Duemmegi Contatto ModLC-WM, Contatto ModLC-WM-P User Manual

ModLC-WM / WM-P: ambient light regulator module with integrated sensors for Bright­ness and Presence (-P version)
ModLC-WM module allows to transmit, over the Contatto bus, the ambient brightness value detected by the sensor integrated inside the module itself. This module provides a PID algorithm for the automatic regulation of the ambient brightness and some SMART modes, thus allowing to con­siderably simplify the programming of the MCP controller when realizing these kinds of applications. ModLC-WM-P also features a built-in presence sensor.
ModLC-WM module can thus be well applied in the bright­ness regulation of offices, stores and open spaces, allow­ing to develop applications complying with the new European norms about the energetic classification of the plants (European Norm EN 15232).
ModLC-WM module is suitable for wall mounting; the sen­sor detects the light reflected by the surface under it (for instance the floor or a desk). The special integrated sensor has the same spectral sensitivity of the human eye.
ModLC-WM module, for its operations, can work only in systems equipped with MCP XT or MCP 4. The housing is plastic material with IP20 protection degree.
Note: this technical sheet applies to ModLC-WM and ModLC­WM-P equipped with FW 2.5 or higher.
Address programming
ModLC-WM module takes one input address and, if en­abled, one output address with the same value; the ad­dress has to be assigned by the FXPRO programmer through the proper programming cable inserted in the con­nector placed inside the module.
Wiring diagram
The following schematic diagram shows the connections to the Contatto bus.
The input (IN) may be used for the connection to one or more presence sensors that, for -P version, will work in par­allel connection with the internal sensor; the contacts of these sensors, which must be potential free, must be con­nected between the terminals +COM and IN.
Anyway, take in account that terminal 1 is a 24V voltage output to supply the external contact, which, as said before, must be potential free. The terminal 2 is the digital input of the module and can be also activated by a continuous posi­tive voltage, referred to 0V, inside the range 10 to 30V.
Connection to the contact of a presence sensor:
13 14 15 16 17 1 2
If using a DUEMMEGI SRP presence sensor, refer to the following schematic diagram.
13 14 15 16 17 1 2
0V L1
1 2 3 4 5
DUEMMEGI s.r.l. - Via Longhena, 4 - 20139 MILANO Tel. 02/57300377 - Fax 02/55213686 – www.duemmegi.it
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If more SRP presence detection modules are required, they can be parallel connected.
Detection characteristic
The presence sensor (-P version), as said above, can de­tect the movement in the range of 10 meters, in the perpen­dicular direction in respect to the module surface.
When a person is moving, thanks to the detection of in­frared radiation emitted by the body, the sensor will be able to detect the movement.
For the calculation of the covered area refer to the following formula:
D = L x 2.38
where D is the diameter of the cone basis and L is the dis­tance from the sensor, as shown in the following figure.
Therefore the detection area (cone basis) increases when the sensor is far (inside the limit of 10 meters about); take this in account when positioning the module.
Installation hints
The correct positioning of the sensor plays a fundamental role in the application of automatic light regulation. Even if it is hard to give a general rule for the positioning of the sen­sor, because each specific case could be evaluated, as ap­proximated general rule the sensor could be installed on the wall, at a height of 2.30 meters about, in a proper posi­tion avoiding the direct incidence of external light entering from windows or other openings.
This because, on the contrary, the direct light should be predominant in respect to the reflected light that is, at the end, the light to be regulated (because, generally, the pur­pose is to make constant the illumination of the working desks).
For instance, in the case of a room with two windows on the same wall, the sensor may be placed on the same wall between the two windows, with sensor toward the interior of the room. Also, a “stable” surface must be “seen” by the sensor: this surface must be at a constant distance from the sensor and it must have always the same color (it may be the floor or a desk or other). Take in account that the sensor is oriented 45 degrees about in respect to the wall.
The height and position for proper installation must be how­ever evaluated taking in account also the presence sensor and the physical shape of the room. Given that the pres­ence detection is based on the detection of infrared emis­sions, it is good practice to take in account also the following aspects related to the use and to the installation of ModLC-WM-P module, in order to avoid errors in the de­tection by the sensor itself.
