Dumont 180, 183, 182, 181 User Manual

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Twenty-two Tube, AC, Superheterodyne, Television Receiver
No expense has been spared in the production of these receivers and every up-to-date television and radio development has been incorporated. These receivers are classed as "Electrostatic and Direct Vision." Electro-static indicates that the entire deflection system is electrostatic and since the picture is viewed direct, without the use of a mirror, lens or other device, it is referred to as Direct Vision. The latter ensures clarity, brilliance and the widest angle of vision. Steady, clear cut, black and white pictures that are large enough for all the family to enjoy at one time are secured by the use of a fourteen inch cathode-ray
A separate high fidelity section brings superb reproduction of the sound channel which is associated with the picture. A single control tunes both the sight and the sound channels so the receiver is no more difficult to operate than an ordinary broadcast receiver, To the above features add its compact size, minimum number of controls and simple straight forward layout and you will have an idea of the first commercial television receiver which we believe you will find easy to install and service in spite of the apparent complexity of the subject Television.
tube which furnishes a picture eight by ten inches
Frequency Ranges – Four Television Channels provided, present alignment as follows:
AUDIO VIDEO STEP STATION SIDEBAND CARRIER CARRIER A NBC Single 49.75 45.25 B CBS Single 55.75 51.25 C …… …… …… …… D NBC Double 49.75 46.5
Power Ratings
Power supply 110 to 120 volts, 50 to 60 cycles, 250 watts.
Audio output, maximum 4.25 watts.
Cabinet Dimensions
Height …………………………………… 24 inches Width ……………………………………. 15 ¾ inches Depth ……………………………………. 25 inches
Chassis Dimensions
Height …………………………………… 20 ¾ inches Width …...………………………………. 13 ¼ inches Depth ……………………………………. 24 ¼ inches
Operating Controls…………………………6 Adjustment Controls……………………….7
Types 181, 182, 183
These receivers have the same operating controls as the type 180 and therefore will not be covered separately
Type Purpose
1853 …………… R.F. Amplifier
6J5M ....….…….. R.F. Oscillator
1852 …………… 1 1853 …………… 1st Video I.F Amplifier 1852 …………… 2nd Video I.F. Amplifier 6H6M ………….. 2 1851 …………… 1st Video Amplifier 6V6G ………….. Video Power Amplifier 6J7G …………… 1 6J7G …………… 2 6Q7G ………….. 2 6V6G ………….. Sound Power Amplifier 6J7G ………….… Horizontal Synch Separator 6AD5G …………. Horizontal Sweep Oscillator 6R6G ...……….… Horizontal Sweep Amplifier 6J7G ………….… Vertical Synch Separator 6AD5G …………. Vertical Sweep Oscillator
6R6G ....………… Vertical Sweep Amplifier
2Y2 ..........…….... 4100 Volt Rectifier
5X3 …………….. 1600 Volt Rectifier
5Z3 .....………….. 350 Volt Rectifier
114-9-T .....……... Cathode-ray Tube (14")
Video Detector
Sound I.F. Amplifier
Sound I.F. Amplifier
Sound Detector and Amplifier
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A simple straight line layout is used in these receivers that should prove extremely helpful to the serviceman. Viewed from the front, the video receiver is on the left side of the chassis and the sound receiver is on the right. Fig. No. 1 shows the front controls and the sound receiver while Fig. No. 2 shows the rear adjustments and the video receiver. The top portion of the chassis contains both sweep circuits along with the modulating circuit of the cathode-ray tube. To prevent confusion each side is considered separately, half appearing in Fig. No. 1 and the remainder in Fig. No. 2. The seven auxiliary controls shown in Fig. No. 2 are provided for the use of the installer and serviceman. These controls are necessary to make the final alignment of picture size and positioning when
the receiver is installed under the operating conditions imposed by the .earth’s magnetic field. and the power supply line voltages. Once properly set these controls do not need adjustment and since they. were not provided for the owner’s use we suggest that the dealer or serviceman seal the back of the cabinet as it is not possible to tamper with the controls when the back is in place. The use of the parts and tubes shown in Fig. No, 1 and Fig. No. 2 can be checked by comparing the "V” numbers, etc., with the schematic drawings which are furnished in the back of this manual. Four separate schematic drawings have been provided which, due to their size, will be found more readable than a single drawing.
