DSS Eurocom 612 Installation & Programming Manual

Eurocom 612
Installation & Programming Manual
digital switch systems
Eurocom 612
Small Office / Home Office
The information contained in this manual is the property of Digital Switch Systems Ltd.
The contents of this manual must not be copied, distributed or made available to any third party without the prior written consent of Digital Switch Systems Ltd.
"Every effort has been made to ensure that this manual documents the operation of the Eurocom 612 Telephone System. However, due to the on-going improvement and update of software, Digital Switch Systems Ltd. cannot guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication, nor can Digital Switch Systems Pty. Ltd. accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Revised manuals and update sheets will be published as deemed necessary."
©2002 Digital Switch Systems Ltd.
1. System Overview 1
Introduction 1 General Description 1 System Capacity 2
2. Using an Extension 4
Introduction 4 Extension Codes Quick Reference 4 Key Descriptions 6 Basic Extension Operation 6 Account Codes 8 Brokerage Call 8 Call Diversion 8 Call Intrude 9 Call Parking 9 Call Pick -Up 9 Conference calls 9 Data Protection 10 Do not Disturb 10 Door Phones 11 Enquiry Call 11 Exchange Line Timed Break 11 Extension Call Back 12 Extension Group Calls 12 Holding Calls 12 Last Number Redial 13 Lock Extension 13 Paging 13 Reminder call 14 Room Monitor 14 Speed Dialling 14
3. System Programming 16
Introduction 16 How to Program the System 16 Executive Terminal Programming Menus 17 System Programming Code Summary 20 Account Code Operation 24 Alternative Carrier Selection (ACS) 25 Answering Machine / Voicemail Programming 26 Automatic Answering 27 Boss-secretary Mode 32 Call Barring 33 Call Unit Cost 35 Call Detail Recording (CDR) 35 Call Waiting Tone 37 Clock Setting 37 Courtesy Service 37 Day/Night Mode 38
DTMF Extensions 39 Exchange Line Assignment 39 Extension locking 40 External Call Diversion 40 Fax Call Handling 40 Hold and ring timers 42 Hot Line Programming 42 Intrusion & Paging Programming 43 ISDN Programming 43 Music on Hold 45 Ringing Settings 45 Security Alarm Programming 46 System PIN Number 49 System Size 49 System Speed Dialling 49 Voice Message Programming 50
4. Installation 51
Telephone System Installation 51 Extension wiring 54 Expansion / Optional PCB Installation 56 0+2 / 1+2 / 2+2 Expansion Cards 57 Fax /Voice Card 58 V24 / RS-232C Serial Data Interface 58 V24 / FSK Card 58 CLI and Meter pulse detector card 58 25Hz Ringer Card 59 Door Phones 59 ISDN Cards 60 Music on Hold Source 60 Battery Back-up Unit 60
5. Maintenance 63
Self-Test 63 Customer Database Protection 63 Generic Software Memory 63 Expansion / Optional Plug-In PCB 63 Repair Procedures 64 Problem Solving 64
6. Specifications 66
Electrical Specifications 66 Environmental 66 Loop Limits 66 Dialling Specifications 66 Power up default settings 67
7. Glossary 68
8. Index 70
GenMan V1.1 20020529
Installation & Programming Manual
1. System Overview
This manual provides the information needed to install, program and operate your telephone System, it should be used in conjunction with the market-specific specification sheet supplied with this manual.
Regulatory Information
Maintenance Limitations
Maintenance on the Telephone System is to be performed only by authorised dealers and installers. The user is not authorised to make any changes and/or repairs except as specifically noted in this manual. If unauthorised alterations or repairs are performed, any remaining warranty may be void.
System Components and Options
Main Equipment (2 PSTN Exchange Lines / 8 Extension Ports)
2 + 2 Expansion Card (2 PSTN Exchange lines / 2 Extension Ports) (Option)
1 + 2 Expansion Card (1 PSTN Exchange line / 2 Extension Ports) (Option)
0 + 2 Expansion Card (2 Extension Ports) (Option)
Fax / Voice Card (Option)
V24 Communications Interface Board/SMDR Port with PC Program (Option)
Up to 10 Standard And Executive Terminals (Option)
Up to 2 ISDN Cards (2 Exchange lines / 2 Extension Ports) (Option)
Door Phone Units (Option)
Meter pulse detection card (Option)
Calling line identity card (Option)
BBU - Battery Back-up Unit (Option)
25Hz ringer card (Option)
General Description
Your Telephone System is a modern stored-program controlled System designed to meet the requirements of small office/home office applications, whether on analogue PSTN lines or on ISDN basic rate lines. The system offers an extensive range of service features including Fax Call
Installation & Programming Manual
Detection, Call Logging, DISA, System Integral Call Answering, Remote programming and many others, Figure 1-1 shows many of the options available.
