Congratulations on choosing the CRYBABY®535Q
Wah-Wah pedal, the premier edition of the DUNLOP
CRYBABY pedal line . Like all Dunlop products, this
unique effect is designed to give you quality sound
through years of dependable service.
The 535Q Wah pedal is based on the original CRYBABY Wah Wah pedal, whic h has been a standard in
the world of music since its introduction in the late
The 535Q Wah pedal has a VARIABLE “Q” and a
BOOST CONTROL which allow you to adjust the characteristics of the resonance and increase your gain up
to +16dB. These controls and a special warmer inductor,make the 535Q the most powerful addition to our
CRYBABY line .

Setup Instructions:
• Run a cord from your instrument to the 535Q’s instrument jack.
Location of the instrument jack is printed on the rubber tread of
the pedal.
• Run another cord from your amplifier input to the 535Q’s amplifier jack. Turn on the amplifier.
• To turn the pedal off and on, press the toe down until you feel a
• Select the desired wah range by turning the range select knob
located on the side of the pedal.Turn it counter-clockwise for the
higher registers,clockwise for the lower registers.
• The Boost Control knob on the side of the pedal sets boost with
the effect on. Turn it clockwise to increase the output.
• The Variable Q knob on the side of the pedal adjusts the bandpass
tonal character .With the knob turned clockwise to the high position you have a narrow bandpass characterized by emphasis on
the higher end harmonics, turned counter-clockwise to the low
position, you have a wider bandpass, almost volume like in its
Where should you put your Wah?
• Most players put their Wah-Wah pedal before any time based or
ambient effects such as reverb, delay/echo, chorus, flange, and
vibrato.This adds these effects to their selected Wah-Wah sound.
• Distortion followed by wah sounds very different from wah followed by distortion.The former (distortion,then wah) causes the
Wah-Wah to make a very overstated, duck-like “quacking”. The
opposite way around (wah,then distrotion) is much more subtle.