Canted Coping
The canted coping offers a complete finish to any parapet
wall. Coping is pitched to the inside of the roof plane
ensuring that water will drip back towards the roof instead
of down the front of the building. The system uses a
continuous cleat for high wind up-lift resistance leading to
perimeter edge integrity.
Fabricated in 10’ lengths; widths customized to
Pre-punched continuous cleats help ensure proper
fastener placement; back leg is secured with
6” concealed splice plate allows for expansion and
Riveted inside and outside miters and end caps are
Contact Duro-Last® or EXCEPTIONAL® Metals to request
a color chart, samples and information regarding custom
metals and finishes.
Energy Efficiency:
The canted coping is LEED® and ENERGY STAR®
compliant and is recyclable.
1. A wood nailer attached to the top of the parapet
wall is required.
2. This nailer should be attached to the wall in
accordance with ANSI/SPRI ES-1 3.9.
3. Install the canted coping in accordance with DuroLast detail drawing #6052 and #6052 installation.
4. Any deviation from the requirements set forth in the
detail drawings must be pre-approved, in writing, by
the EXCEPTIONAL Metals Technical Department.
Codes and Standards:
Technical Services:
Product samples, detail sheets, color chips, and color
chart are available for your submittal package. For
assistance with questions or submittals, contact your local
representative or call EXCEPTIONAL Metals.
ANSI/SPRI ES-1 Compliant up to 16” wall width.
Duro-Last offers a wide range of warranty coverage for
EXCEPTIONAL Metals products when used with the
Duro-Last roofing system, including paint and finish.
“Duro-Last” and “EXCEPTIONAL” are registered marks owned by Duro-Last Roofing, Inc. Revised 8/30/2012