Detection of heat sources other than a human body
The following cases show various situations where detec­tion mistakes by the detection sensor may happen.
small animals entering in the detection range infrared emissions from sunlight, incandescent light or
some other sources of far infrared rays
sudden change of the temperature due to the entry of
cold or warm air from an air-conditioning or heating unit or water vapor from a humidifier
Bad conditions for the detection
the detection of movement by the sensor could be dis-
turbed by the presence of glasses objects, acrylic or other materials that may shield the infrared rays
a heat source not moving or moving too quickly or
moving too slowly may be undetected by the sensor
the sensor is less sensible when the temperature of
the moving body is near to the ambient temperature
Other handling cautions
be careful to keep clean from dust or dirt accumulating
on the lens because this will adversely affects the de­tection sensitivity
the lens is made by a soft material (polyethylene);
avoid applying a load or impact since this will deform or scratch the lens
to cleaning the sensor avoid the use of fluids that may
enter inside the sensor causing a deterioration
To install ModLC-WM sensor, follow the steps here bottom described.
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Opening of the module
Find the two fissures where the small dull tooths of the rear panel are housed (normally on the bottom side). Insert the tip of a small screwdriver in one of these fissures so that the rear panel releases towards the outside. Then insert the screwdriver in the other fissure so to extract completely the rear panel.
Address assignment
Insert the proper connector of FXPRO programmer in the blue connector on the rear side of the elec­tronic card and assign the base address fol­lowing the normal pro­cedure of all Contatto modules.
Open the hole on the rear panel helping yourself with a small pin­cers or a pair of scissors. Insert the wires (those of the bus and eventually those of the input) in the hole of the rear panel; fix the rear panel to the wall, placing at­tention to its orientation (see the UP label on the rear panel itself). Be sure that no voltage is present on the wires.
Connect the wires to the terminal blocks of the electronic card according to schematic diagram.
Closing of the module
Place the top side of the cover on the rear panel fixed to the wall, so that the two tooths on the top side of the rear panel itself fit in the related fissures and, at the same time, the connector of the electronic card fits into the terminal block. At this point, delicately push the bottom side of the cover towards the rear panel, until the two dull tooths on the rear panel fit in the re­lated fissures of the cover.
Automatic regulation of the brightness
ModLC-WM module features a PID regulation algorithm (Proportional Integral Derivative). This allows to implement a system for the automatic brightness regulation: fixed the desired setpoint (1), ModLC-WM module will calculate au­tonomously the optimal value which, sent to the dimmer of the luminous source, will allow to reach and maintain that setpoint.
Therefore this system for the automatic regulation will con ­stantly follow the assigned setpoint, thus compensating the external environmental contributions like, for instance, the increasing or decreasing of the light quantity coming from the windows of the room being automatically regulated.
The speed at which the regulation system reaches the set­point can be adjusted changing the regulation parameters Ki and Ki Fine; increasing the value of Ki (2), the system will reach the setpoint quickly.
It is also possible to define a range around the setpoint (Zone Ki Fine) where the control change from the normal Ki to the Ki Fine; in this way the speed will be reduced in or­der to approaching to the setpoint with better precision, avoiding as much as possible overshoots and oscillations. Once the setpoint has been reached, the regulator will not execute other operations during all the time the measured value falls inside a range, called dead zone; this dead zone, in addition to Ki and Ki Fine, can be defined during the setting up.
ModLC-WM module also allows to define a ramp value to be sent to the dimmer in order to avoid discontinuous light changes, with a bad optical effect, when increasing or de­creasing the brightness of the lamp.
(1): the setpoint is defined as the brightness value that the auto­matic regulation system has like target to be reached and main­tained.
(2): an excessive speeding up of the system may generate instabil­ity events, also appearing as periodic switching on and off of the light source.
For details about the meaning and the setting of the several parameters available for the automatic regulation, refer to the paragraph “Configuration of ModLC-WM module”.
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SMART mode
To realize a system of automatic regulation of ambient light, with or without presence sensor, it is possible to use ModLC-WM module in conjunction with proper program­ming of MCP controller, according to the application re­quirements.
