals and finishes.
Energy Efficiency:
LEED® and ENERGY STAR® compliant; Recyclable.
1. Install in accordance with Duro-Last detail
drawings #2080, #2085, and #2086.
2. Any deviation from the requirements set forth in
the detail drawings must be pre-approved, in
writing, by the EXCEPTIONAL Metals Technical
Duro-Last offers a wide range of warranty coverage for
EXCEPTIONAL Metals products when used with the
Duro-Last roofing system, including paint and finish.
Technical Services:
Product samples, detail sheets, color chips, and color
chart are available for your submittal package. For
assistance with questions or submittals, contact your
local representative or call EXCEPTIONAL Metals.
“Duro-Last” and “EXCEPTIONAL” are registered marks owned by Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. Revised 8/30/2012