DSP TP400 PC, TP104-plus, 104-plus Reference Manual

TP400 PC/104-PLUS
Revision B00 19 February 2001
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DSP Design Limited Tapton Park Innovation Centre Brimington Road Chesterfield S41 0TZ United Kingdom
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158004.B00 i
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................1
1.1 OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................................1
1.2 TP400 FEATURES............................................................................................................................2
1.3 PC/AT COMPATIBILITY....................................................................................................................3
1.4 PC/104-PLUS AS A PC EXPANSION BUS......................................................................................4
1.5 THE TP400 ARCHITECTURE..........................................................................................................4
1.6 GETTING STARTED QUICKLY .......................................................................................................7
1.6.1 TCDEVPLUS and TCDEV Development Systems ..................................................................7
1.6.2 Using the TCDEVPLUS Development System ........................................................................8
1.6.3 Using the Rev D TCDEV Development System.......................................................................9
1.6.4 TCONN Connector Breakout Board .......................................................................................11
1.7 AVOIDING COMMON PROBLEMS................................................................................................12
2 PROCESSOR AND MEMORY...........................................................................13
2.1 PROCESSOR..................................................................................................................................13
2.2 CLOCK.............................................................................................................................................15
2.3 SDRAM............................................................................................................................................16
2.4 FLASH MEMORY............................................................................................................................17
2.5 MEMORY ADDRESS MAP.............................................................................................................18
3 PERIPHERALS...................................................................................................19
3.1 I/O ADDRESS MAP.........................................................................................................................19
3.2 SUPER I/O CHIP.............................................................................................................................21
3.3 EXTRA UART..................................................................................................................................21
3.4 SERIAL PORTS...............................................................................................................................21
3.4.1 Signals, Addressing and Interrupts.........................................................................................21
3.4.2 RS-485 Operation....................................................................................................................22
3.4.3 Disabling Serial Ports ..............................................................................................................23
3.4.4 Extended Modes......................................................................................................................23
3.4.5 Infra-Red Operation Modes.....................................................................................................23
3.5 PRINTER PORT..............................................................................................................................24
3.6 REAL TIME CLOCK........................................................................................................................25
3.7 KEYBOARD AND MOUSE..............................................................................................................26
3.8 FLOPPY DISK DRIVE.....................................................................................................................27
3.9 IDE DISK DRIVE..............................................................................................................................27
3.10 DISPLAY CONTROLLER................................................................................................................29
3.10.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................29
3.10.2 Using CRTs and TFT LCDs....................................................................................................30
3.10.3 External Graphics Cards, and No Graphics ...........................................................................31
3.10.4 Native Display Drivers.............................................................................................................32
3.10.5 The System Management Interrupt Issue ..............................................................................32
3.10.6 PanelLink.................................................................................................................................33
3.10.7 TV Clock..................................................................................................................................33
3.11 VIDEO PLAYBACK..........................................................................................................................34
3.12 AUDIO RECORDING AND PLAYBACK.........................................................................................34
3.13 SPEAKER........................................................................................................................................34
3.14 USB PORTS....................................................................................................................................35
3.15 ETHERNET .....................................................................................................................................35
3.16 ANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER............................................................................................36
3.17 SERIAL EEPROM ...........................................................................................................................38
3.18 UTILITY REGISTER........................................................................................................................38
ii 158004.B00
4 STAND-ALONE OPERATION AND EXPANSION BUSES...............................40
4.1 STAND-ALONE OPERATION........................................................................................................ 40
4.2 PC/104 BUS.................................................................................................................................... 40
4.3 PC/104-PLUS BUS........................................................................................................................... 41
4.4 PC/104 AND PC/104-PLUS CLOCK AND RESET SIGNALS.........................................................43
4.4.1 PC/104 Clock and Reset Signals............................................................................................ 43
4.4.2 PC/104-Plus Clock and Reset Signals ...................................................................................43
4.5 INTERRUPTS .................................................................................................................................44
4.5.1 On-Board and PC/104 Bus Interrupts..................................................................................... 44
4.5.2 PC/104-Plus Bus Interrupts ....................................................................................................45
4.5.3 Plug and Play Control of Interrupts......................................................................................... 46
4.6 DMA.................................................................................................................................................47
5 HARDWARE RESET OPTIONS ........................................................................48
5.1 POWER SUPPLY MONITOR......................................................................................................... 48
5.2 ONBOARD WATCHDOG TIMER...................................................................................................48
5.3 RESET SWITCH.............................................................................................................................49
5.4 RESETTING THE PC/104 AND PC/104-PLUS BUSES .................................................................49
6 SOFTWARE...........................................................................................................50
6.1 SYSTEM BIOS................................................................................................................................50
6.2 BIOS SETUP PROGRAM...............................................................................................................50
6.2.1 Operation of the Setup Program............................................................................................. 51
6.2.2 Reducing Boot Time ...............................................................................................................52
6.3 VGA BIOS AND OTHER BIOS EXTENSIONS.............................................................................. 52
6.3.1 Principles of Operation............................................................................................................ 52
6.3.2 The VGA BIOS Extension.......................................................................................................52
6.3.3 The Flash File System BIOS Extension .................................................................................53
6.4 MS-DOS AND OTHER OPERATING SYSTEMS..........................................................................53
6.5 FLASH MEMORY PROGRAMMING............................................................................................. 54
6.5.1 Programming the 2M byte 29F016 Flash Chips.....................................................................54
