Duro-Last® Curb Flashings are designed to be used on rectangular
penetrations encountered on a roofing project. The curb flashings are
made with Duro-Last specially formulated roofing membrane. The
combination of reinforced membrane and prefabrication ensures a
long lasting, watertight flashing. They are available in white, tan, gray
and dark gray colors as well as in the Designer Series membranes
(slate gray Shingle-Ply, sandstone Shingle-Ply and Rock Ply).
Curb flashings are easily heat welded (hot-air) to the Duro-Last
membrane over which the flashings are installed. Hot-air seaming
eliminates the need for chemicals, torches and other unsafe,
non-manageable seaming systems. Duro-Last Curb Flashings are
prefabricated using Duro-Last's outside corners to eliminate field
welds in the c ritical corner areas. Curb flashings are o rdered to the
dimensions of individual penetrations. The table below show the
minimum sizes available.
1. The roof membrane installed around the penetration must be
fastened prior to installing the curb flashing. Use the same
fastener spacing that was used to install the roof membrane but
do not exceed 18 in. (457 mm) on center. At least one fastener
must be installed on each side of the penetration. On reroofing
applications, remove the exis ting flashings to e nsure a watertight
2. It is not necessary to place fasteners at the corners.
3. The flashing must extend a minimum of 8 in. (203 mm) in vertical
height (Note: a curb flashing with top does not have a minimum
height requirement.)
4. The curb flashing may be terminated with termination bar or
extended onto the inside of the curb. (See details 4010 & 4020).
(Note: A curb flashing with top does not require termination.)
• An "open" curb flashing requires a heat weld (hot-air) to close the
flashing. The extra m aterial necessary for this weld is included as
part of the flashing.
• A curb flashing for a canted curb should be ordered using the
above the cant. A curb flashing with a 12 in. (305
mm) wide skirt will provide additional membrane to cover the cant.
• A curb flashing with a top can be no greater than 60 in. ( 1525 mm)
in width and can only be ordered closed.
• Add 1/4 in. (6.3 mm) to width and length dimensions for a better
fitting curb flashing.
• Call Duro-Last for assistance in ordering c urb flashings that need
to be designed for special situations.
Duro-Last: The Proven Performer®
"Duro-Last " an d " The World's Best Roof" are registered marks owned by Duro-Las t , Inc.
Width (A) Length (B) Height (C)
2 in.
(51 mm)
2 in.
(51 mm)
3.5 in.
(89 mm)
2 in.
(51 mm)
2.5 in.
(63.6 mm)
3.5 in.
(89 mm)
8 in.
(203 mm)
8 in.
(203 mm)
3 in.
(76 mm)
6 in.
(152 mm)
6 in.
(152 mm)
6 in.
(152 mm)