The System supports approved single line telephones (DTMF or pulse), modems, facsimile and answering machines. In addition a Standard and Executive Terminal are available which provide extra features on the system. System capacity can be increased from 2+8 to a maximum of 6+12 using plug-in expansion cards.
System programming may be carried out at extension 13 using either a tone phone or the built in menu commands of the Executive Terminal. A PC programming option is supplied with the optional V24 expansion card.
There are two independent alarm loops which can be used to monitor the status of security doors, gates and many other similar applications. Automatic external alarm calls (with voice messages if the optional fax/voice card is fitted) can be made to programmed numbers such as mobile phones, in the event that alarm contacts are triggered.
Figure 1-1 Expansion Options
System Capacity
Basic System Configuration
Feature Configuration
Alarm Loops 2
MOH Port Audio via 3.5mm jack
Internal hold tone
Internal Links 4 (Up to 4 internal calls)
Extension Speed Dial 10 Per Extension plus 1 last number redial, 25 digits
System Speed Dial 99 Per System, 25 Dialled Digits
Last Number Redial 25 Dialled Digits
Door phone ports 1 standard, 1 optional factory fitted
Control Contact (Door Latch) 1 standard, 1 optional factory fitted
Conference 3 Party Conference (All Combinations)
DISA All Exchange Line Ports, ISDN and PSTN
Power fail extensions 11, 12, 21 (Card 1 must be 2+2), 23 (Card 2 must be 2+2)
Maximum terminals 10 (Not power-fail extensions 11, 12)
DTMF Receiver 3 Per System
DTMF Sender 2 Per System
External music on hold port
RS232 CDR output Port and PC program option
2 standard Alarm sensor inputs plus 2 optionally factory fitted
External Paging output
Up to 2 Door phones
Up to 12 extension
PSTN Exchange line
Calling Line Identity & meter pulse card option
Expansion card 1:
2+2 card with extensions 21 & 22 and 2 analogue or digital exchange lines
Expansion card 2:
2+2 card with extensions 23 & 24 and 2 analogue or digital exchange lines
Section 1 - System Overview
System Expansion Configurations
System Type Exchange
+ Extensions ISDN S0 bus Expansion
slot 1
slot 2
(basic) 2 + 8
2 + 10 0+2 card
3 + 10 1+2 card
4 + 10 2+2 card
2 + 12 0+2 card 0+2 card
3 + 12 1+2 card 0+2 card
4 + 12 2+2 card 0+2 card
5 + 12 2+2 card 1+2 card
Analogue only system configurations
6 + 12 2+2 card 2+2 card
4 + 10 1 ISDN card
4 + 12 1 ISDN card 0+2 card
5 + 12 1 ISDN card 1+2 card
6 + 12 1 ISDN card 2+2 card
ISDN / Analogue
hybrid system
6 + 12 2 ISDN card ISDN card
2. Using an Extension
Any standard tone telephone may be used with your telephone system. Extension programming and operations are carried out with a tone telephone plus a 100ms recall/flash key.
Extension Codes Quick Reference
Dialling and Feature Access Codes
Access Code Dialled Service Feature Description
0 (or 9)
Outgoing Exchange Line Call
(* For systems using 9 for a line)
1* ext. Page a single terminal extension
1* group Page all terminals in an extension group
10 Paging port
11-18 & 21-24 Call extensions (Internal Calls)
19 Door Phone 1 (optional)
29 Door Phone 2 (optional)
500 Last Number Redial
501-599 System Speed Dial Call
70-79 Dial extension speed dial numbers
80 Make a general call
81 Extension group 1 call with 1 ring
82 Extension group 2 call with 2 rings
83 Extension group 3 call with 3 rings
84 Outgoing Call with flash transparency
85 Pick up parked call
86 Pick up any call
88 Outgoing Call with Data Protection
89 Camp off
91 – 96 (or 01 – 06)
Outgoing Call via Exchange Line 1 – 6 (* For systems using 9 for a line)
#0 Cancel Exchange Line Call-back When Free
#5 Cancel Internal Call Call-back When Free
**account_PIN Code to enter before dialling out if account codes are active
* 719 # Operate door 1 latch relay
* 729 # Operate door 2 latch relay
Section 2 – Using an Extension
Access Code Dialled Service Feature Description
* 21 ext. # Set All Call Diversion From Own Extension
* 2 N ext. # Set Divert No Answer After delay N = 2 – 9 for 5, 10, … 45 sec.