6.5.2 Programming the 4M byte 29F032 Flash Chips.....................................................................56
6.5.3 Steps to Perform after Programming BIOS............................................................................ 57
6.6 FLASH FILE SYSTEM.................................................................................................................... 57
6.6.1 Overview..................................................................................................................................58
6.6.2 Operation of the Flash File System ........................................................................................59
6.6.3 Write Operations and Garbage Collection.............................................................................. 60
6.6.4 Flash File System Statistics....................................................................................................61
6.7 SAVING CMOS RAM DATA IN THE SERIAL EEPROM............................................................... 62
6.8 SERIAL EEPROM PROGRAMMING.............................................................................................63
6.9 WATCHDOG TIMER PROGRAMMING ........................................................................................64
7 POWER MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................65
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APPENDIX A: SPECIFICATION...............................................................................A1
APPENDIX B: TP400 SET-UP PROCEDURE.........................................................B1
B.1 PROCESSOR COOLING................................................................................................................B1
B.2 SDRAM CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................B1
B.3 SOLDER LINK AREAS....................................................................................................................B2
LK1 - LK4 Not Present .....................................................................................................................B2
LK5 PME# Connection........................................................................................................................B2
LK6 VREF or Microphone..................................................................................................................B2
LK7 ADC0 or LINE_IN_R....................................................................................................................B2
LK8 ADC1 or LINE_IN_L....................................................................................................................B3
LK9 ADC2 or LINE_OUT_R ...............................................................................................................B3
LK10 ADC3 or LINE_OUT_L............................................................................................................B3
LK11 A/D Converter Reference........................................................................................................B3
LK12 Clock Shutdown.......................................................................................................................B3
LK13 Super I/O Configuration...........................................................................................................B3
LK14 VREF or Microphone..............................................................................................................B4
LK15 COM2 RS-232/RS-485 Selection ...........................................................................................B4
LK16 Remote Bootstrap ...................................................................................................................B4
LK17 Not Present..............................................................................................................................B4
LK18 PC/104-Plus VI/O Selection....................................................................................................B4
LK19 PanelLink Disable....................................................................................................................B4
LK20 PanelLink Power......................................................................................................................B5
LK100 - LK102 Processor Clock Speed ..............................................................................................B5
LK103 A/D Converter Input ADC3......................................................................................................B5
LK104 - LK107 Vcore Voltage Selection. ................................................................................................B6
LK108 Power Supply Clock ................................................................................................................B6
LK109 Ethernet Serial EEPROM........................................................................................................B6
LK110 Ethernet TxD Circuit................................................................................................................B6
LK111 Ethernet PCI Slot Selection.....................................................................................................B6
LK112 Ethernet PCI Interrupt Selection..............................................................................................B6
LK113 SDRAM Clock Feedback ........................................................................................................B7
LK114 IDE /PDIAG Pin .......................................................................................................................B7
APPENDIX D: OPTIONS AND ORDERING INFORMATION..................................D1
D.1 PROCESSOR BOARDS................................................................................................................D1
D.2 SDRAM MEMORY MODULES...................................................................................................... D1
D.3 TP400 PROCESSOR STARTER PACK........................................................................................ D2
D.4 PC/104 I/O BOARDS...................................................................................................................... D3
D.5 ACCESSORIES.............................................................................................................................. D4
APPENDIX E: CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS ................................................ E1
E.1 SUMMARY OF CONNECTORS.....................................................................................................E1
E.2 EXPANSION BUS CONNECTORS................................................................................................E2
E.3 TP400 PERIPHERAL CONNECTOR.............................................................................................E5
E.4 COM3, COM4 SERIAL PORT CONNECTOR................................................................................E7
E.5 AUDIO, A/D CONVERTOR AND CRT CONNECTOR ..................................................................E7
E.6 PANELLINK CONNECTOR ...............................................................................................................E8
E.7 FLAT PANEL CONNECTOR ..........................................................................................................E9
E.8 USB CONNECTOR...................................................................................................................... E10
E.9 IDE CONNECTOR ....................................................................................................................... E11
E.10 FLOPPY CONNECTOR............................................................................................................... E12
E.11 POWER SUPPLY AND FAN CONNECTORS............................................................................ E13
E.12 ETHERNET CONNECTOR ......................................................................................................... E13
E.13 INTER-BOARD CONNECTORS.................................................................................................. E14
iv 158004.B00
APPENDIX F: TFTIF FLA T PANEL INTERFACE BOARDS...................................... F1
F.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................F1
F.2 INSTALLATION...............................................................................................................................F2
F.3 CABLE LENGTHS...........................................................................................................................F2
F.4 TFTIF CONNECTOR AND SOLDER LINKS.................................................................................F3
F.5 TFTIF41 CONNECTOR AND SOLDER LINKS.............................................................................F4
F.6 TFTIF31 CONNECTOR AND SOLDER LINKS.............................................................................F5
F.7 TFTIFS15 CONNECTOR AND SOLDER LINKS...........................................................................F7
APPENDIX G: CF100 COMPACT FLASH IDE DRIVE...............................................G1
G.1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................ G1
G.2 INSTALLING THE CF100 ONTO THE TP400.............................................................................. G1
G.2.1 Direct Connection................................................................................................................... G1
G.2.2 Cable Connection................................................................................................................... G2
G.3 INSTALLING THE COMPACT FLASH CARD INTO THE CF100................................................ G2
G.4 CONFIGURING THE TP400 FOR THE CF100 AND CARD........................................................ G2
G.5 USING COMPACT FLASH CARDS.............................................................................................. G3
G.5.1 Hot Plugging........................................................................................................................... G3
G.5.2 Formatting and Making the Card Bootable............................................................................ G3
G.5.3 Configuring the CF100 as a slave drive................................................................................. G3