The set is equipped with a safety switch which automatically opens upon the removal of the back of the cabinet. This protects the operator from dangerous high voltages which would otherwise be exposed.
The serviceman that is engaged installing or servicing television receivers is urged to take all precautions and run no unnecessary risks. The high voltages that are necessary with this type of equipment are very dangerous and should not be approached in a careless manner.
It is better to shut the set completely off between adjustments than to suffer a painful or even a dangerous burn.
Large cathode-ray tubes operate at high-voltages and hence are evacuated to a very high degree of vacuum. Therefore the atmospheric pressure on the glass can run into tons depending on the size of the tube. A collapse therefore is as bad as an explosion and all cathode-ray tubes should be handled with care. The Du Mont Laboratories have gone to great expense to provide a cathode-ray tube that is safe for the home and the structural design results in its ability to stand tests nearly twice as severe as usually employed. The serviceman, however, should observe the following rules as he will probably be the only one to handle the average tube.
1. Be careful in handling the tube.
2. Watch the use of tools near the tube.
3. Don't scratch the surface of the glass.
4. Don’t stand the tube on a metal surface or in any other way cause certain parts to be quickly heated or cooled.
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Antenna Installation
In the installation of television receivers the proper antenna is a necessity. Successful installations will result from attention to details, while slipshod and careless work will bring only poor customer satisfaction and repeat calls. There is nothing difficult about the installation of television aerials, a little patience and experience is all that is required. Regular broadcast aerials in the majority of cases will be found useless. Impress this upon the owner and make a satisfactory installation regardless of what other equipment he already has. Satisfactory picture reception is what both of you require for the completion of the installation.
The Dipole Antenna
The Dipole form of aerial is generally satisfactory; it consists of two metal rods, each approximately five feet long and placed on a line with each other. Extreme accuracy in the length of these rods is usually not necessary and if the receiver is located very close to the transmitting station it may be found advisable to cut down the length of each rod. The simple dipole aerial is shown in Fig. No, 3.
The Lead-In
The most popular lead-in from the dipole to the Television receiver will be a twisted pair as it is inexpensive and generally satisfactory in locations where the. signal is strong. The length of this lead is usually not of extreme importance, It is best to get the Dipole located in the clear and as. far from electrical interference as possible than to limit its location by using a theoretical exact length feeder, The twisted pair should be soldered to the lugs on the Dipole as a good connection is essential and necessary since several changes in the position of the antenna may be required for best results. The other form of lead-in is the coaxial line such as the Amphenol No.
72. This form of feeder should be used in installations where the length of the lead-in is too long for satisfactory work with the twisted pair and again where the installation is at an extreme distance and every bit of energy picked up must be delivered to the receiver.
If the dipole is mounted horizontally it is said to be horizontally polarized, and if vertical it is vertically polarized. Since the physical location materially effects the aerial no specific form can he advised and we can merely suggest that you start by using horizontal polarization and change if necessary to produce the best results.
Location of the Antenna
Whenever possible the Dipole should be erected so that it is in line of sight with the transmitter. This do es no t mean that no signals can be secured where a direct view of the transmitter cannot be obtained. Surprising results are often secured on these high frequencies and no concise rules can be assigned to this work. If the location is on a street, having heavy traffic there may be considerable noise level due to automobile ignition systems. In this case, locate the Dipole to the rear of the building and away from the source of the noise as far as possible. In the case of' electrical machinery over which you have no control, the same method can be employed along with the utilization of the directional effects of the aerial which will be covered later.
Room Illumination
Whenever possible the receiver should be so placed in the home that a direct glare from either natural or artificial light does not fall upon the face of the cathode­ray tube. The received picture may be viewed under a variety of conditions where it is not always convenient to darken the room completely. Adjustments made to meet these conditions will not cause damage to the receiver. Viewing the pictures in as dark a room as possible is always at an advantage as it permits the setting of the Intensity and Contrast controls in a manner that will give picture tone values more correctly relating to those actually used in the studio from which the picture is transmitted.
Installation Process.