# 21 ext. # Cancel All Call Diversion from another extension
# 21 # Cancel All Call Diversion from own extension
# 20 # Cancel all diversions
*31 ext. # Set Diversion On Busy
#30 # Cancel Diversion On Busy
#30 ext. #' Cancel Diversion On Busy from another extension
*7411# Toggle Do not disturb
*1 Read message on Executive Terminal (optional)
*6 … Extension feature programming code
*7 … Extension feature programming code
*8 … System feature programming code
*9 … System feature programming code
Feature Access Codes after Recall (R) or Transfer key
Access Code Dialled Service Feature Description
R0 (or 9)
Outgoing Exchange Line Call (* For systems using 9 for a line)
R ext. Enquiry call to an extension (hang up to transfer)
R19 Open relay contact of connected door phone
R** account_PIN Code to enter before dialling out if account codes are active
R* ext. Make a brokerage call to an extension
R*0 (or R*9)
Make a brokerage call to exchange line (* For systems using 9 for a line)
R*9 exch. line (or R*0 exch. line)
Make brokerage call to specific exchange line (* For systems using 9 for a line)
R3 ext. Initiate conference call with extension
R39 (or R30)
Initiate conference call with free exchange line (* For systems using 9 for a line)
R30 exch. line (or R39 exch. line)
Initiate conference call with specific exchange line (* For systems using 9 for a line)
R500 Redial last number
R501 – 599 Dial system speed numbers
R70 – 79 Dial extension speed numbers
R80 Make a general call to all extensions
R81 Extension group 1 call with 1 ring
R82 Extension group 2 call with 2 rings
R83 Extension group 3 call with 3 rings
R85 Park an exchange line
R86 Pick up any call
R87 Send a flash signal to exchange line
R88 Make outgoing call with data protection
R90 (or R00)
Hold an exchange line call (* For systems using 9 for a line)
R9 exch. line (or R0 exch. line)
Pick up call on exchange line 1 – 6 (* For systems using 9 for a line)
Installation & Programming Manual
Feature codes on a Busy Call
Access Code Dialled Service Feature Description
0 Exchange Line Call-back when free (Camp on)
1 Interrupt busy calls
2 Pick off TAM extension if connected to exchange line
3 Set exchange call to camp on extension
5 Extension call-back when free (Camp on)
6 Send message if calling party is busy (optional)
89 Exchange or extension call-back when free
Key Descriptions
Number keypad. These keys are used for dialling and entering codes. When connected to a call they will send DTMF tones for using Teleservices.
The recall key is used in various ways to hold, transfer and carry out different operations when on a call.
Basic Extension Operation
Incoming Calls
Answering when phone is ringing:
Lift the handset when the phone is ringing.
Answering when other phones are ringing:
Call pick-up
Dialling the pick up call code will answer the call even if your extension is not programmed to ring.
Answering when extension is busy:
If the extension is in use but other phones are ringing then the call may be answered in one of two ways:
Park current call
Park the call and answer the new call. See page 9 for details.
Drop current call
To answer a call ringing at another extension end the current call and pick up the handset when the phone rings with the new call.
Current call on hold (external calls only)
This will put the current call on hold and answer the incoming external call.
Making Calls
When you lift the handset, you will hear dial tone. However, you may hear the special interrupted dial tone indicating that incoming calls are diverted to another extension.
After you hear either type of dial tone, you may begin dialling. If you wait for more than 8
seconds without dialling, the engaged tone will be heard.
If you are on an internal call and an exchange line call arrives then the alert tone will let you
know that a call is waiting.
All extensions have two digit numbers. The extension numbers are 11 to 18, plus
extensions 21 to 24 when fully expanded. Extension number 19 is reserved for door phone
to , &
top: 0 for line systems
bottom: 9 for line sytems
Section 2 – Using an Extension
1, 29 is reserved for door phone 2, while extension 10 is used to connect to the paging port.
If you dial a code which is not valid, you will hear the error tone. As soon as you hear the
error tone you may replace the receiver and then try again with the correct number.
If the administrator has enabled call barring then external call may not be possible to all
destinations. Also, an account code may need to be entered to dial an external number (see page 8).
Dialling an extension
Go off-hook and dial the extension number, or 10 for the paging port and 19 or 29 for the door phone 1 or 2.
Dialling Outside Lines
Access the next free line
Go off hook and dial the free line seize digit, external dial tone will be heard. Now dial the telephone number.
Access a specific line
Go off hook and dial the line digit followed by the line number 1 –6. If the line is present and free then you will hear dial tone, now dial the telephone number required.
Ring Back with Line when free
If all outside lines are busy, you may request the system to place you in a queue for the next line which becomes available, the system will ring back when the line is free. After answering you are connected to the line.
When seizing a line and busy tone is heard press 0 to camp on the line.
Cancel Ring Back
Go off hook and dial the cancel code.
Transferring calls
Internal unannounced
Transfer a call so that it rings at another extension. This is an unannounced transfer.
Internal announced
Transfers a call only after you have announced to the extension who is calling.
