Duemmegi Domino DFDALI User Manual

DFDALI: DALI gateway
DFDALI module allows to manage up to 32 DALI ballasts (or similar devices) through the Domino bus. DFDALI module can be successfully employed in domestic and professional lighting applications, where systems com­municating by the DALI protocol are used.
DFDALI module offers the following main features: all timing functions are accomplished by the module
it can operate without DFCP controller possibility of control from one or more pushbuttons con-
nected to Domino bus
Up/Down and Single commands may be defined for the
manual regulation of lighting level
automatic brightness regulation (also without DFCP) programmable ramp, in the range 0 to 60 seconds setting of minimum and maximum output levels dynamic lights scenes can be easily implemented
through DFCP
the current brightness level may be stored and then re-
if a Domino or DALI bus failure occurs, the output level
will be automatically set to a user-defined level
diagnostics of short circuit on the DALI line and lamp
galvanic insulation between DALI and Domino buses
Near to the Domino bus terminal block, the module fea­tures a small pushbutton for the assignment of the address and a green LED that shows the operating status; this green LED normally flashes every 2 seconds about to sig­nal that the module is properly supplied and operating.
Near to the DALI bus terminal block, the module features a small pushbutton for the manual command of the connec­ted devices; the function performed by this button are the continuous regulation of the brightness level and the one­touch switching on and off. Near to this button, a yellow LED reports the communication activity on the DALI line or the diagnostic.
Removing the cover of the bus terminal block, a small con­nector (PRG) can be accessed; this one allows the connec­tion to DFPRO optional tester/programmer.
DFDALI module is housed in a standard DIN 4M box for rail mounting.
The 32 devices for each line can be controlled as follows: Broadcast: each command sent on the DALI line will be ex-
ecuted by all the connected devices, therefore all the re­lated devices will behave in the same way.
Individually: the commands will be individually sent to each device, therefore each single device will behave independ­ently; for this operation, the DALI devices must be ad­dressed as described in the following paragraphs.
Groups: the command will be sent to groups, therefore each group of devices will behave independently; for this operation, DALI devices must be addressed and the groups must be defined as described in the following paragraphs.
DFDALI module can operate in systems with or without DFCP controller. In all cases, the module can perform Up, Down and Single Command functions by real or virtual in­puts (see in the following of this manual); moreover, saving and recalling of sceneries can be accomplished by the module.
The power supply needed for DFDALI module operation is derived from the Domino bus itself and from an auxiliary power supply for the DALI section.
Three fixed 2-way terminal block allow the connection of the module to the Domino bus, to the auxiliary power sup­ply and to the DALI bus.
Note: this technical sheet applies to DFDALI modules equipped with firmware 2.2 or higher.
Address programming
DFDALI module takes one output address and, if enabled, one input address. A white label on the front panel allows the writing of the assigned address for an immediate visual identification. For details about address programming refer to the related documentation.
Wiring diagram
The schematic diagram in Figure 1 shows the connections to be made between DFDALI module and the Domino bus, the auxiliary power supply and the DALI line, using cables as described in the table in the following of this same para­graph. As said above, DFDALI module performs galvanic insulation between DALI section and Domino bus by means of photo couplers inside the module.
The auxiliary power supply (AUX SUPPLY in the schemat­ic) can be a transformer with 12V~ secondary winding (at full load) 3VA, or it can be a stabilized dc power supply 12V
± 5% / 0.25A; in this last case the polarity is automatic,
so the positive pole can be connected indifferently to the terminal 19 or 20.
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12V~ 12V=
It is suggested to use, for the DALI line, a normal 2-core cable with double insulation. It's allowed to lay these cables in the same pipe in which there are power cables, provided that they have double isolation too.
Input section
On the input address, if enabled, 16 bits are available for the diagnostics of DALI system, as described in the follow­ing table:
It is recommended to avoid the using of multi core cables carrying both the two DALI signals and ballast supply, be­cause the capacitive coupling between the signal wires and the power lines may cause very dangerous conditions for the human safety.
The following table gives some rules for the MINIMUM cable section. As said above, no special cables are re­quired for the DALI line, provided that they have double in­sulation. In any case, the distance between DFDALI mod­ule and the farthest ballast must not be more than 300m.
Connection Suggested cable
Domino bus 2 x 0.8 mmq unshielded
DALI line
1 mmq (if the power supply is near to the module)
Up to120m: 2 x 0.50mmq Up to 175m: 2 x 0.75mmq Up to 230m: 2 x 1.00mmq Up to 300m: 2 x 1.50mmq
Information on the bus
DFDALI takes, inside the Domino bus, 1 output address and, if enabled, 1 input address. The meaning of the data field of the two sections will be described in the following.