G.6 ACCESSORIES.............................................................................................................................. G4
G.7 DIMENSIONS................................................................................................................................. G4
APPENDIX H: RELIABILITY.......................................................................................H1
H.1 ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODOLOGY.......................................................................................H1
H.1.1 Reliability Standard..................................................................................................................H1
H.1.2 Methodology............................................................................................................................H1
H.1.3 Failure Effect Assumptions.....................................................................................................H2
H.2 RELIABILITY DATA USEAGE........................................................................................................H2
H.2.1 Operating Temperature...........................................................................................................H2
H.2.2 Flash Memory Usage..............................................................................................................H2
H.2.3 Usage Environment.................................................................................................................H2
H.2.4 Sensitivity Analysis..................................................................................................................H3
H.3 RELIABILITY DATA ............................................................................................................... .........H3
APPENDIX J: TP400ET ETHERNET ADAPTER BOARD..........................................J1
APPENDIX K: TP400 USB ADAPTER BOARD.........................................................K1
APPENDIX L: FAULT REPORTING ...........................................................................L1
158004.B00 v
TABLE 1 - TP400 PERFORMANCE RATINGS.........................................................................................14
TABLE 2 - TP400 ADDRESS MAP - FIRST 1M BYTE.............................................................................18
TABLE 3 - ON-BOARD I/O DEVICES.......................................................................................................20
TABLE 4 - SDRAM ALLOCATED TO DISPLAY CONTROLLER ............................................................29
TABLE 5 - TFT PANEL DISPLAY RESOLUTIONS..................................................................................30
TABLE 6 - CRT DISPLAY RESOLUTIONS ..............................................................................................31
TABLE 7 - UTILITY REGISTER BIT ALLOCATIONS...............................................................................39
TABLE 8 - PCI BUS RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS ..................................................................................42
TABLE 9 - INTERRUPT ALLOCATION....................................................................................................45
TABLE B1 - SODIMM MODULES..............................................................................................................B1
TABLE B2 - PROCESSOR CLOCK SPEED.............................................................................................B5
TABLE B3 - VCORE VOLTAGE SELECTION..........................................................................................B6
TABLE D1 - PROCESSOR BOARDS...................................................................................................... D1
TABLE D2 - SDRAM MEMORY MODULES............................................................................................ D1
TABLE D3 - CONTENTS OF THE TP400PAK........................................................................................ D2
TABLE D4 - PC/104 I/O BOARDS............................................................................................................ D3
TABLE D5 - TP400 ACCESSORIES........................................................................................................ D4
TABLE D6 - COMPACT FLASH ACCESSORIES ................................................................................... D5
TABLE E1 - CONNECTORS USED ON TP400 MAIN BOARD...............................................................E1
TABLE E2 - CONNECTORS USED ON TP400 DAUGHTER BOARD ...................................................E1
TABLE E3 - PC/104 J2 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ...........................................................................................E2
TABLE E4 - PC/104 J1 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ...........................................................................................E3
TABLE E5 - PC/104-PLUS J3 PIN ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................................E4
TABLE E6 - RS485 FUNCTION OF COM2 SERIAL PORT.....................................................................E5
TABLE E7 - J4 I/O CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS..........................................................................E6
TABLE E8 - J5 COM3, COM4 CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS.......................................................E7
TABLE E9 - J6 VGA AND A/D CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS.......................................................E8
TABLE E10 - J7 PANEL LINK CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS.......................................................E8
TABLE E11 - J8 FLAT PANEL CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS ......................................................E9
TABLE E12 - FUNCTION OF FLAT PANEL SIGNALS......................................................................... E10
TABLE E13 - J9 USB CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS.................................................................. E10
TABLE E14 - J101 IDE CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS............................................................... E11
TABLE E15 - J103 FLOPPY CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS....................................................... E12
TABLE E16 - J101 POWER SUPPLY CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS........................................ E13
TABLE E17 - J102 POWER SUPPLY CONNECTOR PIN ASSIGNMENTS........................................ E13
TABLE F1 - TFTIF BOARDS AND THEIR DISPLAYS.............................................................................F1
TABLE F2 - TFTIF DISPLAY PIN ASSIGNMENTS..................................................................................F3
TABLE F3 - TFTIF41 DISPLAY PIN ASSIGNMENTS..............................................................................F4
TABLE F4 - TFTIF41 SOLDER LINK CONNECTIONS............................................................................F5
TABLE F5 - TFTIF31 DISPLAY PIN ASSIGNMENTS..............................................................................F5
TABLE F6 - TFTIF31 SOLDER LINK CONNECTIONS............................................................................F6
TABLE F7 - TFTIF31 AND TFTIF41 J3 PIN ASSIGNMENTS .................................................................F6
TABLE F8 - TFTIFS15 J4 PIN ASSIGNMENTS.......................................................................................F7
TABLE F9 - TFTIFS15 PIN ASSIGNMENTS............................................................................................F8
TABLE H1 - TP400 RELIABILITY DATA.................................................................................................. H5
vi 158004.B00
- TP400 BLOCK DIAGRAM....................................................................................................... 6
FIGURE 2 - RECOMMENDED BATTERY BACK-UP CIRCUIT ..............................................................26
FIGURE C1 - MAIN BOARD TOP COMPONENT PLACEMENT ............................................................C2
FIGURE C2 - MAIN BOARD BOTTOM COMPONENT PLACEMENT....................................................C3
FIGURE C3 - DAUGHTER BOARD TOP COMPONENT PLACEMENT.................................................C4
FIGURE C4 - DAUGHTER BOARD BOTTOM COMPONENT PLACEMENT ........................................C5
FIGURE C5 - MAIN BOARD MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS....................................................................C6
FIGURE C6 - DAUGHTER BOARD MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS.........................................................C7
FIGURE H1 - TP400 MEAN TIME TO FAILURE......................................................................................H4
FIGURE H2 - TP400 UNIT FAILURE RATE.............................................................................................H4
FIGURE J1 - TP400ET MECHANICAL DRAWINGS ...............................................................................J2
FIGURE J2 - TP400ET CIRCUIT DIAGRAM............................................................................................ J2
FIGURE K1 - TP300USB MECHANICAL DRAWINGS............................................................................K2
FIGURE K2 - TP300USB CIRCUIT DIAGRAM.........................................................................................K2
B00 First release of this manual.
158004.B00 1
To maintain our lead in advanced and highly integrated PC compatible computers, DSP Design have released a very highly integrated, high performance processor board compliant with the PC/104-Plus V1.1 specification. The board has been specially designed to allow low power operation.
This processor card is fitted with the National Semiconductor Geode GX1 high integration processor chip set, which operates at up to 300MHz. The Geode GX1 is a Pentium-class processor, with MMX instruction set capability. The Geode GX1 incorporates a high-perf ormance graphics controller and audio processor. The chip set integrates many of the functions commonly found in core logic chips on PC motherboards and provides a num ber of power saving features. Both ISA bus and PCI bus interfaces are provided.
The consequence of using the Geode GX1 chip set is that an extremely high performance PC compatible computer can be implemented in a very small form factor.