Trunk to Trunk transfer
Calls on one exchange line may be transferred to another exchange line. A trunk to trunk transfer will timeout after 1 minute. A warning tone will be heard 10 and 5 seconds before this happens, either caller may extend the call by pressing digits 1 to 9, to increase the call time in multiples of 30 seconds. E.g. pressing '4' will increase the call length by 2 minutes before it is cut off.
Transfer the call as with announced internal transfer but dial an external number instead. Note that the external number may also be dialled using any of the methods in the ‘Dialling Outside Lines’ section above.
If an internal transfer call is not answered within 60 seconds the call is disconnected. The
original caller will hear engaged tone.
Trunk to trunk transfer will be subject to the normal call barring and account code
checking as normal external calls.
If an external call is transferred to an extension and not answered within 60 seconds, all
extensions will ring as if it is a normal incoming call for 30 seconds. If the call is not answered within this time it is dropped.
tel number
tel number
line, tel number
line, tel number
lineÑÑÑÑbusy toneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
lineÑbusy toneÒ
confirmation toneÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ext. ÑÑÑÑringingÒÒÒÒ
ext.ÑÑÑÑcall answeredÒÒÒÒ
tel number
ÑÑÑÑcall answeredÒÒÒÒ
tel number
call answeredÒ
top: 0 for line systems
bottom: 9 for line sytems
Installation & Programming Manual
Account Codes
This feature is set up by the system administrator in order to keep a personal account of all external calls. It is not possible to make external calls without first entering '**' followed by your secret account PIN code.
Enter account code
Go off hook and dial the code shown, followed by your account PIN number. After entering the code the call may be made in the normal manner as shown in the Dialling Outside Lines section on page 7.
Brokerage Call
This feature allows you to switch between two calls without the other parties being able to speak to, or hear one another.
Add an extension
While on a call dialling * after recall shows that the call is to be used in a brokerage call.
Add an exchange line
While on a call dialling * after recall shows that the call is to be used in a brokerage call.
Switch between calls
With a brokerage call set up one press of recall will switch between the calls.
Removing caller from brokerage call
Hanging up will drop the current call, the phone will ring back with the other call.
Call Diversion
This feature allows you to divert calls to another extension. There are three different types of call diversion.
Divert all calls, all the time.
Divert all calls if not answered after a number of rings.
Divert calls when extension is busy.
Note that the first two diversion methods cannot be set at the same time.
If your extension is set to divert calls to another extension then the dial tone will change to
a broken tone to remind you that you may not receive all calls.
Divert all calls
All calls to your extension will ring the new extension instead.
Divert if no answer
Enter the diversion code then the extension number. Enter the delay as follows: 2 = 10 seconds, 3 = 15 seconds … 9 = 45 seconds.
Divert if busy
Enter the divert on busy code with the extension to divert to.
(now dial line and number)
top: 0 for line systems
bottom: 9 for line sytems
ext. no.
delay, ext.
Section 2 – Using an Extension
Cancel all diversions
Cancels all diversions.
Cancel divert all and no answer
Enter the cancel code, note this will not affect a divert on busy setting.
Cancel divert on busy
Enter the cancel code, note this will not affect divert on no answer.
Cancel all call diversion from another extension
If the extension is receiving diverted calls from another extension then it is possible to cancel the setting from the receiving extension. Enter the cancel diversion code with the extension calls are being diverted from.
Cancel divert on busy from another extension
Cancel divert on busy. Enter the extension at which divert is set.
Call Intrude
It is possible to intrude on a call and make a 3-way conversation. A warning tone will be heard over the conversation while the call is being intruded upon. Note that it is only possible to use this feature if it has been enabled by the system administrator.
Intrude on call
Press 1 if the extension is busy, you are now intruding on the call.
Call Parking
This feature will allow you to ‘park’ an external call, this call can then be retrieved from any extension without needing to know the exchange line parked. The parked caller hears hold tone or music while parked, depending on system programming.
Park an exchange line call
Whilst on a call enter the park code.
Pick up a parked exchange line call
From any extension dial the call pick up code, you are re-connected to the original call.
Call Pick -Up
This feature enables you to ‘pick-up’ a call ringing on another extension. It will pick up the incoming call with external calls always taking priority over internal calls.
If an extension is ringing this will connect you to the caller.
Conference calls
This feature allows a conversation between three parties, two of which may be external numbers.
Add an extension
While on a call enter this code. The final recall press starts the conference.
top: 0 for line systems
bottom: 9 for line sytems
ext. noÑÑÑÑanswerÒÒÒÒ
Installation & Programming Manual
Add an external number
The external number may be dialled after pressing using any of the methods in the ‘Dialling Outside Lines’ section on page 7.
Leaving a conference call
Go on-hook. If the other calls were both external numbers they will be dropped, otherwise the callers are connected in a normal two-way call.
