User Manual
The core of your security system is the CE818 control panel, an intelligent microprocessor device that
oversees the safety of persons and your home.
The control panel manage up to 16 zones protect by sensors and contacts, and receives commands
from LCD keyboards (Advanced mode) and electronic key readers.
The system can be activated in different modes (depending on the working mode); for example, during
night, you can activate the protection only on living room or on the perimeter of your house, having
the possibility to freely move inside at system activated.
It is possible to add a GSM or PSTN communicator (optional) to provide you an intelligent remote alarm
In case of alarm, the phone communicator will inform you with a vocal message or SMS, allowing you –
even when you are away – to monitor in real time what happens in your home.
From landline or mobile phone you can verify the status of your panel and the whole system or send a
command to the system.
The control panel can work in two modes:
Base Mode
Advanced Mode
Depending on the selected mode, the control panel can be equipped with accessories and functions.
Verify in which mode your control panel is working.
It is possible to select the working mode to favour both installer and user: the base system is expandable
at any time just restarting the control panel in advanced mode adding peripherals, zones, functions…
Wired electronic keys reader
Transponder electronic key
Single and double technology indoor sensors
E-Wall, DIRFE, barriers, MOSKITO-F
Outdoor wired sensors and barriers
Wired sirens
Function for generate a “din-don” tone from keyboards and key readers AT
SYSTEM DISARMED when selected zones are violated
If the 230 VAC power line fall down for a long time (programmable timing), the
control panel will advice and activate a dedicated output (automatic restore
when power line backs up).
Useful for example to activate a phone call in case of black out
Word to indicate a treble sound emitted by keyboard or key reader each time
a button is pressed, you interact with the system or to signal an event
As per “Beep”, this word indicates a bass sound emitted by keyboard or key
reader in particular circumstances
Sound generator inside keyboards and key readers
Electronic key with digital security code enabled to activate/deactivate the
control panel. Must be used with the key reader
(only if connected the GSM dialler and/or the PSTN module) Four digit security
code for use of GSM/PSTN commands and functions. This code must be
inserted in each command sent to the dialler.
Six digit code used to access to alarm system using the keyboard
This function allow to obtain a silent alarm signalling in case you are forced to
disarm the system under menace.
It is possible to use this function in two modes:
• after the disarming of the system do NOT press any directional key on
DVT-LCD/OLED keyboard within programmed time
• press a dedicated button connected by wire to one of the input of the
control panel
Device – optional – to send vocal messages via landline connection. In this
control panel this device is an additional module installed onboard
Additional external device (optional) to send vocal and SMS messages using
the GSM network service. The connection with the control panel is realized on
BUS 485 (mod. GSM BUS)
Function that allow the user to exclude the wanted zones so to bypass them at
system armed
Action of the user to activate/deactivate the alarm system. At system armed
the violation of a zone generates alarm. At system disarmed the violation of
the zones does not generate alarm.
Lights, for different signallings, on keyboards and key readers
These devices read the transponder electronic keys
(only in ADVANCED mode) Special menu with control panel options, only for
Master users. In this menu it is possible, for example, to set date and time,
manage other users, bypass zones, etc.
A zone sets as MONITOR, when violated, cause only the buzzer sound on
keyboards and key readers (not sirens) for 30 seconds.
Function useful for example in case you want to protect an external area, and
just be warned when you are at home.
Press a dedicated button to start the siren sound for a fixed time of 30
seconds, in order to draw attention. The panic vocal call and SMS are send (if
Special arming mode of control panel, it exclude a group of zones. In this way
a part of the protected area will not be monitored by the system and it will be
possible to move inside this area without alarm even if the system is armed
Device connected to control panel by a 4 wires cable (BUS RS485) (usually
keyboards, key readers and expansion boards)
Only for PARTIAL armings.
At the start of alarm, the siren sounds at low level – for a programmed time –
and then continue at high level.
During the pre-alarm no SMS or vocal call are sent.
Device for violation detection with different technologies (glass breaking,
intrusion, door opening, ecc.)
On keyboards some sounds are disabled – with variable time – when the user
or installer make some operation:
simple operations sounds disabled for about 30 seconds
programming or event queue sounds disabled for 10 minutes
The disabled sounds are:
entry and exit sounds
monitor and technologic
Keyboard provided with display LCD / OLED, buttons and LEDs and with which
the user/installer interact with the alarm system. The keyboard allows the
control panel programming.
It is possible to program some zone – when violated – to cause siren sound
only after a certain time.
Useful for example if the control panel is far from entry door and it is
necessary to go near to it to disarm the system.
It is possible to set a time that allow to arm the system and exit from the
building without generate alarm.
There are four outputs on control panel, which are activated according to
some combined event (ex.: to switch on a lamp in case of alarm or to activate
a phone dialler)
BASE mode: the outputs are pre-programmed
ADVANCED mode: it is possible to customize the events that activate each
outputs (for a complete list ask to your installer).
Guest users can arm and disarm the system only if enabled by a Master user.
Master users have high privileges on the system (except for installation and
system configuration changes).
Master users actions:
arm (any mode) and disarm the system
access to User menu
add, delete and change other user settings
make system tests
Patrol users cannot arm or disarm the system but – at system armed – bypass
for a certain time the zones set for this behavior.
This function is useful for example to allow the access only in certain areas,
without disarm the system (service staff).
A zone manage all the sensors connected to it.
The zone corresponds, usually, to a protected area of the building, a local or
simply to a single sensor
A zone set as TECHNOLOGIC is active 24 hours / 24, so it is NOT subject to
arming or disarming of the system.
In case of detection, the zone cause an alarm with low level siren sounding.
Function useful for example in case of flood-sensors, smoke-sensors, gassensors, and so on…
Example: it is possible to have immediate signalling of a gas leakage and drive
an electric valve (using one of the outputs) to block the gas flux and avoid the
Follows the description of buttons and functions of the keyboard:
The keyboard allow to control your alarm system:
visualize the system status, functions and other alerts
arm and disarm
user management
visualize system events and alarms
Arming buttons /
Sysem status
The control panel manage up to 16 users
Each user can be set as:
Master user can arm and disarm the control panel without limitations.
It has access to User menu to change other users, bypass zones, change date and time and
perform a system test.
At system armed, the Patrol user can bypass some zone (all the ones set as Patrol) to access
in wanted areas without cause alarm.
The control panel stays armed, so if the user violates a zone not set as Patrol (R), the control
panel will detect alarm.
When leaving, the Patrol user can include again the bypassed zones, or it is possible to set an
auto-rehabilitation time.
Patrol user has no access to User menu.
Guest user has limited access and can only arm according to Master user and Installer permits.
The Guest user can disarm the control panel only if enabled.
Guest user has no access to User menu.
Each user has a six digits code (changeable) to arm and disarm the system
Each user can have a combined electronic key (see next paragraph)
It is possible to enable an SMS/vocal message each time each user act on the system
The electronic keys are read by key readers.
With the keys it is only possible to arm and disarm the system.
BASE mode
Each key stored is an user.
The control panel can store up to 12 electronic keys.
All the keys have the same privileges, can arm in Total, Partial and Disarm the system
At each user can be combined one electronic key (up to 16 users)
If the user is set as MASTER, its key will arm and disarm without restrictions.
If the user is set as GUEST, the key arm and disarm the system according to the privileges allowed by
the Master user.
If the user is set as PATROL, the key bypasses/rehabilitates the Patrol zones.