The TP400 is the first processor board from DSP Design that complies with the PC/104-Plus standard. The PC/104-Plus standard adds a PCI bus interface to the PC/104 standard, thus allowing the use of high- performance PCI expansion boards while retaining the small size and rugged construction of t he PC/104 bus boards. The PCI bus connector is a 120-pin connector on the edge of the PCB opposite the PC/104 connectors.
The board supports up to 256M bytes of high-speed SDRAM. It also features the
standard PC compatible floppy and IDE disk interfaces, serial ports, parallel port, keyboard interface, PS/2 mouse port and the standard PC speaker. The powerful graphics controller in the Geode GX 1 can dr ive both CRT and flat panel displays, and a SoundBlaster-compatible sound system is also implemented in the Geode GX1. Two USB ports, a 10/100Base-T Ethernet interface and an A/D converter are also provided.
The TP400 is a single board PC/104-Plus compatible comput er t hat can operate as a
stand-alone module or can be used in a system consisting of a number of other PC/104 or PC/104-Plus modules.
The standard TP400 boards are provided with Flash File System software, which
converts the on-board 2M byte flash chip into a solid-state read/write disk drive. Up t o 8M bytes of Flash memory can be fitted, subject to a minimum order quantity.
A range of other PC/104 boards is available from DSP Design. Various designs
include the TP300, An earlier version of the T P400 with 10base-T Ethernet, and the TB486, a highly integrated low-power single board computer. A wide range of I/O boards is available. Contact DSP Desig n f or up- to-dat e inf orm ation on ot her product s in our range.
The TP400 provides connectors with the same pin assignments as other DSP Design
processor boards, for easy upgrading.
2 158004.B00
High integration processor: a Geode GX1 processor is fitted, running at up to 300MHz.
PC/104 V2.3 16-bit bus interface for wide compatibility.
PC/104-Plus connector is fitted to allow PCI expansion cards to be used.
Floppy and IDE disk controllers.
Four serial ports - three are RS-232 compatible and one provides TTL level
signals only. COM2 is user-configurable as RS-485.
The CO M2 serial port can be optionally config ured for IrDA-compatible infrared serial communications.
Bi-directional Centronics parallel port. EPP and ECP compatible.
Up to 256M bytes of SDRAM. SDRAM is implemented with a user-installable 144-
pin SODIMM module (dual in line memory module). 32M, 64M, 128M and 256M byte modules are available.
2M-byte flash memory for BIOS and solid-state disk is fitted as standard. Alternatively 4M or 8M bytes may be fitted by special order. A Flash File System is provided with every TP400, to provide a read-write logical disk drive.
Keyboard, PS/2 mouse and speaker ports.
Two high-speed USB ports. Filter components and a dual USB socket are
provided on a small PCB (the T P300USB) which connects via twisted pair cable to the TP400
The Geode GX1 integrates graphics circuitry, providing VGA graphics on CRT monitors at resolutions of up to 1280 x 1024 and TFT displays at resolutions of up to 1024 x 768. The graphics accelerator uses part of the system memory for high performance and low system cost. MMX instruction set and MPEG hardware acceleration enhance video performance.
High-speed serial PanelLink interface to drive displays over twisted pair cable at a distance of up to 10m.
The Geode GX1 integrates a SoundBlaster compatible sound system. The TP400 can record and play back high-quality audio.
10/100Base-T Ethernet chip. The Ethernet magnetics and RJ45 socket are provided on a small PCB (the TP400ET, an optional extra) that connects via twisted pair cable to the TP400.
158004.B00 3
Powered by a single 5V supply. A switched mode power supply is provided to efficiently produce 2.2V and 3.3V for the processor and memory that require these voltages.
Millennium compliant AT compatible calendar/clock chip uses external battery.
A 512-byte size serial EEPROM is provided to retain set-up parameters in the
absence of an external battery. Space is also available for user data.
Reset, power supply monitor and watchdog timer circuitry.
Expansion is by way of a full-function PC/104 bus that complies with the V2.3
version of the PC/104 bus specification. High performance expansion is by way of the PCI-compatible PC/104-Plus connector.
The TCDEVPLUS Development System provides all the facilities to get your TP400 running quickly, and is recommended for fast product development.
Largely pin compatible with the TC386, TC486, TX486, TC586, TB486 and TP300 processors.
The TP400 offers an extremely high degree of compatibility with desktop PC computers. This compatibility extends from the operating system level, through BIOS-level compatibility to register-level compatibility.
The Geode GX1 chip set used on the TP400 board includes on-chip peripherals ­timers, interrupt controller, DMA controller etc. These are software compatible with equivalent Intel peripheral chips used on the original IBM PC and PC/AT.
Around the Geode GX1 chip DSP Design has integrated floppy and IDE disk controllers, a keyboard and mouse controller, four serial ports and a Centronics parallel port. These peripherals are software and hardware compatible with the standard PC.
The Geode GX1’s in-built graphics circuitry provides for VGA, SVGA and XGA graphics. Windows drivers provide access to the high performance 2D graphics accelerator engine. Audio logic within the Geode GX1 chip set is also software compatible with SoundBlaster industry-standard sound chips. Note that some aspects of the VGA and SoundBlaster circuitry are em ulated in software, which can lead to some incompatibilities.
4 158004.B00
Users can operate the TP400 as a single board computer . If expansion is required I/O boards can be accessed via the PC/104 and PC/104-Plus interfaces provided on the TP400.
The PC/104 bus is a compact version of the IEEE P996 (PC and PC/AT) bus, optimized for embedded systems applications. DSP Design and other PC/104 manufacturers offer a wide range of I/O boards that will work with the TP400, in the same manner that a conventional PC can be enhanced by the addition of expansion boards.
The PC/104 I/O card range includes analog and digital I/O cards, serial comms, local area network boards and other specialist functions. DSP Design manufactures a number of PC/104 modules and is committed t o expanding this range. It is the policy of DSP Design to introduce, where appropriate, new PC/104 I/O cards that are software compatible with similar cards for the PC. This has the tremendous advantage of allowing users to make use of the software that has already been written for desktop PC cards.
The PC/104-Plus specificat ion enhances the PC/104 specification by adding a new 120-pin connector. This connector consists of four rows of thirty pins each arr anged in a 2mm-pitch grid. It is positioned on the board edge opposite the PC/104 bus connectors. This new connector carries the PCI bus signals, allowing the TP400 to access high-performance PCI chips on expansion boards.