Removing last caller from conference
When on a conference call, press recall. The last person in the conference will be rejected, the other party will be put on hold.
Talk privately to original caller
While on a conference call press recall twice, the first will eject the last party in the conference, the second will bring the first caller back.
Data Protection
It is possible to prevent the system from sending warning tones or intruding on an exchange line call. This allows an extension to communicate reliably with data calls from a modem or fax.
Using Data Protection may depend on whether the extension has several pieces of equipment connected. In this case, you may decide per external call whether you want data protection (ad-hoc data protection). You can also set an extension up with permanent data protection, this will stop warning tones being heard over all future calls.
Make a data protected external call
Dial the data protection code, then the external number.
Make call in progress data protected
The data protection code after transfer will enable data protection for the current exchange line call.
Permanent data protection
All following calls will be made with data protection active.
Disable permanent data protection
All following calls will be made without data protection active.
Do not Disturb
This feature allows you to stop calls ringing at your extension. The caller hears unobtainable/error tone when DND is set.
Turn on Do not Disturb
Callers will hear error tone when calling your extension.
You will not receive any calls and will hear broken dial tone to remind you that DND is
Turn off Do not Disturb
Calls will be received as normal.
tel. no.
Section 2 – Using an Extension
Door Phones
The Door phone is designed to work with this telephone system only. It provides a two-way speech link between any extension and the Door. The door phone has a call button for ‘ringing’ and a permanently lit LED for easy location. Extension numbers 19 and 29 are reserved for the Door Phones.
Call Door Phone 1
Door phone 1 is connected automatically after a brief alert tone.
Call Door Phone 2 (option)
Door phone 2 is connected automatically after a brief alert tone.
Answer a Door Phone call
Calls from the door phones will have a special ringing sound. The different rings are shown in your Country specific specification sheet packed with this manual.
Open door while connected to door phone
While connected with the door phone dialling the open door code will activate the relay contacts for the door phone you are connected to. This is usually to open an automatic door latch, if fitted.
Open door 1 latch
This will operate the first door latch relay at any time.
Open door 2 latch (option)
This will operate the second door latch relay at any time.
Both the extension calling and the Door Phone hear a single burst of tone before speech
can commence.
If no extension answers a door phone call within 70 seconds, the ringing will end.
Enquiry Call
This feature enables you to call another extension while the original party is on hold
Enquire at another extension
While on a call press recall, then dial the extension with which to enquire.
Return to original call
Press recall, you are connected to the original call.
Exchange Line Timed Break
The system has a function called Forward Recall. This allows you to operate telephone services on an exchange line from an extension and allows you to connect the unit behind another telephone system.
Flash Signal on External Line
Whilst on an existing call enter the code to send a recall to the exchange line.
Flash Transparent external call
Dialling 84 to seize a line, followed by the telephone number. Any press of the recall key on the
ÑÑÑÑon call with door phoneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑon callÒÒÒÒ ext.
ÑÑÑÑon enquiry callÒÒÒÒ
Installation & Programming Manual
phone will be sent out to the exchange line.
With a flash transparency call, it is not possible to use any features which require the use of
Calls should not be made for at least 3 seconds after replacing the handset on a call with
flash transparency.
Extension Call Back
If the extension you are calling is busy, you may leave a call back indication, sometimes called camping on an extension. When the extension becomes free you will be called back.
When you hear busy tone, press 5.
Your extension will ring when the busy extension becomes free, pick up the receiver and the other extension will now begin ringing.
If you do not answer a call back within 30 seconds, it will be cancelled. or
To cancel at any time enter the cancel code.
Extension Group Calls
The feature allows you to ring a programmed set of extensions simultaneously. The group ‘80’ will ring with the normal internal ring cadence. Groups 81 to 83 have a special ring cadence to tell them apart.
Call Extension Group
Call extension group 80 with normal internal ring cadence.
Call extension group 81 with one brief ring per cycle.
Call extension group 82 with two brief rings per cycle.
Call extension group 83 with two brief rings per cycle.
Holding Calls
It is possible to place any number of external callers on hold. While on hold the caller hears the hold tone, or external music if this option is fitted. The caller will be unable to hear you. A call can be held in two ways, exclusively and non-exclusively. A non-exclusive call hold allows any number of calls to be placed on hold. Any extension may then pick up the held call. An exclusive hold allows you to hold a call temporarily, e.g. to talk with another extension. A call on exclusive hold will ring back when you hang up, and cannot be picked up by other extensions.
Put an external call on non-exclusive hold
This will place an external line on hold, if it is not retrieved within 1 minute the call will ring back as a general call. The system administrator can change this 1 minute timeout to between 30 seconds and 4½ minutes, see page 40. Any extension may pick up this call.
Retrieve a call on non-exclusive hold
Dial the code shown with line number.
