DTI TOMDEC Vl Operating Manual

TOMDEC Vl Operating and Search Manual
You ar e now t he o mer o f a n el ectronic d evice t o r ead el ectromagnetic fields, al so known a s i ons. P lease, observe the folloväng:
TOMDEC Vl does not search - as metal detectors do - for the matter, such as gold or silver, but for the ionic motions (positive or negative charged particies), vvhich build up around matter, if it is buried in the ground, in caves, in walls or
The electronic system and its possibilities were published by the electronic magazine 'Elektor' as early as 1986. The result of advanced development väth the latest state-of-the-art reception systems and progr-amming %Mth chip cards is the TOMDEC Vl.
1 The Device
The TOMDEC Vl consists of: 2. Chip cards for gold, silver or iron (frequencies
1. Basic electronic system Wth operating for other matters are under preparation). controls, antenna system, frequency display, 3. 9 V battery (already installed). signal laser and card slot. 4. Battery tester.
2 Operating Controts
Before you begin to use the device, you should Rotating Svitch - for filteiing out small to medium familiarize yourself väth the operation of the control objects. features and the meaning of the LED indicators: Ground Tuner - for filtefing out radio
ON - povver on / power off. irtterference.
LCD - The LCD display indicates the Sens - Sensitivity, to adjust the selected program. searching sensitivity of the device. NivCon - Niveau (attitude) control, checks the required horizontal TWn antenna - lonic reading antennas atütude. Chip cards - Micro chip cards (3 pieces) LED - the LED indicators show Mich program is activated.
3 System Analysis
You already know from your literature and from our information, that the TOMDEC Vl has the ability to locate the electromagnetic frequencies of certain matter's such as gold, silver or iron. The intemationally used tenn for this is human radar. Now that you vent to use your device, v& vmuld like to repeat the most important points:
1. The el ectromagnetic f ields ( ionic r eactions) ar e t he l arger, t he f onger an o bject, e. g. buried gold o r silver jeweiry or iron chests, have been in the ground. lt is not possible to locate objects vvhich have been in the ground or inside the vvalls of buildings or in the vuter for only a few ffleks or months. Small metallic objects develop their ovii electromagnetic field only very, very siowy. This means, that a gold or silver coin buried at a depth of 50 cm can only be @ted väth the system, if it has been at least 5 years in the same place and you are no further than 50 m away väth the device.
2. Objects buried deep in the ground can only be located if they - depending on the size of the object and the distance between the search device and the object - have been there for at least 20 years.
Another influencing factor is the condition of the ground. lonic reactions build up reiatively fast in moist, natural soil, M ile th e r eaction o f th e io ns is s lov&d d ovwi i n r ock f ormations a nd dr y s and, M ere t he bu ild u p of electromagnetic frequencies may be retarded by up to 50%.
Summary: Objects Mich have been in the ground for only a short time can only be located Wthin short distances and they should not be buried to deeply. Objects vvhich have been in the ground for a long time can be located across great distances and at great depths.
4 Function and Settings of Controls
On - power on /power of f s witch. P ower i s supplied by a 9 V ba ttery, which i s i nserted i n t he b attery compartment at the front of the housing.
Programming of the device - Use only the chip cards supplied %Mth the device. lf other cards are inserted, parts of programming may be destroyed and the device Wil malfunction.
lnsert t he c hip card %Mth the desired program firrnly in the card stot below the display, un til t he program is confirmed in the display. lf you vvant to change the program during a search (for another type of metal), remove the c ard, s wtch o ff t he de vice f or a bout 10 m inutes a nd t hen o n a gain a nd i nsert t he chip c ard f or t he ne w program.
You väll recognize the electr-onic funcfion controi by the colored LED'S: yellow = gold, green = silver, red iron (magnetic).
(Chip c ards W th pr ograms for pr ecious s tones a nd semi-precious st ones are under p reparation acco rding t o information by the manufacturer).
NivCon - You vill have noticed, that sever-al red LED's have lit up Men you swtched on the device. With the aid of the NivCon function you can checke if you are holding the device exactly in a horizontal attitude or Ulting forward slightly. Only this atütude %Mll assure you of proper readings. lf, for any reason, you deviate from that ideal attitude during a search, t he device väll i ndicate this by the co n-esponding red LED. In t his case, you should stabilize the device and then continue the searching procedure. NivCon has no bearing on the searching perfortnance, but it signi@ntly influences the search result.
Disc - Discriminator/small p arts filter. Filtering o ut o f small to medium sized o bjects. Set t he b utton to posifion'4', this is the basic setting recommended by the manufacturer, because at this setting, the device Wli no longer react to very small parts (of the metal type you have programmed). Another exampie: lf you are looking for a large object (chest, pot), vaich has been buded Wthin the last 100 years, set the 'Disc' filter to '6'. lf you are searching for large objects Mich were buried or hidden 500 years ago or eariier, set'Disc' to '8'. However, in the tvvo latter cases, you väll not be able to locate individual small to medium sized objects!
Ground Tuner - lnterference filter. In the vicinity of power transmission lines or factories, as vvell as in strong solar r-adiation or atmosphedc distur-bances by thunder'storms (very dangerous!), the device may malfunction. Therefore, in any case, you should cany out the reaction test desc4ibed under 'Operating Principies' in the area where you intend to conduct a search.
Sens - Sensitivity. The searching performance of the device depends on:
1. the setting of the performance amplifier 'Sens', and
2. the extent of the extension of the tWn searching antenna.
And now vm Wll explain four essential points vvhich may be decisive in the success or failure of a search:
1. Familiarize yourself thoroughly Wth the device and carry out sever'al reaction tests.
2. You and other persons should not viear any
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