Point Description
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 ­10 ­11 Polling disabled 12 Power supply loss on DALI side 13 Test button pressed 14 Lamp failure 15 DALI line broken 16 DALI line short circuit
Current brightness
Regulation Status of the 8 zones
The first available information (points 1÷8 of the channel)
can be chosen by the option “Regulation Status” in the con­figuration panel featured by DCP IDE or BDTools; the two possibilities are:
Case 1(unchecked option):
the brightness level of the ballast having address 1 which is assumed as reference for all the other ballasts. Thus, to use this function, the ballasts have to be addressed starting from address 1.
DUEMMEGI s.r.l. - Via Longhena, 4 - 20139 MILANO Tel. 02/57300377 - Fax 02/55213686 – www.duemmegi.it
Figure 1: DFDALI wiring diagram
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The value of the current brightness level is in the range 0 to 100; if no ballast has been addressed as 1, then the repor­ted value will be 255. A lamp failure condition will be in­stead reported by the value 128; if the answer from the bal­last will not be understood the value 129 will be reported. If the brightness level of each ballast on the DALI line is re­quired by the application, a script for DFCP is available for this purpose; contact DUEMMEGI for more information.
Case 2 (checked option):
In this case, each point 1¸8 reports the status of the auto­matic brightness regulation of the relevant zone. For in­stance, point 1, when activated, reports that the automatic brightness regulation is currently activated for zone 1.
Output section
The related data field (16-bit) for the execution of the com­mands on the ballasts, has the following meaning:
Point Data field at output address
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
The destination can assume different values depending on the typology of the addressed target, identified by the value of the high byte of the channel, as in the following table:
Written data
0x00 0 All the ballasts on the line
0x01 ÷ 0x20 1 ÷ 32 single ballast (1÷32) 0x81 ÷ 0x90 129 ÷ 144 single group (1÷16) of ballasts 0x91 ÷ 0x98 145 ÷ 152
Set the setpoint value for the automatic brightness regulation
for zones 1 ÷ 8
When the destination is broadcast or single ballast or single group, the function executed by the module depends on the value written on the low byte of the output data field, as de­scribed in the next table.
If instead the destination is in the range 0x91 to 0x98, then the value specified by the low byte (Function) assumes the meaning of “setpoint value” divided by 10 used for the automatic brightness regulation; for instance, to send 300 as setpoint value on group 3, the value 0x931E has to be sebt (0x93 means the setpoint setting for group 3 and 0x1E = 30 is the wanted setpoint value: 30 x 10 = 300).
Written data
0x00 ÷ 0x64 0 ÷ 100
0x70 112 Disable polling 0x71 113 Enable polling
0x7D 125
0x7E 126
0x7F 127
0x80 128
0x87 135
0x88 136
0x89 137 Reset MIN value to default (1%)
0x8A 138
0x8B 139
0x8C ÷ 0xAA 140 ÷ 170
0xAB ÷ 0xAD 171 ÷ 173
0xB5 ÷ 0xC4 181 ÷ 196
0xC9 ÷ 0xD8 201 ÷ 216
0xDD 221
0xDE 222
0xDF 223
Set the brightness to 0÷100%
according to the current ramp
Up command without one-touch function
Down command without one­touch function
Single command without one­touch function
No operation (in this case the
value of the destination must be zero)
Set the current brightness a MIN value
Set the current brightness a MAX value
Reset MAX value to default (100%)
Save the current brightness as level to be loaded during bus failure condition
Set the current ramp to 0 ÷ 30
seconds (1s step)
Set the current ramp to 40 ÷ 60
seconds (step 10 s) Save the current brightness to
Preset 1÷16
Recall brightness from Preset
1÷16 according to current ramp
enable the automatic brightness regulation (the destination must
be a group in the range 1 to 8)
Disable the automatic bright­ness regulation and switch OFF the lamps (the destination must
be a group in the range 1 to 8) Disable the automatic bright-
ness regulation (the destination must be a group in the range 1 to 8)
The value to be written in the output data field to perform a given function to a given destination will be thus: in hexadecimal: 0xYYZZ where YY is the destination in
in decimal: K where K is given by [(256 x YY) + ZZ],
where YY is the destination in decimal format (DEC) and ZZ is the code of the function in decimal format (DEC)
DFDALI module, normally, polls all the ballasts connected to
the line; this polling can be disabled sending the code 112 (of course losing all information about the diagnostic and the cur­rent level). The code 113 will enable again the polling; the cur­rent status of the polling is reported by the point 11 of the input section (if enabled). At the module power up or after a reset the polling is always enabled by default.