ÑÑÑÑbusy toneÒÒÒÒ
30 sec
top: 0 for line systems
bottom: 9 for line sytems
on call
line no.
line no.
Section 2 – Using an Extension
Put a call on exclusive hold
While on a call press the recall button, you may then dial another number to make an enquiry call. If the extension hangs up the call will ring back your extension immediately.
Retrieve a call on exclusive hold
Press recall.
Last Number Redial
Redial last number
Dials the last external number phoned from this extension. An external line will be seized automatically.
Delete last number from system memory
The last number will be deleted from the system memory, the 500 code above will no longer function.
Each telephone may have a redial store of its own, independent from the system redial.
You must erase this too to ensure the last dialled number is kept confidential.
Note that if a specific line was seized to dial the last number then the phones redial key will
try to seize the same line. It will give busy tone if this line is in use, even if other lines are free. If ‘0’ is used to seize a line then a free line will be used automatically.
Lock Extension
It is possible to lock an extension so that it is not possible to make or receive external calls, depending on the system programming. To return to normal operation the user must unlock the extension with a unique PIN number.
Lock an extension
Enter the code. No further calls may be made from this extension.
Unlock an extension
Enter the code, including the PIN number. The system administrator will provide this. It is now possible to make and receive calls as normal.
Note that it is always possible to dial internally from a locked extension and to dial the
emergency services.
A paging call can be made to all terminals. This will connect a call in handsfree mode without waiting for a user to answer. The system administrator must enable this feature for your extension before it can be used. A brief warning ring will be heard by the called person before the page is connected.
Page a single terminal extension directly
Dial 1*, followed by the extension number.
Page a single terminal extension if no answer
Dial an extension, then dial 1 during the first 10 seconds of ringing tone.
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
extÑÑÑÑringing ÒÒÒÒ
Installation & Programming Manual
Page all terminals in an extension group
Dial 1*, follwwed by the extension group number 80 – 83.
Page via public address system
Dialling 10 will connect directly to the public address system, if connected.
Reminder call
It is possible to set an alarm which will ring at a set time of the day. It has a special ring sound shown in your country specific specification sheet, packaged with this manual.
Once only alarm
Enter the code where the time in 24-hour format and with 4 digits. E.g., 1:30 am is entered as 0130. This alarm will ring only once; it must be set again before it will sound again.
Daily alarm
Enter the time as with the once only alarm. This alarm will ring at the same time every day until cancelled.
Answer alarm
Go off-hook, the alarm will then stop sounding.
Cancel once only alarm
This will erase the alarm setting and the extension will remain quiet.
Cancel daily alarm permanently
This will turn off the alarm.
Room Monitor
This feature allows you to listen in to an extension left off-hook directly. This can be achieved from any extension or via an outside line.
Set an extension to be monitored from other extensions only
From the extension to be monitored, enter the room monitor code and leave the phone off hook.
Set extension to be monitored from extensions and exchange lines
Enter code where ‘exch’ is the exchange line to monitor from. Do not replace the handset.
Listen to room monitor
Go off hook and dial the extension number that was left off-hook. The system administrator will have details about accessing the room monitor from an exchange line.
De-activate room monitor
Replace the handset on the monitored extension to turn off.
Speed Dialling
Regularly dialled numbers can be programmed into the system and accessed by dialling a short code.
There are 2 types of speed dialling available to a SLT:
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ÑÑÑÑconfirmation toneÒÒÒÒ
ext. no.
Section 2 – Using an Extension
Ninety-nine system-wide speed dial numbers. These can be used by all extensions but only
changed by the administrator. System speed dials are exempt from call barring.
Ten personal speed dial numbers of up to 25 digits each, dialled with codes 70 – 79. These
are unique to each extension and may be freely changed.
Dial a speed dial number
Go off-hook and dial the speed dial code. Numbers 70 to 79 are used for extension specific speed dial numbers, while 501 to 599 are used for the system-wide speed dial numbers.
Program a personal speed dial number
Program personal speed dial numbers, where ‘entry’ is a digit from 0 to 9, for personal speed dial numbers 70 - 79. The telephone number is an external number of 25 digits maximum. It is not necessary to include the digit ‘0’ to seize an outside line.
Delete a personal Speed dial number
Where ‘entry’ is a number from 0 - 9 for the personal speed dial numbers 70 – 79.
speed dial code
tel no
3. System Programming
All system programming is carried out from either extension 13 or a PC running the programming tool, connected via the V24 option card. In order to program from extension 13 a tone telephone must be used. The Executive Terminal simplifies the operation further by providing full menu driven programming on its built in display. The factory defaults on power-up prior to any programming are shown on page 67.
After programming features, the power must not be switched off for six minutes. This is to ensure the system has written all the programming details to the non-volatile system memory (EEPROM).
