DURKOPP ADLER DAC basic, DAC classis, DAC classic Operating Manual

DAC basic/classic
operating manual part II
class 838
Dürkopp Adler AG, PO Box 17 03 51, D-33703 Bielefeld, Potsdamerstr. 190, D-33719 Bielefeld
Phone +49 (0) 521 9 25 00, Fax +49 (0) 521 9 25 24 35, www.duerkopp-adler.com
Ausgabe/Edition: May 2013 revision index: B02.3
Operating manual part II
DAC basic/classic
© 2013 Dürkopp Adler AG
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Printed: May 2013 in Bielefeld, Germany
Operating manual part II
© 2013 Dürkopp Adler AG II-3
PART II .............................................................................................................................. 4
1 Parameter ......................................................................................................................... 4
Parameter of class 838 ......................................................................................................................4
1.1.1 Operator-level ......................................................................................................................................4
1.1.2 Technician-level ...................................................................................................................................5
1.1.3 Developer-level ................................................................................................................................. 18
Sets of parameters for class 838 .................................................................................................. 20
2 Error-, warning- and info-messages ............................................................................. 21
Operating manual part II
II-4 © 2013 Dürkopp Adler AG
1 Parameter
The parameter overview is help a sought-after parameter for finding fast and changing. The construction of the list has already been explained in the list using structure. There are parameters, which can be found in the technicians' and developers' level both different consequences, however, have. All settings in the developers' level aren't accessible for using staff and service technicians but are adjusted by the software developers to the certain hardware once.
1.1 Parameter of class 838
t 51 04 set of parameters:
for sub-class:
838-170522-1,55, 838-270522-1,55
1.1.1 Operator-level
L C P Min Max Preset Unity Description
Bobbin thread counter and bobbin thread monitor
o 06 00 0 4 0 - Activate the bobbin thread counter
0 = off; 1 = Bobbin thread counter A; 2 = Bobbin thread counter B; 3 = Bobbin thread counter C; 4 = Bobbin thread monitor
o 06 01 0,1 999,9 300,0 x o0602
Reset value of the bobbin thread counter A
o 06 02 0,1 999,9 200,0 x o0604
Reset value of the bobbin thread counter B
o 06 03 0,1 999,9 100,0 x o0604
Reset value of the bobbin thread counter C o 06 04 1 255 10 x stitches Factor of the bobbin thread counter A, B, and C o 06 05 0 9999 0 stitches
Number of stitches for bobbin thread monitor o 06 06 0 1 1 - Stopping motor if the counter has reached the value 0.
0 = off;
1 = on o 06 07 0 1 1 - Sewing foot down after thread trimming.
0 = off;
1 = on o 06 08 0 1 0 - Display of the bobbin thread counter value
0 = off;
1 = on
Needle cooling
o 13 00 0 1 0 - Needle cooling
0 = off;
1 = on
Light barrier
o 16 00 0 255 0 Stitches Compensating stitches normal stitch length o 16 01 0 255 0 Stitches Compensating stitches long stitch length o 16 10 0 255 0 Seams Number of light barrier seams o 16 20 0 255 0 Stitches Number of stitches of the filter for knitted fabrics
Operating manual part II
© 2013 Dürkopp Adler AG II-5
1.1.2 Technician-level
The technician's level must not be accessed by normal users. Modifications at this level must only be done by service staff. The technician's level is unlocked by the following key combination:
When switching on the control unit P (23)and the reset (18) button must be pressed at the same time. This allows access to the technician's level.
Press A+ to get into the technician's level.
L C P Min Max Preset Unity Description Backtack
t 00 00 300 6000 800 rpm Start backtack speed t 00 01 0 254 8 10° Pre-control angle when switching on the backtack magnet.
(Switchover of forward backward at the bartack)
00 02 0 254 12 10° Pre-control angle when turning the backtack magnet off.
(Changing of backward forward at the bartack)
t 00 03 0 1 0 - Start backtack with the position 0 of the pedal interruptible.
0 = off; 1 = on
t 00 04 0 2 0 - Mode for the end of the start backtack.
0 = You sew further after the end; 1 = Machine stops and must be started by the pedal again; 2 = Thread performance after the start backtack
t 00 05 0 1 1 - Pedal release only to an additional route A
0 = off;
1 = on t 00 06 0 500 0 ms Delay time up to the speed release after the start backtack t 00 07 0 255 0 ms Decay time of the backtack magnet t 00 10 300 6000 800 rpm End backtack speed t 00 11 0 254 12 10° Pre-control angle when switching on the backtack magnet.
(Switchover of forward backward at the bartack) t 00 12 0 254 13 10° Pre-control angle when turning the backtack magnet off.
(Changing of backward forward at the bartack) t 00 13 0 1 0 - Backtack magnet stays switched on (simple with the last
backward way final backtack and multiple backtack ends) till
the needle has been reached the Pos. 2.
0 = off;
1 = on t 00 20 300 6000 800 rpm Start multiple backtack speed (only at the stuffing program) t 00 21 0 254 16 10° Pre-control angle when switching on the backtack magnet.