PC/104 and PC/104-Plus boards stack one on top of another, providing a compact, rugged computer system. For details of the PC/104 bus specification and the PC/104-Plus specification, see DSP Designs web site.
Because the Geode GX1 may require a heat sink or fan, the T P400 must be the top board in a stack of PC/104 boards.
The block diagram in Figure 1 shows the archit ecture of the TP400. The Geode GX1 processor is directly connected to the SDRAM through a 64-bit wide high-speed memory bus. It also performs t he north bridg e functions, accessing most of the rest of the circuitry through the PCI bus.
The CS5530A companion chip provides the south bridge funct ions, and implements an ISA bus interface to the PC/104 bus and slower peripherals. The CS5530A includes a high-speed Ultra-ATA disk interface, USB ports and motherboard functions (timers, interrupt and DMA controllers etc).
A high-speed connection between the Geode GX1 and the CS5530A transfers graphics and video data from the Geode GX1 to the CS5530A, which drives both analog CRT monitor s and TFT LCD displays. A PanelLink interf ace chip is attached to the TFT LCD interface.
The Geode GX1 and CS5530A are also linked by the PCI bus, which goes to the Ethernet chip and to the PC/104-Plus connector.
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The audio processor logic in the CS5530A chip connects to an AC97 compatible audio codec chip, which provides audio A/D and D/A conversions.
The CS5530A also provides a slower PC/104 bus (ISA bus), on which the Flash memory and Super I/O chips are located. The Super I/O chip includes the floppy and IDE disk controllers, serial and parallel I/O functions as well as the keyboard and mouse controller. A second dual UART chip implements COM3 and COM4.
A 16-bit PC/104 interface allows the TP400 to perform memory and I/O accesses to the PC/104 bus, and a PC104/Plus interface allows PCI bus transfers.
6 158004.B00
Geode GX1
Utility Register
J9 J8
Video + Graphics
RS232 / RS485
158004.B00 7
This manual gives all of the inform ation that most users will need in order to operate the TP400. This section g ives a quick introduction to g etting started. More details on configuring the board are given in Appendix B: TP400 Setup Procedure. Those people who have special requirements m ay require further information. If this is the case our support engineer s will be pleased to help you, but please read the manual first.
As well as reading this section, please read section 1.7 which identifies common problems.
1.6.1 TCDEVPLUS and TCDEV Development Systems
DSP Design strongly recommend developing with the TCDEVPLUS Development System, as in our experience this significantly reduces development tim e and users technical problems.
The TCDEVPLUS is a PC/104 based development platform. It supercedes the TCDEV development system that many DSP Designs customers may already have. The TCDEVPLUS adds new features to those of the TCDEV, and customers who already have a TCDEV can continue to use it, although they will not benefit f rom the new features added to the TCDEVPLUS. Throughout this manual the term TCDEVPLUS can be read as TCDEV or TCDEVPLUS, except where explicitly noted. In particular, jumper areas E2 – E7 have the same functions on both boards.
The features of the TCDEVPLUS include an on-board VGA g raphics controller with 15 pin VGA connector, a floppy and hard disk controller , a floppy drive plus cable, PC/AT and PCI slots f or interfacing standard PC and PCI bus cards to the PC/104 bus and a battery for CMOS RAM backup. The TCDEVPLUS has all the st andard PC connectors for interf acing to the outside world. These include serial port 9-way D-type connectors, a parallel port 25-way D-type connector, a VGA connector and PS/2 style keyboard and mouse connectors. Connectors for the TP400s Ethernet and USB ports are also provided on the TCDEVPLUS (but not on the TCDEV).
The TCDEVPLUS (but not the TCDEV) provides convenient options for connecting t o
2.5 and 3.5 IDE drives, CD-ROM drives and Compact Flash cards. It allows power
consumption to be monitored and provides diagnostic LEDs with programmable address decoding. It also supports DSP Designs GCAT486 range of embedded PC computers.
DSP Design also supply the TPPSU, which is a compact 45W power supply with cabling to make it easy to use with the TCDEVPLUS. The 25W TCPSU power supply that we have supplied with the TCDEV in the past may not have enough capacity to drive the TP400 and TCDEVPLUS, particularly if disk drives and other peripherals are used. Users with a TCPSU should ensure they obtain the TPPSU supply.
Most users will find getting started with the TP400 and TCDEVPLUS simplicity itself. The TP400 plugs directly onto the TCDEVPLUS. A 50-way ribbon cable connects the TP400 J4 I/O connector to the TCDEVPLUS. This links the COM1 and COM2 serial ports, parallel port, and keyboard and m ouse onto the TCDEVPLUS, and in turn to the PC compatible connectors mounted on t he edge of the T CDEVPLUS board. The
8 158004.B00
TCDEVPLUS (but not the TCDEV) also includes 14-way ribbon cable connects to the TP400 J5 connector, making connections for COM3 and COM4.
The TP400 includes its own VGA, floppy and IDE disk controller s, and VGA, floppy and IDE disk controllers are also present on the TCDEVPLUS. It is possible to use either the VGA and disk controllers on the TP400 or the controllers on the TCDEVPLUS (though not a mixture of both). These instructions assume that the VGA controller and floppy disk controller on the TCDEVPLUS are used initially, as this will be more convenient during early stages of development. Users can move to the TP400s on-board disk and graphics controllers as the development process progresses.
The next two sections describe using the TCDEVPLUS and the TCDEV with the TP400. Note that the old REV B TCDEV cannot be used with the TP400. The old REV B TCDEV boards can be identified by having only one site for PC/104 boards, and only one power LED.
1.6.2 Using the TCDEVPLUS Development System
To use the system, first inst all an SDRAM SODIMM module into the TP400 SDRAM socket, observing its polarity, and observing proper anti-static precautions. The SODIMM socket has a lug that engages with a cutout on the module, which prevents incorrect installation.
A fan or heatsink should be added to t he TP400, as it may ge t too hot without one. A heatsink is supplied as part of the TP400PAK starter pack (see Appendix D for details).