How to Program the System
Step 1: Lift handset of Extension 13.
Step 2: Enter the Programming Code shown in this section.
Step 3: Wait for confirmation tone, three short beeps.
Step 4: Repeat at step 2 for further codes, or hang up.
Remember to keep the system powered up for a minimum of 6 minutes following the last programming step.
Repeat this procedure for each programming step.
Throughout the Programming section there are boxes like the one below, which show where codes may be found in the Executive Terminal programming menu. These menus ensure the correct codes are always sent and are the preferred method of programming where available. This method of programming is dealt with on page 17.
System Settings Miscellaneous Example menu item
During system programming, the installer must listen for -
Confirmation Tone (3 short beeps) after the Programming Command has been entered, or
Error Tone, an interrupted tone like busy tone, indicating that Programming Code has not
been accepted.
A list of the different tones may be found in the Country specific specification sheet.
To Program Several Extensions with the same Feature:
E.g.: to allocate call barring class C (0 to 5) to extensions 11,13 & 21
There is a master reset code to restore factory defaults and erase all programmed data except the system configuration pin code and clock which will remain as per previous settings.
Master Reset Code
Section 3 – System Programming
Special Programming Mode
There is also a special programming mode that allows the installer to omit '*9' PIN prefixes when programming feature codes. To enter this mode at extension 13 dial the code above. You will hear confirmation tone followed by an interrupted dial tone. If you are using a Terminal at extension 13 the LED for extension 13 will stay on, indicating that the extension is busy. An extended menu of all the relevant system programming codes will then be accessible on the Executive Terminal.
During this special programming mode outgoing calls cannot be made at extension 13. Incoming calls will be accepted, although the extension will then no longer be in programming mode when an incoming call is answered. The programming mode may be exited by any of the following methods:
Entering the code 9990# at extension 13.
Answering a normal incoming call at extension 13.
Leaving extension 13 idle for five minutes, this will automatically exit the system
programming mode.
Enter Special Programming Mode
Exit Special Programming Mode
Executive Terminal Programming Menus
To access programming menus at extension 13 using the Executive Terminal press the Menu key (centre key under the display) and scroll through the menus using the Scroll Keys (left and right under the display)
The main menu and sub menus are:
Extension Settings
General Settings
ISDN Settings
Terminal Features
When in special programming mode after entering *9 PIN 9991# (details above) one more menu is available, System Settings, detailed on page 19. Note that some settings are accessible through the General Settings menu. This allows features to be turned on and off, such as auto answer features, day/night switching and alarms.
Installation & Programming Manual
Executive Terminal Extension programming menu
Figure 3-1 shows the menus available for programming an extension from any Executive Terminal, note that the General Setting and ISDN setting menus are only available when connected to the master extesnion 13.
Figure 3-1 Extension programming menus
Call diversion Data protection Do not disturb Send msg. Leave msg. on terminal Clear msg. on terminal Reminder Call Room monitor Extension speed numbers Disable Terminal
Clock settings Day-Night mode Exch allocation CDR Call warning tone FAX
uto answer settings Hot line assignment Set Exch divert Set alarms Change pin code Music On Hold Boss / Secretary Set the unit cost
Low pitch Mid pitch High pitch
uto answer On
uto answer Off Headset operation On Headset operation Off Reset prog. Keys Language English Language Spanish Line access code: 0 Line access code: 9 Show display line 2 Hide display line 2 Show command strings Hide command strings
Line 1 Off/On Set pt to pt/mpt Pick analog/ISDN first CLIR COLR Set MSN numbers Clear all MSN numbers Set MSN ignore no. Clear all MSN ignore no.
Extension Settings General Settings ISDN Settings Terminal Features CLI Messages
Set divert all Set divert delay Divert all/delay Off Set divert busy Divert busy Off
Daily remind.call Off/On Set daily reminder call Onceoff remind.call Off Set onceoff remind.call
Internal/external Monitor Internal monitor
Set FAX extension Clear FAX extension Enable to receive FAX Disable FAX
dhoc night mode
dhoc day mode
utomatic mode
Set time Set date
Exch diversion Off/On Set diversion on line N
Set immediate hot line Immediate hot line Off Set delayed hot line Delayed hot line Off
uto answer Off/On Set call control Disable call control Set remote control Disable remote control Set remote paging Disable remote paging Set DISA Disable DISA
Arm Alarm 1 Arm Alarm 2 Alarm 1 warning msg. Alarm 2 warning msg.