(Switchover of forward backward at the backtack) (only at the
stuffing program) t 00 22 0 254 22 10° Pre-control angle when turning the backtack magnet off.
(Change of backward forward at the backtack) (only at the
stuffing program) t 00 23 0 1 0 - Start backtack as a stuffing program.
0 = off;
1 = on t 00 30 0 1 0 - Ornamental backtack
0 = off;
1 = on t 00 31 0 2500 800 rpm Ornamental backtack speed t 00 32 0 1000 150 ms Stop time at the ornamental backtack t 00 35 0 1 1 - Reducing speed when shifting the feed dog
0 = off;
1 = on
Operating manual part II
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L C P Min Max Preset Unity Description
t 00 36 0 6000 500 rpm Wished speed reduction when shifting the feed dog. t 00 40 0 2 1 - Type of the start backtack, if the backtacking is toggled.
0 = Simple start backtack; 1 = Double start backtack; 2 = Start multiple backtack
t 00 41 0 2 1 - Type of the end backtack, if the backtacking is toggled.
0 = Simple end backtack; 1 = Double end backtack; 2 = End multiple backtack
t 00 44 0 3 3 - Mode of the manual backtack
0 = Manual backtack switched immediately; 1 = Manual backtack switched according to parameter
t 00 45 und t 00 46;
2 = If the manual backtack is pressed, the motor will stopped
in the position according to parameter t 0045 und t 00 46;
3 = If the manual backtack is pressed, the motor will stopped
in the position according to parameter t 0045 und t 00 46; (Only with the parameter t 00 30 = 1)
t 00 45 0 1 0 - Switching on the manual backtack
0 = Needle below; 1 = Needle above
t 00 46 0 1 0 - Turning the manual backtack off
0 = Needle below; 1 = Needle above
t 00 50 0 999 100 ms Drive time of the backtack magnet in the time period t
t 00 51 5 100 100 % Pulse duty ratio in the time period t
t 00 52 0,0 600,0 100,0 s Drive time of the backtack magnet in the time period t2
(If you adjust 0s the backtack magnet will be driven permanently)
t 00 53 5 100 40 % Pulse duty ratio in the time period t
t 00 54 0 1 1 - Increasing U
when the backtack magnet will be driven 0 = No; 1 = Yes
Operating manual part II
© 2013 Dürkopp Adler AG II-7
L C P Min Max Preset Unity Description Thread Clamp
t 01 00 0 8 6 - Mode of the thread clamp
0 = on switching angle FK = t0101,
out switching angle FK = t0102, Without FL;
1 = on switching angle FK = 108°,
out switching angle FK = 268°, Without FL;
2 = on switching angle FK = 49°,
out switching angle FK = 110°, Without FL;
3 = on switching angle FK = 49°,
out switching angle FK = 190°, Without FL;
4 = on switching angle FK = 108°,
out switching angle FK 268°, on switching angle FL = 108°, out switching angle FL = 154°;
5 = on switching angle FK = 108°,
out switching angle FK = 268°, on switching angle FL = 44°, out switching angle FL = 154°;
6 = on switching angle FK = 30°,
out switching angle FK = 200°, on switching angle FL = 50°, out switching angle FL = 100°;
7 = Without FK,
on switching angle FL = t0111, out switching angle FL = t0112;
8 = on switching angle FK = t0101,
out switching angle FK = t0102, on switching angle FL = t0111,
out switching angle FL = t0112 t 01 01 0 359 30 ° on switching angle of the thread clamp t 01 02 0 359 200 ° off switching angle of the thread clamp t 01 11 0 359 50 ° on switching angle of the sewing foot lifting t 01 12 0 359 100 ° off switching angle of the sewing foot lifting t 01 13 0 100 100 %
Duty cycle of sewing foot lifting at mode 4-8
t 01 20 0 3 3 - Options of the thread clamp
0 = FK only at the seam beginning; 1 = FK at the seam beginning and at the turning back; 2 = FK at the seam beginning and at the sewing foot lifting; 3 = FK at the seam beginning, turning back and at the sewing
foot lifting t 01 30 0 1 0 - NSB
0 = Off;
1 = Active with thread clamp t 01 31 0 359 92 ° On switching angle of the additional thread clamp. t 01 32 0 359 201 ° Off switching angle of the additional thread clamp. t 01 33 0 359 105 ° On switching angle of the thread puller. t 01 34 0 359 203 ° Off switching angle of the thread puller. t 01 35 0 359 62 ° On switching angle of the thread tension. t 01 36 0 359 94 ° Off switching angle of the thread tension. t 01 50 0 999 100 ms Drive time of the thread clamp in the time period t1 t 01 51 5 100 100 % Pulse duty ratio in the time period t1 t 01 52 0,1 120,0 60,0 s Drive time of the thread clamp magnet in the time period t2
(If you adjust 0s the thread clamp magnet will be driven
permanently) t 01 53 5 100 30 % Pulse duty ratio in the time period t
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