Enable the floppy disk controller and VGA graphics on the TCDEVPLUS. This is done by setting the jumpers at jumper areas E3 and E5 to the "EN" position. Disable the IDE disk controller on the TCDEVPLUS by setting jumper E4 to the “DIS” position. The TCDEVPLUS COM4 UART should be disabled at E8. The battery back-up jumper should be set in the BATT position at E2. The status LED jumpers at E7 should both be set in the 1 - 2 position. At jumper area E6 set t he C000 jumper to the "EN" position and the other seven jumpers to t he "DIS" position. T he speaker should be enabled by fitting a jumper at E1. T he GCAT486 pr inter should be disabled at E9. Jumpers should be removed from E10 and E11.
Plug the TP400 onto the TCDEVPLUS and connect the 50-way and 14-way ribbon cables from J4 and J5 of the TP400 to the corresponding connectors on the TCDEVPLUS. Ensure that pin 1 of the TP400 connectors go to pin 1 of the TCDEVPLUS connectors. Failure to connect the 50-way cable correctly may damage the equipment.
Connect but do not switch on the TPPSU. (Note that t he TPPSU power connector is polarized. Ensure that the locking tab on the power supply cable mates with the locking tab on the TCDEVPLUS connector). Failure to connect t he power supply
cable assembly correctly may damage the equipment.
Connect the keyboard and VGA monitor to the appropriate connectors. Insert a bootable f loppy disk into the TCDEVPLUS floppy disk drive and switch the
power supply on. The computer should begin booting. You may press the F2 key
158004.B00 9
before or during the memor y test to enter t he Setup prog ram, where you can change the time and date and make ot her changes. The "EXIT" menu option allows you to save the settings in CMOS RAM and exit.
While using the TCDEVPLUSs floppy disk controller the BIOS will print a warning message to the effect that it is disabling the floppy disk controller on board the TP400.
You should now boot DOS from the floppy disk drive on the TCDEVPLUS. An alternative to using floppy disks is to mak e use of the hard disk present on the
TP400 or the TCDEVPLUS. You m ay connect an IDE drive, or Compact Flash card installed in the CF100 adapter , t o the 44-way IDE connector J100 on the T P400. T he BIOS will automatically detect the drives parameters.
Alternatively, you may use the IDE controller on the TCDEVPLUS. T his allows you to connect to both 2.5 and 3.5 IDE drives, and to make use of the Compact Flash socket on the TCDEVPLUS. To use the TCDEVPLUS IDE controller you must enable it at jumper E4, and use t he BIOS Setup program to disable the TP400s on-board IDE controller.
(The IDE disk controller on the TCDEVPLUS is slower than the controller on the TP400, but it offers the convenience of the wider range of connectors. I n principle it is possible to use a 44-way cable to connect the TP400s IDE controller to the TCDEVPLUS PCB, to take advantage of the wider range of connectors on the TCDEVPLUS PCB, while using the faster TP400s IDE controller. Unfortunately, if you want to do this with the REV B TCDEVPLUS you must cut pin 32 of the ribbon cables. The REV C TCDEVPLUS provides links to do this.)
Section 3.9 has more details on the IDE interface. A Flash File system is also provided with the TP400. Section 6.6 has details of the Flash File System.
When you want to use the TP400's on-boar d floppy and graphics controllers then you may make the appropriate connections to the TP400's connectors and disable the corresponding TP400 device at the TCDEVPLUS jumper areas E3 and E5. To disable the TCDEVPLUS's VGA chip you must also set the E6 jumpers all to the "DIS" position.
When development is complete the TP400 is removed from the TCDEVPLUS Development System. It can then operate stand-alone, or be used with other PC/104 modules.
Refer to the TCDEVPLUS Technical Reference Manual for full details of the TCDEVPLUS.
1.6.3 Using the Rev D TCDEV Development System
To use the system, first inst all an SDRAM SODIMM module into the TP400 SDRAM socket, observing its polarity, and observing proper anti-static precautions. The SODIMM socket has a lug that engages with a cutout on the module, which prevents incorrect installation.
10 158004.B00
A fan or heatsink should be added to t he TP400, as it may ge t too hot without one. A heatsink is supplied as part of the TP400PAK starter pack (see Appendix D for details).
Enable the floppy disk controller and VGA graphics on the TCDEV. This is done by setting the jumpers at jumper areas E3 and E5 to the " EN" position. Disable the IDE disk controller on the TCDEVPLUS by setting jumper E4 to the “DIS” position. Ensure there are jumpers between positions 1 and 12, and between 4 and 9 at jumper area E1. T he battery back-up jumper should be set in the BATT position at E2. The status LED jumpers at E7 should both be set in the 1 - 2 position. At jumper area E6 set the C000 jumper to the "EN" position and the other seven jumpers to the "DIS" position.
Plug the TP400 onto the T CDEV and connect t he 50-way ribbon cable from J4 of the TP400 to the corresponding connect or on the TCDEV (J3 on the TCDEV). Ensure that pin 1 of the TP400 50-way connector J4 goes to pin 1 of the TCDEV J3 connector. Failure to connect the 50-way cable correctly may damage the equipment.
Connect but do not switch on the TPPSU. (Note that t he TPPSU power connector is polarized. Ensure that the locking tab on the power supply cable mates with the locking tab on the TCDEV connector) . Failure to connect the pow er supply cable
assembly correctly may damage the equipment.
Note that on the TPPSU the mains earth is connect ed to 0V. This is done in the 6­way connector, with the braid (earth) connecting to one of the 0V wires. Users who are using the earlier TCPSU power supply must explicitly connect the mains earth to their TCDEV, by plug ging the green and yellow earth lead onto the spade terminal soldered to the printer connector, though note the earlier warning that the 25W TCPSU will probably not have enough capacity for TP400 development.
Connect the keyboard and VGA monitor to the appropriate connectors. Insert a bootable f loppy disk into the TCDEV floppy disk drive and switch the power
supply on. The computer should begin booting. You m ay press the F2 key before or during the memory test to enter t he Setup program, where you can change the time and date and make other changes. T he "EXIT" menu option allows you to save the settings in CMOS RAM and exit.