Section 3 – System Programming
Executive Terminal System programming menu
An Executive Terminal connected to extension 13 is able to enter a system programming mode with the code *9 PIN 9991 #. One further menu will then be made available for changing system parameters, shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 System Programming Menu
Clock settings Incoming ring System speed numbers
uto answer access codes Set call barring Program bar filters Program exempt filters Exch divert number Miscellaneous
larms Hot line Bundle splitting System size
ccount Access
Set Exch 1 day mode Set Exch 2 day mode Set Exch 3 day mode Set Exch 4 day mode Set Exch 5 day mode Set Exch 6 day mode Set door ph. day mode Set All Exch day mode Set Exch 1 night mode Set Exch 2 night mode Set Exch 3 night mode Set Exch 4 night mode Set Exch 5 night mode Set Exch 6 night mode Set door ph. night mode Set All Exch ni
ht mode
Remote control code Remote paging code DISA code
Bar filter 1 … 9 Clear bar filter 1 … 9
ssign Ext. day class 1 … 5
ssign Ext. night class 1 … 5 Clear Ext. day class Clear Ext. night class Bar filter -> class 1 Bar filter -> class 2 Bar filter -> class 3 Exempt filter -> class 1… 5 Clear all bar settings
Enable intrusion rights Disable intrusion rights Enable DTMF phone Disable DTMF phone Set TAM Clear TAM Exch 1 special cadence Exch 1 normal cadence Reset system
Disarm alarm 1 Disarm alarm 2
larm 1 function
larm 2 function
larm 1 loop
larm 2 loop
larm number 1
larm number 2 Confirm number Reset alarms
Immediate numbe
Delayed number
ssign Exch 1 to Ext …
ssign Exch 6 to Ext
ssign All Exch to Ext Cancel Exch 1 to Ext … Cancel Exch 6 to Ext Cancel All Exch to Ext
2+8 system 4+10 system 6+12 system
Set time Set date Set day time zone Clear da
time zone
System Settings LCR Settings
Exempt filter 1 … 9 Clear exempt filter 1 … 9
ssign Extension
Remove Extension
ssign Class to Account
ssign PIN to Account
LCR On/Off Carrier access codes Set peak time zone Clear peak time zone Carrier selection Set pause period LCR pin code LCR exempt numbers 0-19 LCR exem
t numbers 20-39
Installation & Programming Manual
System Programming Code Summary
The prefix *9 is used to program a feature, *8 is used to activate it.
The default PIN code is 7373.
System programming can only be carried out at extension 13.
Feature Programming Codes Action
*9 PIN 881 ac_no, ac_pin # Assign a PIN number to an account (01-40)
*9 PIN 882 ac_no, class # Assign a call barring class to an account
*9 PIN 883 1 ext. # Switch on account code operation for an extension
Account Code
(p 24)
*9 PIN 883 0 ext. # Switch off account code operation for an extension
*9 PIN 2 carrier 0 acc.code # Program carrier access code (9 digits max)
*9 PIN 2 carrier 0 # Clear access code for carrier
*9 PIN 215 carrier auth_code #
Program optional authorisation code (10 digits max)
*9 PIN 215 carrier # Clear authorisation code
*9 PIN 202 tab_ent prefix # Program 4 digit exempt table number
*9 PIN 202 tab_ent # Clear the exempt number (tab_ent = 00 to 39)
*9 PIN 205 start end # Program peak time zone
*9 PIN 205 # Clear time zone
*9 PIN 206 pause # Program pause, 0 – 9 secs
*9 PIN 203 day charge_period carrier #
Program alternative carrier for set time
*9 PIN 201 # Switch on alternative carrier feature
(p 25)
*9 PIN 200 # Switch off alternative carrier feature
*9 PIN 435 ext. # Set TAM ext.; ext. will not ring on internal general calls
and code calls
Machine / Voicemail
(p 26)
*9 PIN 435 # Clear TAM extension
*9 PIN 242 # Record answer message 1 (fax/voice card option)
*9 PIN 243 # Record answer message 2 (fax/voice card option)
*8 430 # Switch off incoming call control all exch. Lines
*8 43 N A # Switch on incoming call control exch. line N
*8 440 # Switch off remote paging all exch. Lines
*8 44 N A # Switch on remote paging exch. line N
*8 450 # Switch off Fax select for all exch. Lines
*8 45 N A # Switch on Fax select for exch. line N
*8 460 # Switch off DISA for all exch. lines
*8 46 N A # Switch on DISA for exch. Line N
*9 PIN 840 number # Program DISA emergency number
*8 470 # Switch off remote programming for all exch. Lines
*8 47 N A # Switch on remote programming for exch. line N
*9 PIN 461 ACCESS CODE # Program DISA Access Code
*9 PIN 471 ACCESS CODE # Program Remote programming Access Code
*9 PIN 441 ACCESS CODE # Program Remote paging Access Code
*9 PIN 4X0# Delete access code X= 4, 6 or 7
*8 48 N delay # Program ring period before auto-answer
Automatic Answering
(p 27)
*8 401 # Switch on automatic answering
+ 56 hidden pages