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The code 128 is required only to inform DFDALI when interrupt
a running function. For instance, to perform an Up function, the code 125 must be sent: the brightness will increase until the sending of code 128.
The code 139 saves, in the non volatile memory of the bal-
lasts, the brightness level which will be automatically recalled when a DALI or Domino bus failure occurs.
The change from a brightness level to another one will be ex-
ecuted according to a ramp that can be set as desired by the codes 140 to 173. The ramp value will be stored in the non volatile memory of the ballasts, therefore a power failure does not affect it.
V1 = !(I1.1 | I1.2 | I1.3)
AO2 = P(0x8180)V1 & \
P(0x817D)I1.1 & P(0x817E)I1.2 & \ P(0x8132)I1.3
The specified value, at each variation, will be transferred to the DALI devices assigned to group 1. At the releasing of each pushbutton, the value is always set to 0x8180 (no operation, but needed to inform the module about the re­leasing of the buttons).
Of course the commands to DALI devices can be also sent by DFCP through the using of the Scripts.
Management by DFCP or by I/V table
The sending of commands or values to DALI devices can be performed through a supervisor simply writing the memory locations of DFCP related to the output of the in­stalled DFDALI modules.
As option, or in addition, it is possible to send commands or value from DFCP to the DALI module through proper equa­tions as in the following example:
V1 = !(I1.1 | I1.2 | I1.3)
AO2 = P(128)V1 & \
P(125)I1.1 & P(126)I1.2 & \ P(50)I1.3
where I1.1 and I1.2 are, for instance, the Up and Down inputs and AO2 is DFDALI module with address 2; I1.3 will set the brightness to 50%. The specified value, at each variation, will be transferred to the DALI output (AO2). At the releasing of each pushbutton, the value is always set to 128 (no operation, but needed to inform the module about the releasing of the buttons). In this case the described Up, Down and Preset functions acts on all connected ballasts (broadcast commands).
To get the same result on a ballast individually addressed, it is easiest (even if not mandatory) to use the hexadecimal format to write the equations, because the address of the ballast has to be specified in the high byte of the channel:
V1 = !(I1.1 | I1.2 | I1.3)
AO2 = P(0x0180)V1 & \
P(0x017D)I1.1 & P(0x017E)I1.2 & \ P(0x0132)I1.3
where I1.1 and I1.2 are the Up and Down inputs and
AO2 is DFDALI with address 2; I1.3 will set the brightness
to 50%. The specified value, at each variation, will be trans­ferred to the DALI ballast addressed 1. At the releasing of each pushbutton, the value is always set to 0x0180 (no operation, but needed to inform the module about the re­leasing of the buttons).
A similar example follows to send command to a group of ballasts:
DFDALI module can however work without DFCP control­ler, simply linking the desired commands to bus input points (both real and virtual ones); for details about this possibility, refer to the paragraph I/V Table.
Manual commands by the module pushbutton
Near to the terminal block of DALI line, a pushbutton allows the following functions: a short pulse will cause the com­plete switching ON and OFF, while holding down the button the brightness increases or decreases depending on previ­ous action (every next continuous pressing will invert the previous one).
This pushbutton is useful during the setting up of the plant.
Diagnostic of DALI line by yellow LED
The yellow LED, located near the just described pushbut­ton, continuously flashes during normal operation. Since the DALI line is continuously polled in a sequential way, thus the LED flashes in the same way, even if DFCP con­troller is not connected.
The yellow LED will be fixed lighted when one or more of the following events will occur on the DALI line:
Lamp failure
DALI line broken or no ballast connected
Short circuit on DALI line
In the case of short circuit, an automatic procedure will try to restore the line, thus allowing to module to return to to the normal operation with a maximum 15 sec delay after the short circuit condition has been removed.
The LED will be instead switched off if the DALI section of the module is not supplied or if the polling has been dis­abled. In any case, the occurred problem can be discrimin­ated by the map of DCP IDE or BDTools or by a supervisor or video-terminal connected to DFCP (reading input chan­nel as described in the related paragraph).
In lamp failure condition, it is not possible to know on which
DALI device this event occurred.
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