While using t he TCDEV's floppy disk controller the BIOS will print a warning message to the effect that it is disabling the floppy disk controller on board the TP400.
You should now boot DOS from the floppy disk drive on the TCDEV. An alternative to using floppy disks is to mak e use of the hard disk present on the
TP400 or the TCDEV. You may connect an IDE drive, or Compact Flash card installed in the CF100 adapter , t o the 44-way IDE connector J100 on the T P400. T he BIOS will automatically detect the drive's parameters.
Alternatively, you may use the IDE controller on the TCDEV. This allows you to connect to 2.5 IDE drives (and to 3.5 IDE drives with an appropriate cable). To use the TCDEV IDE controller you must enable it at j umper E4, and use the BIOS Setup program to disable the TP400s on-board IDE controller.
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Section 3.9 has more details on the IDE interface. A Flash File system is also provided with the TP400. Section 6.6 has details of the Flash File System.
When you want to use the TP400s on-board floppy and graphics controllers then you may make the appropriate connections to the TP400s connectors and disable the corresponding TP400 device at t he TCDEV jumper areas E3 and E5. To disable the TCDEVs VGA chip you must also set the E6 jumpers all to the "DIS" position.
When development is complete the TP400 is removed from the TCDEV Development System. It can then operate stand-alone, or be used with other PC/104 modules.
Refer to the TCDEV Technical Reference Manual for full details of the TCDEV.
1.6.4 TCONN Connector Breakout Board
After developing your product with the TCDEVPLUS you may be interested in using our TCONN board for production.
The TCONN is a breakout board that provides an easy way of connecting to DSP Designs PC/104 processor boards. It mates with the I/O connectors of the PC/104 board, and provides standard PC compatible connectors for most of the peripherals.
All connectors are filtered, which gr eatly simplifies compliance with EMC standards. Features include:
PC/104 board plugs directly into the TCONN.
All connectors filtered for good EMC performance.
Two 6-pin mini-DIN connectors for keyboard and mouse.
Keyboard and mouse power rails have thermal fuse protection.
Three 9-way D-type connectors for serial ports.
25-way D-type connector for printer.
15-way high density D-type connector for VGA.
Circular power inlet connector.
Pin header carrying miscellaneous signals.
Lithium battery for CMOS SRAM and RTC.
Small speaker.
Reset switch.
Power LED.
See Appendix D for ordering information.
12 158004.B00
This section draws your attention to a number of issues that can cause problems, but that can be avoided if you are aware of them.
The battery pin must not be connected to +5V and must not be left floating. See section 3.6 for further details.
Some old disk drives and some Compact Flash cards do not report t heir parameters and so the parameters will need to be set manually for these devices. See section 3.9 for further details.
Some form of cooling may be needed for the Geode GX1 processor. This is discussed in section 2.1.
The VGA display controller and SoundBlaster-compatible audio circuitry is not fully implemented within the Geode chip. Missing registers are emulated in software, using SMIs (System Management Interrupts). This can cause problems in certain cases, although there is usually a work-around. W hen t he VGA emulation is in operation, in some display modes, a regular SMI occurs every 1ms. During this time the Geode will not respond to interrupts, and if interrupts are arriving at high speed (due to high­speed serial comms f or example) then inter rupts can be lost. There are solut ions for Windows, Linux and some other operating systems, and work-arounds to some extent for DOS. The problem and its resolution are discussed in section 3.10.5.
If you find that a USB peripheral does not operate correctly when directly plugged into the TP400, then you should consider using a powered hub. This is discussed in section 3.14.
158004.B00 13
The TP400 single board computer is based around the National Semiconductor
Geode GX1 chip set. There is one SODI MM SDRAM socket. The standard TP400 is supplied without memory, allowing you to choose memory to suit your application. SDRAM options are detailed in Appendix D, Options and Ordering Information.
The TP400 is based on the National Semiconductor Geode GX 1 chip set. This is a highly integrated chip set that includes a Pentium-class MMX-Enhanced x86 compatible processor and many integrated peripherals. It includes all of the motherboard support circuits used in PCs as well as graphics and audio circuitry.
The Geode GX1 is a 320-pin pin-grid ar ray (PGA) chip that is visible on the top side of the TP400. The processor is sock eted, allowing different speed-grade processors to be fitted. The Geode GX 1 is available at a variety of speed grades, up to 300MHz. A 300MHz processor is fitted as standard, although it may be run at slower clock speeds to reduce power consumption. A heatsink or fan can be fitted to the processor, and a connector close to the processor provides power to the fan. Although the Geode GX1 runs much cooler than equivalent Pentium processors, some heatsink or fan is likely to be required in most applications.
DSP Design can supply a passive heatsink, and a heatsink/fan combination. See Appendix D for ordering information.
The Geode GX1 also integrates a high- performance graphics engine. This provides VGA-compatible graphics as well as adding high-performance 2D graphics accelerator logic that is driven by operating system-specific drivers. To provide a high level of system integration, improve performance and reduce system costs, the graphics engine uses a portion of the system SDRAM memory as graphics memory. This is referred to as u n i fie d me mo ry architecture (UMA).
So as to stop the graphics sub-system from using too much of the memory bandwidth, the Geode GX1 implement s graphics compression and caching circuitry. Under this scheme, graphics data is read f rom the graphics memory, compressed, and written back to a separate graphics cache memor y. From then on, and until that line of the display is changed, it is the compressed data t hat is read from the cache and displayed, rather than the full uncompressed graphics data.
The graphics compression and caching scheme, together with the fact that the processor, graphics engine and SDRAM interface are closely coupled, results in a very high level of graphics performance.
As a compromise, not all of the legacy VGA register s are implemented in hardware. Some registers are emulated by an SMI interrupt. National Semiconductor refers to this as VSA - Virt ual System Architecture. T he VSA code is also responsible for the SoundBlaster-compatible audio and some power management features. This software emulation of hardware can give rise to some problem s, which are described in section 3.10.
The companion chip to the Geode GX1 processor is t he CS5530A. This is the BGA
14 158004.B00
(ball grid array) device on the main printed circuit board. The CS5530A contains graphics processing logic, the IDE and USB ports, clock generators, ISA bus interface and the peripheral devices traditionally implemented in a motherboard chip set. (Earlier versions of the TP400 used the CX5530A, which has the same functionality).
