125 125 112.5
150 150 135
175 175 157.5
200 200 180
(1)1MBH=1,000 Btuh(British ThermalUnits PerHour)
2" CPVC & 3" PVC
2" CPVC & 3" PVC
2" CPVC & 3" PVC
2" CPVC & 3" PVC
(2)AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) and Heating Capacity is based on Department of Energy test procedure.
Ratings shown are for sea level applications. The boiler automatically derates input as altitude increases.
No alterations to boiler are required for altitudes above sea level.
Vent Lengths Vent Lengths Vent Lengths Vent Lengths
0 200,000 200,000 175,000 175,000 150,000 150,000 125,000 125,000
1,000 197,000 196,500 172,400 172,200 147,800 147,400 123,500 123,000
2,000 194,000 193,000 169,800 169,400 145,600 144,800 122,000 121,000
3,000 191,000 189,500 167,200 166,600 143,400 142,200 120,500 119,000
4,000 188,000 186,000 164,600 163,800 141,200 139,600 119,000 117,000
5,000 185,000 182,500 162,000 161,000 139,000 137,000 117,500 115,000
6,000 182,000 179,000 159,400 158,200 136,800 134,400 116,000 113,000
7,000 179,000 175,500 156,800 155,400 134,600 131,800 114,500 111,000
8,000 176,000 172,000 154,200 152,600 132,400 129,200 113,000 109,000
9,000 173,000 168,500 151,600 149,800 130,200 126,600 111,500 107,000
10,000 170,000 165,000 149,000 147,000 128,000 124,000 110,000 105,000
Vent Lengths VentLengths Vent Lengths VentLengths
0 200,000 200,000 175,000 175,000 150,000 150,000 125,000 125,000
1,000 195,900 195,750 171,900 171,200 146,900 146,700 123,050 122,250
2,000 191,800 191,500 168,800 167,400 143,800 143,400 121,100 119,500
3,000 187,700 187,250 165,700 163,600 140,700 140,100 119,150 116,750
4,000 183,600 183,000 162,600 159,800 137,600 136,800 117,200 114,000
5,000 179,500 178,750 159,500 156,000 134,500 133,500 115,250 111,250
6,000 175,400 174,500 156,400 152,200 131,400 130,200 113,300 108,500
7,000 171,300 170,250 153,300 148,400 128,300 126,900 111,350 105,750
8,000 167,200 166,000 150,200 144,600 125,200 123,600 109,400 103,000
9,000 163,100 161,750 147,100 140,800 122,100 120,300 107,450 100,250
10,000 159,000 157,500 144,000 137,000 119,000 117,000 105,500 97,500