ModLC-WM module, however, features the SMART mode operation: in practice it is possible to choose among some predefined modes of operation, which generally cover most of real cases; therefore, it will be enough to select the de­sired SMART mode, among the available options, and the module will autonomously manage all the operation logic and regulation, including the management of the local pushbutton for manual adjustment, the presence sensor, the automatic/manual switching and so on. In this way, the programming of MCP will be reduced to “turn” the contents of the input channel 2 input of ModLC-WM to the dimmer module or to ModDALI module (in the case of systems with DALI lighting).
ModLC-WM module can therefore work in traditional way (that means absolutely equivalent to ModLC-WM with firmware version lower than 2.0) or in SMART mode. The predefined SMART modes will be described in the follow­ing. In all cases, ModLC-WM will place on its input channel 2 a value or a command code to be sent to dimmer or to a DALI group.
In the following description “One Touch” means a short press of the local button (less than 400ms).
In all cases, adjustments and switchings can be performed by a supervisor acting on the output points of CH4 or on the value of output channel CH2 (see paragraph Informa­tion on the bus).
Mode SMART 1
Arrangement for the typical zone:
ModLC-WM module
Presence sensor of ModLC-WM
Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button
toggles between AUTO and OFF
From FW version 2.1, an option for SMART1 has been added, depending on the status 0 or 1 of point 6 channel 4 of output address (Ox:4.6).
Operation with Ox:4.6=0:
Starting with lights OFF, the AUTO brightness regulation will be activated at the presence detection. One Touch pressings on the local button will toggle the system be­tween AUTO and OFF. Long pressings on the local button will switch the system in MANUAL mode and activate the mono-command (the light increases or decreases for all the time the button is pressed). When the time delay related to the presence sensor elapses, the system will be turned off regardless of the condition in which it was (AUTO or MAN­UAL).
Operation with Ox:4.6=1:
Starting with lights OFF, nothing happens at the presence detection, because the the turn ON in AUTO mode can oc­cur only by One Touch pressing on the local button. Suc­cessive One touch pressings will switch the system between AUTO and OFF.
Long pressings on the local button will switch the system in MANUAL mode and activate the mono-command (the light increases or decreases for all the time the button is pressed). When the time delay related to the presence sen­sor elapses, the system will be turned off regardless of the condition in which it was (AUTO or MANUAL).
Mode SMART 2
Arrangement for the typical zone:
ModLC-WM module
Presence sensor of ModLC-WM
Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button
switches the system to MANUAL mode and toggle the light level between 0% and K% (K = 1 to 100)
Starting with lights OFF, the AUTO brightness regulation will be activated at the presence detection. One Touch pressings on the local button will switch the system to MANUAL and they will toggle the lights alternately between 0% and K% (K must be set during configuration of ModLC­WM). Long pressings on the local button will switch the system in MANUAL mode and activate the mono-command (the light increases or decreases for all the time the button is pressed). When the time delay related to the presence sensor elapses, the system will be turned off regardless of the condition in which it was (AUTO or MANUAL).
Mode SMART 3
Arrangement for the typical zone:
ModLC-WM module
Presence sensor of ModLC-WM
Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button
switches the system to MANUAL mode and toggle the light level between 0% and last stored value
Starting with lights OFF, the AUTO brightness regulation will be activated at the presence detection. One Touch pressings on the local button will switch the system to MANUAL and they will toggle the lights alternately between 0% and the last value which has been stored after a manu­al adjustment. Long pressings on the local button will switch the system in MANUAL mode and activate the mono-command (the light increases or decreases for all the time the button is pressed). When the time delay related to the presence sensor elapses, the system will be turned off regardless of the condition in which it was (AUTO or MAN­UAL).
Mode SMART 4
Arrangement for the typical zone:
ModLC-WM module
Without presence sensor (it is better to use ModLC-WM
without integrated presence sensor)
Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button toggles between AUTO and OFF
Starting with lights OFF, a One Touch pressing on the local button will activate the AUTO brightness regulation; anoth-
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