Getting Started:
To begin using your Crybaby DCR-2SR Rack Wah, run a cable from your guitar
to t he Wah I nput j ack on the Rack Wa h’s back panel. Then connect a cable
from the Wah Output jack to the input of your amplifier. Connect a DCR-1FC Foot
Co ntroller to Cont ro l Pedal Input 1 on th e Rack Wah’s b ack pan el with t he
included stereo cable. Note: The stereo cable between the Foot Controller and
th e Rack Wah do es not pa ss signal. Th is helps ma in tain soni c integrity b y
reducing the amount of cable and connections between your guitar and amp.
Turn the Rack Wah on and then turn on your amp. With the Wah button on the
front panel depressed (green On LED illuminated), step on the controller pedal
to activate the toe switch. Rock the pedal back and forth to hear the Wah
Selecting a Wah Tone
The Crybaby DCR-2SR has an absolutely huge range of Wah tones. To begin the
quest for your ultimate Wah sound, set the Range knob to 1.2kHz (the lowest or
bassiest frequency range) and, for starters, set the Q knob to 12:00. Play a riff as
you rock the Wah pedal. A good way to hear exactly what the various settings
sound like is to sim ply play a se ries of hammer-ons and pull-offs—li ke a trill
between two notes—and gradually turn the Q knob as you rock the pedal. The
Q co ntrol chang es t he b readth of the Wah effect, from nar row and sharp to
broad and subtle. Rotating this knob will give you a good idea of what the 1.2kHz
setting can do. Next, switch the Range knob to 1.4kHz and go through the same
process, and then 1.6kHz, 1.8kHz, and so on. With a little experimentation, you’ll
find a particular Range and Q setting that best suits your individual style.
Fine Tuning Your Wah Tone
No w that y ou’ve chose n the freq uen cy r an ge (wi th th e Ran ge kn ob) a nd
breadth of your Wah tone (with the Q knob), you can fine-tune it further with the
Crybaby DCR-2SR’s 6-band EQ. To do this, depress the EQ button on the front
pa nel . Star t wit h all s ix kno bs at 1 2:0 0 and th en gra du all y turn e ach kn ob
clockwise (to boost the selected frequency) and counterclockwise (to cut or
attenuate the selected frequency). The possibilities are truly endless—and a
little overwhelming—here, so begin with subtle adjustments.
Boosting Your Wah Tone
Once your Wah sound is dialed in, you can easily determine where that tone sits in
the mix with the Boost control. This knob presets a gain boost of up to 10dB that
kicks in when you engage the Wah effect. This control performs a couple of different
functions. With a cleaner setting on your amp, it will provide a substantial volume
boost, bringing your Wah lines to the front of the mix. With a dirty tone, the Boost
function creates more distortion, saturation, and sustain. It can create endless,
sustaining feedback on virtually any note with a loud amplifier, perfect for lead work.
Using the Optional Volume Pedal
The Crybaby DCR-2SR comes equipped with an additional loop for remote volume
control. This is preferable to merely running a volume pedal between your guitar and
amp because the *pedal that controls the DCR-2SR volume function, is only a voltage
controller. It does not pass signal, therefore there is no need to run any additional
cable between your guitar and the Crybaby Rack Wah. **To use the volume function
in your DCR-2SR Crybaby Rack Wah, plug your guitar into the DCR-2SR Volume Input
jack. Run a short patch cable from the Volume Output jack to the Wah Input jack.
Run a cable from the Wah Output jack to your amp. Next, plug a DCR-1FC Controller
into one of the Wah Control Pedal input jacks via a stereo cable. Then plug a Volume
Control *Pedal into the Volume Control Pedal jack via a mono cable. To activate the
volume function, depress the Volume button on the front panel.
* The Crybaby GCB-80 Volume Pe dal (wi th 250k pot) or an equ ivalent pedal can be us ed as the
DCR-2SR Volume Control Pedal by connecting a standard 1/4” mono cable from its output jack to the
DCR-2SR Volume Control Pedal jack.
** The loop for remote volume control can be inserted anywhere within the signal chain, including FX
loops. Only one example is described here for simplicity. DO NOT connect to amplifier speaker outputs.
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DCR-2SR Rack Wah Manual
Congratulations on y ou r pu rc ha se o f yo ur new Dunlop Crybaby
DCR-2SR Rack Wah! Dunlop is committed to producing
products with the same bullet-proof construction and spectacular
tone that made us famous. Please take a minute to read through this
manual so you can get the most out of your Rack Wah.
• Amazingly flexible wah tones
Legendary Fasel inductor for incredibly vocal wah tone and sweep
• Rack mounting keeps signal chain in the rack
• Six selectable frequency range
• Variable Q control
• Six controller inputs to accommodate multiple pedals on stage
volume pedal capabilities
• Six-band EQ for additional tone sculpting
• Preset volume boost up to 10dB

Volume switch selects optional volume pedal control
Wah switch engages wah effect
Six-position Range knob selects frequency range for wah effect
Q Control adjusts the frequency breadth of effect, from narrow and sharp to broad and subtle
Boost knob sets preset volume boost, up to +10dB
EQ switch selects 6-band EQ with each knob delivering +/-15 dB
Ground Lift switch
Remote On/Off switch jack
Control Pedal Input jacks
Output jack connects to amplifier
Wah Thru jack passes dry, uneffected signal
Input jack connects to guitar
Control Pedal, Input, and Output jacks for optional volume pedal
Problem: No sound is produced.
Solution: Check to see that all the connections have been properly made and
that the Crybaby Rack Wah is powered up and turned on. If optional Volume
pedal is being used, make sure the pedal is in the toe-down position.
Problem: I hear dry guitar, but no wah effect.
Solution: Make sure the proper connections have been made and that a
DCR-1SR Foot Controller is plugged into Control Pedal Input 1. Next, make
sure that the Wah button on the front panel is depressed. Also, make sure
the toe switch of the Foot Controller is activated with a click when you step
on the pedal—newer pedals can take a little extra pressure to engage.
Problem: The EQ doesn’t seem to be doing anything.
Solution: Make sure the EQ button on the front panel is depressed.
Problem: There is a lot of noise when I turn the Wah on.
Solution: Back off on the Boost and EQ settings. Extreme settings will add a
tremendous amount of gain and raise the noise floor.
Th e Cr yb aby DCR-2SR is powered by the D un lo p EC B007*, a 20-volt DC
regulated AC adapter. Plug polarity is positive on the barrel and negative on
the center. Note: An AC adapter must be used to operate the DCR-2SR.
*ECB007UK (United Kingdom)
*ECB007EU (Europe)
*ECB007AU (Australia)