For the Nucleon WRC we have chosen four-way risers equipped with:
ELR (Easy Launch Riser) system. This is an specially
marked A riser (yellow ribbon),
speed-system affecting A, B and C risers when
engaged, featuring ball-beared pulleys and special line;
trimmers of red band with visible scale (red – slow and blue
– fast trim setting), designed for quick and easy
replacement in case of deterioration;
various levels of the pulleys, to be used depending on the
hangpoint level;
ALC+ allows for effective turns even at high speed,
without distorting reflex profile too much. Steering is
done with dedicated handle with red balls, fixed on
the risers with a magnetic clip (prior to the start).
TEA -Torque Effect Adjuster – allowing for
eliminating the effect of engine torque, tending to
turn the paraglider in the direction opposite to the
propeller's rotation. The system can be adjusted to match your specific
combination of paramotor/propeller.
For quick and easy recognition in emergency, some of the risers are
distinguished with coloured band as follows:
A - yellow (used for launching)
A' - black neoprene (used for big ears)
B - red (used for B-stall)
D - grey (needed to keep the glider down in strong wind – aborted
Main A row suspension lines connect to an A riser (yellow) and A' (black
neoprene). B row and stabiliser lines go to B riser (red), C lines go to C riser
(black neoprene) and D lines to D riser (grey), as well as steering lines
(through their pulleys).
Brake handles are attached to the steering lines at optimal point,
guaranteeing safe and effective operation. On the main brake line there are
two point marked, higher and lower, to be used depending on the harness
hangpoint level.
On adjusting the steering lines see chapter 3.1.
Our newest brake handle used in Nucleon WRC besides its attractive, light
design, features:
+a swivel – preventing possible twisting of the steering
+TCT (Triple Comfort Toggle) system,
+EK (Easy Keeper) system – see further pages