• Set the speed (3) to its slowest
setting, then switch on the unit
by pressing the power button (4)
DDoo nnoott bblleenndd ffoorr oovveerr 3300 sseeccoonnddss
aatt aa ttiimmee,, IIff yyoouu aacccciiddeennttaallllyy ddoo,,
lleeaavvee tthhee hhaanndd bblleennddeerr ttoo ffuul
ccooooll bbeeffoorree rree--uussiinngg
• Hold the bowl or jug steady
during use, Use a medium sized
bowl for whizzing even small
amounts to prevent splattering
• Work through the ingredients
with a gentle up and down
movement of the blender
• When blending is complete,
release the power button
(4) then unplug from the mains
• Wash the parts as described in
“Cleaning and Care” Section
• Drain and dry the blending stick
by resting it upside down with
the blade side facing up.
Before using for the first time, as well
as after every use, wash the appliance
as follows:
• Blender Body (1): Wipe exterior
surface with a moist cloth or
sponge and dry thoroughly
• Blending stick (2): Detach from
the blender body (1) by holding
the main body firmly and
twisting the blending stick (2)
clockwise. Reverse process to
reattach the blending stick
Wash the Blending stick under
running water, or in a dishwasher.
Drain excess water from inside
the stick by resting upside down
with the blade side facing upward
A cleaning brush may help you
when washing the blade (7).
A quick and easy way to clean the
blade is to dip the stick in a jug of
water, add a few drops of
washing up liquid and whizz.
Rinse clean under the tap.
We recommend washing the
blending stick (2) immediately
after every use
NNOOTTEE:: OOnnllyy tthhee bblleennddiinngg ssttiicckk iiss
ssuuiittaabbllee ffoorr ddiisshhwwaasshheerrss..
Do not use harsh or abrasive cleaning
agents or solvents. Never immerse
blender body in water or any other
liquid. Always unplug the hand
blender before cleaning.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh tthhee bbllaaddee..
If treated with care, your hand
blender will last for years.
For storage of the appliance, place the
hand blender in its box in a cool, dry
place and away from the reach of
Ensure the unit is thoroughly cleaned
before storing. Bacteria can build up
quickly if not cleaned and food
particles are left on the unit.