It is a good plan to proceed as follows with the installation, l. Erect the Dipole antenna in the clear. Start by using horizontal polarization (mount the rods horizontal) and turn them until their plane is at right angles with the location of the transmitter
2. Adjust the receiver to produce a picture.
3. Return to the antenna and make final adjustments for best signal strength and removal of ghosts, etc.
Ghost Effects
Where the picture appears to be duplicated and slightly displaced, the additional picture is referred to as a ghost. This effect is usually due to the refection of the signals and can be cured by the slanting or rotating of the Dipole or the use of a reflector or reflectors. If after all possible positions have been tried, the ghost still exists it will be necessary to change the location of the antenna and try again.
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Directional Effects
In the simple Dipole, directional effects are not very pronounced, but it does have a rather sharp no-signal radius and it is possible in some instances to materially reduce interference by placing the offending source in this area. If the installation of the receiver is being made at quite a distance from the transmitter or if the signal level is very low due to local conditions it is well to con sider the use of a reflector. This is done by placing a rod, about ten feet long, parallel with the Dipole and about 5 feet in back of it. The directional effect of the Dipole remains the same, namely at right angles to the plane. Signals coming from the front will be greatly increased. In using reflectors it is well to bear in mind, however, that any signal approaching from the rear (where the reflector is located) will be greatly attenuated. Fig. No. 4 shows reflector added to the simple Dipole.
Operating Controls of the Receiver (Front)
First, become familiar with the controls on the front of the receiver. Since the receiver has been tested before shipment, probably only a few minor adjustments will be necessary. Therefore before touching the adjustments in the rear attempt to operate the set according to the instruction sheet supplied the purchaser and make only the adjustments required. These instructions are repeated here to cover the possible lose of the sheet. Figure No.1 shows the front of the receiver with the controls numbered and the use and the purpose of these controls is as follows.
1. Marked CONTRAST, ON and OFF
This is a power switch for starting and stopping a set. It also is the volume control of the picture signal. It should be adjusted in conjunctio n with the intensity control (No.
4) to produce a picture of pleasing contrast to the user. If the location is such that the signal received is very small it may be necessary to use the full gain of the control, while in a good location it may, have to be retarded considerably. If the picture is not satisfactory the rear controls must be adjusted as covered in a following section.
2. Marked SELECTOR
This control is a four position switch provided for covering four television channels. The present alignment was given previously under the technical information section.
3. Marked TUNING
Only one control is necessary to properly tune both the sight and sound channels. Simply adjust this control until the best reception of the sound is secured and at this point
The intensity or brightness of the picture is controlled by this knob. It should be adjusted in conjunction with Control No. 1 to get the best picture. Note: it is a good plan to retard (turn to the left) this control when starting the set. If about 15 seconds is allowed to elapse before advancing this control it will prevent a small brigh t spot from appearing on the screen which might eventually darken the screen.
5. Marked FOCUS
This control is used to sharpen the individual lines of the pattern and once set seldom requires further adjustment.
6. Marked VOLUME
This volume control adjust the audio volume and has no effect whatever upon the picture
Rear Controls of the Receiver
As previously stated the adjustment of these controls is necessary for the final alignment of picture size and positioning, as the earth's magnetic field and power supply line voltages vary with locations. The location of these controls is shown in Figure No. 2 and th eir use will be covered in numerical order. Proceed as follows: remove the wood screws holding in the back of the cabinet and pull out the back. The safety switch will open turning the set off and since it is necessary to have the set in operation while making these adjustments the switch can be made temporarily inoperative. (A large battery clip is convenient for this purpose.) Do not reach into the set with the voltages on. (See Cautions and Warning.) There is one adjustment that cannot be made by these controls, that of rotating the Cathode-ray tube to cause the picture to properly line up with the viewing opening. To remedy this, turn the set off, remove the elastic band that grips th e rear support and rotate the tube by hand in the correct direction. The function of the seven rear controls are as follows
1. Vertical Frequency Control
This controls the frequency of the vertical sweep. If the picture is not steady and slips past at intervals, vertically, this control should be adjusted until a steady picture is secured.
2. Vertical Size Control
If the picture is too narrow and out of proportion vertically this control will remedy the trouble.
3. Vertical Positioning Control
As its name indicates, this Control will move the pattern vertically, allowing the picture to be placed directly in the center of the opening.
the picture signal will be correctly tuned.
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