A. Front View, Back View and Dimensions
B. General Description
C. Specifications
D. Controls and Indicators
E. Gauge Tube (Sensor) and Cables
IIInstallation page 10
A. Unpack the Controller
B. Mount the Controller
C. Select the CCG
D. Select the CVT Tube
E. Mount the CCG and CVT Tubes on the Vacuum System
F. Attach the CVT Sensor Cable: Part Number CVT-275
G. Attach the CCG Sensor Cable: Part Number 05-410-SHV
H. Make Accessory Connections
I. Check Supply Voltage
J. Attach the Power Cord
IIIOperation page 14
A. Turn Power On
B. Fuses
C. Front Panel Controls
D. Set Pt 1 High Default Value: OFF
E. Set Pt 1 Low Default Value: OFF
F. Set Pt 2 High Default Value: OFF
G. Set Pt 2 Low Default Value: OFF
H. Autorange
I. CCG Calibrate
K. CVT Zero
L. Units Default Values: Torr/mTorr
M. Reset of Stored (Default) Values
N. Set Point Activation/Deactivation Diagram
O. Display States and Ranges - Autorange and Manual
P. CVT Convection Gauge with Other Gases
Q: CCG Cold Cathode Gauge with Other Gases
R. Analog Output
S. Serial Interface
Do not use the Model 960 Dual-Hybrid Gauge Controller to measure the pressure of combustible
gas or solvent mixtures. The Convection gauge normally operates at low temperatures, but it is
possible that momentary transients or controller malfunction may cause ignition of combustible
mixtures, which then might explode and cause damage to equipment and injury to personnel.
Limitation on use of Compression Mounts
Do not use a compression mount (quick-connect) for attaching the gauge tube to the vacuum system in applications that may develop positive pressures. Positive pressures may cause the tube to
blown out of a compression fitting and damage equipment and injure personnel.
Caution - High Voltage
The Terranova Model 960 and the 525 Cold Cathode Gauge (CCG) operate at
High Voltage. The High Voltage of -2,000 volts can be dangerous to equipment
and personnel if exposed and contacted. Connectors and cables protected and
normally safe, but care must be exercised. Always turn power OFF prior to connecting and disconnecting cables
Please let us Know...
Terranova products are the most advanced instruments of their type available from any
manufacturer. We have made this Instruction Manual as complete and clear as possible.
Let us know if you have any comments that can make this manual or our products more
The Terranova Model 960 CVT-CCG Vacuum Controller displays vacuum pressure as measured
from both a Cold Cathode gauge (CCG) and a Convection Enhanced Pirani (CVT) gauge. The
960 is housed in a 1/8 DIN enclosure and is simple to operate.
For the CCG, the 960 supplies -2000 VDC and senses/displays the ion current, which is proportional to the pressure.
For the CVT/Convection gauge, the 960 displays vacuum pre
ssure as meas
ured from a CVT-275
Convection Enhanced Pirani gauge tube. It displays vacuum measurements based on thermal conductivity of a gas. The 960 controller covers the range from 0.1 mTorr to 995 Torr,
995 mBar or 0.01 Pascal to 130 kPascal, user selectable.
C. Specifications
1. Useful Measuring Range
6 decades; for Duniway CCG-525 and Varian 525 CCG tubes: 1 x 10
torr to 1 x 10-2 torr
7 decades for CVT-275: 0.1 x 10
torr to 1 x 10+3 Torr.
2. Display Range
1.0 x 10
- 8
torr to 1.0 x 10
- 2
1.0 x 10
- 4
torr to 1.0 x 10
+ 3
torr; pressures lower than -19 mTorr (µBar) display LO; pressures
higher than 995 Torr (mBar) or no tube attached to cable, display HI; if cable is not connected to
the unit, display shows OFF
3. Input to the 960 Controller
Ion current is measured in the HV supply
0.1 µBar to
Pressure is calculated from the gauge output according to gauge supplie
mance to published data is typically within +/- 1%.
4. Units of Display
For both CCG and CVT:
Torr, mBar, Pascal, user selectable
The 960 may be used as a bench-top instrument or it may be mounted in an instrument panel.
Clips are provided for panel mounting.
15. RS-232 Input/Output
allows user to read pressure, set points and other parameters; 9600 baud, 8-N-1; available through
the accessory connector
16. Operating Voltage
The Model 960 has a universal power supply, which operates on input voltages from 90 VAC to
VAC 47 to 65 Hz; input is through a power input receptacle on the rear panel.
17. Fuses
Input power is protected by internal, self-resetting, fuses in both lines of the input power. When
the input current exceeds 2 amps for 25 seconds, the fuses open. After 30 seconds open, the fuses
re-set to closed.
18. Weight, Model 960 only; does not include cable or CVT and CCG tubes
0.9 lb. /0.4 kg
D. Controls and Indicators
1. DISPLAY CVT button
allows the user to select CVT (Convection) to be shown on the digital display
2. DISPLAY CCG button
allows the user to select CCG (Cold Cathode Gauge) to be shown on the digital display
3. CCG HV On button allows the user to turn high voltage on/off to the CCG when the
960 is not in the Autorange mode.
4. SELECT button
Allows selection of parameters to be adjusted, e.g. Set Points
5. RAISE and LOWER buttons
used for adjustment of gauge and instrument parameters
6. Digital Display
2-digit pressure, sign (+/-) and 1-digit exponent, 7-segment bright red LED, 10 mm high
7. Display Indicators
bright red individual LED for miscellaneous indicators