SMART mode
To realize a system of automatic regulation of ambient
light, with or without presence sensor, it is possible to use
ModLC-WM module in conjunction with proper programming of MCP controller, according to the application requirements.
ModLC-WM module, however, features the SMART mode
operation: in practice it is possible to choose among some
predefined modes of operation, which generally cover most
of real cases; therefore, it will be enough to select the desired SMART mode, among the available options, and the
module will autonomously manage all the operation logic
and regulation, including the management of the local
pushbutton for manual adjustment, the presence sensor,
the automatic/manual switching and so on. In this way, the
programming of MCP will be reduced to “turn” the contents
of the input channel 2 input of ModLC-WM to the dimmer
module or to ModDALI module (in the case of systems with
DALI lighting).
ModLC-WM module can therefore work in traditional way
(that means absolutely equivalent to ModLC-WM with
firmware version lower than 2.0) or in SMART mode. The
predefined SMART modes will be described in the following. In all cases, ModLC-WM will place on its input channel
2 a value or a command code to be sent to dimmer or to a
DALI group.
In the following description “One Touch” means a short
press of the local button (less than 400ms).
In all cases, adjustments and switchings can be performed
by a supervisor acting on the output points of CH4 or on
the value of output channel CH2 (see paragraph Information on the bus).
Mode SMART 1
Arrangement for the typical zone:
• ModLC-WM module
• Presence sensor of ModLC-WM
• Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button
toggles between AUTO and OFF
From FW version 2.1, an option for SMART1 has been
added, depending on the status 0 or 1 of point 6 channel 4
of output address (Ox:4.6).
Operation with Ox:4.6=0:
Starting with lights OFF, the AUTO brightness regulation
will be activated at the presence detection. One Touch
pressings on the local button will toggle the system between AUTO and OFF. Long pressings on the local button
will switch the system in MANUAL mode and activate the
mono-command (the light increases or decreases for all the
time the button is pressed). When the time delay related to
the presence sensor elapses, the system will be turned off
regardless of the condition in which it was (AUTO or MANUAL).
Operation with Ox:4.6=1:
Starting with lights OFF, nothing happens at the presence
detection, because the the turn ON in AUTO mode can occur only by One Touch pressing on the local button. Successive One touch pressings will switch the system
between AUTO and OFF.
Long pressings on the local button will switch the system in
MANUAL mode and activate the mono-command (the light
increases or decreases for all the time the button is
pressed). When the time delay related to the presence sensor elapses, the system will be turned off regardless of the
condition in which it was (AUTO or MANUAL).
Mode SMART 2
Arrangement for the typical zone:
• ModLC-WM module
• Presence sensor of ModLC-WM
• Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button
switches the system to MANUAL mode and toggle the
light level between 0% and K% (K = 1 to 100)
Starting with lights OFF, the AUTO brightness regulation
will be activated at the presence detection. One Touch
pressings on the local button will switch the system to
MANUAL and they will toggle the lights alternately between
0% and K% (K must be set during configuration of ModLCWM). Long pressings on the local button will switch the
system in MANUAL mode and activate the mono-command
(the light increases or decreases for all the time the button
is pressed). When the time delay related to the presence
sensor elapses, the system will be turned off regardless of
the condition in which it was (AUTO or MANUAL).
Mode SMART 3
Arrangement for the typical zone:
• ModLC-WM module
• Presence sensor of ModLC-WM
• Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button
switches the system to MANUAL mode and toggle the
light level between 0% and last stored value
Starting with lights OFF, the AUTO brightness regulation
will be activated at the presence detection. One Touch
pressings on the local button will switch the system to
MANUAL and they will toggle the lights alternately between
0% and the last value which has been stored after a manual adjustment. Long pressings on the local button will
switch the system in MANUAL mode and activate the
mono-command (the light increases or decreases for all the
time the button is pressed). When the time delay related to
the presence sensor elapses, the system will be turned off
regardless of the condition in which it was (AUTO or MANUAL).
Mode SMART 4
Arrangement for the typical zone:
• ModLC-WM module
• Without presence sensor (it is better to use ModLC-WM
without integrated presence sensor)
• Local button connected to Ix.y; One touch on this button
toggles between AUTO and OFF
Starting with lights OFF, a One Touch pressing on the local
button will activate the AUTO brightness regulation; anoth-
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