These peripherals include two 8237 compatible DMA control units (7 channels), one 8254 compatible timer control unit (3 channels) and two 8259 compatible interrupt control units (15 int errupts). The majorit y of the peripheral f unctions are the same on all PC compatible computers. This includes the tim ers, interrupt controllers and DMA controllers as well as registers such as the NMI and speaker inhibit registers, fast reset and A20 gate registers. Software that accesses desktop PC peripherals will have the same effect when running on the TP400, giving rise to a high degree of PC-compatibility.
The other housekeeping functions provided by the CS5530A are:
PCI to ISA bus bridge.
ISA bus memory and I/O address decoding logic.
Power management.
Game port (unused on the TP400).
MPEG playback hardware assist circuitry
The Geode GX1 and CS5530A chips also include a number of internal conf iguration registers. These r egisters ar e unique to the G eode GX1 chip set. They control timing on the expansion bus, shadow RAM, SDRAM configuration, memory mapping and so forth. They ar e initialized by the BIOS and will not normally need to be accessed by the user.
The performance of t he TP400 may be gauged by the processor performance ratings produced by the Norton SI program as shown in Table 1. T his table also g ives typical power consumption figures for the TP400. At the tim e of writing the BIOS does not support operation at 133MHz. The board will run at 333MHz, but the processor is not rated to operate at this speed, so the 333MHz entry is for reference only.
The TP400 off ers very low power consumption for a board of its perform ance. One power measurement has been made with the graphics disabled – as can be seen power consumption is significantly reduced with the graphics disabled. There is a small increase of power as the graphics resolution increases, and a further small increase when the PanelLink interface is used.
133MHz N/A N/A ­166MHz 317 670mA ­200MHz 387 700mA ­233MHz 456 820mA ­266MHz 526 870mA ­300MHz 595 1.03A 810mA 333MHz 663 1.09A -
158004.B00 15
The above measurements were made with a 4-chip 32M-byte SODIMM module
installed. The power consumption figures were tak en after DOS had booted and the processor was sitting idle at the DOS prompt. Power management was disabled.
Users should make their own decision concerning cooling of the processor. The TP400 draws very little power, considering its level of perfor mance, but is still lik ely to need cooling. The TP400 dissipates up to 5W , depending on the clock speed (see Table 1 for overall power consumption) Most of this cur rent goes to the processor, which may get quite hot. We recommend a heat sink and/or a fan to keep the temperature of the processor down. The cooler a chip is t he more reliable it will be. A fan or fan and heatsink combinat ion can be fitted to the processor, or a fan could be provided in the enclosure along with the PC/104 boards. Connector J102 is provided to power a +5V fan. DSP Design can provide both a passive heatsink and a fan/heatsink combination.
As an alternative the enclosur e could be desig ned so that part of the enclosur e acted as the heat sink. Thermal materials are available to provide a good thermal bond between the CPU and the case.
A number of clock frequencies are used on the TP400. Most of these are derived from a 14.318MHz crystal and a synthesiser chip that generates other required frequencies.
Several 33MHz clocks are generated. These are fed to the PCI bus and to the Geode GX1 and CS5530A chip.
The Geode GX1 incorporates its own clock multiplier that generates the processor clock. A number of processor clock frequencies can be selected by solder links on the board, which are set as described in Appendix B. The TP400 is fitted with a Geode GX1 processor with a clock frequency 300MHz.
The clock synthesiser logic also generates the following clock frequencies:
14.318MHz for the PC/104 OSC signal.
8MHz for the PC/104 BUSCLOCK signal.
24MHz for the Super I/O chip (where it is used for serial ports, keyboard controller
and floppy disk controller).
48MHz for the USB ports.
24.5MHz for the AC97 audio codec.
1.8MHz for the COM3 and COM4 UARTs.
The Geode GX1 and CS5530A generate clocks for the SDRAM (synchronous SDRAM) and graphics sub-systems.
The real-time clock, or calendar/clock, in the Super I/O chip uses a separate
32.768kHz crystal to maintain the time and date. The Ethernet chip has its own
25MHz crystal.
16 158004.B00
The main memory of the TP400 consist s of Synchronous Dynamic RAM (SDRAM) chips. The chips are mounted on a small 144-pin printed circuit board called a SODIMM module (small outline dual-in-line memory module). T he memory is 64-bits wide. Four options are available:
32M bytes
64M bytes
128M bytes
256M bytes
The standard configuration of the TP400 is to have no SDRAM fitted. SODIMM modules must be ordered separately and fitted into the SODIMM socket on the TP400. Thus users can select the correct memor y capacity for their application. See Appendix D: TP400 Options and Ordering Information.
The use of SODIMM modules for SDRAM memory means that the SDRAM configuration can be alter ed at a later stag e. DSP Desig n car ry stock of the SO DIMM modules described above, or customers may provide their own. PC100 SODIMM modules should be used.
Care must be tak en when handling the TP400 and associated components. Ensure that all anti-static handling precautions are taken. See Appendix B: TP400 Setup Procedure for instructions on installing SODIMM modules.
The BIOS automatically deter mines the amount of SDRAM present and configures the internal Geode GX1 registers accor dingly. Registers within the Geode GX1 chip allow SDRAM timing to be optimised according to CPU speed and SDRAM access time. At reset the SDRAM timing defaults to the slowest case and the BIOS then optimizes timing for the best performance.
Some of the SDRAM is taken from the processor and allocated to the graphics controller, using a technique ref err ed to as UMA (unified mem ory architectur e). Up to
4.5M bytes may be allocated to graphics; the BIOS configures the correct amount depending on the graphics mode selected in the BIOS Setup menu.
Note that only the f irst 640k bytes of SDRAM are usually directly accessible by DOS. Some of the remaining SDRAM is used to shadow the BIOS (see section 6.1) and the remainder is re-mapped above the 1M byte boundary, where it can be used by DOS extenders and by Windows and other operating systems.
Memory between C0000H and FFFFFH (the top of the 1M-byte block) can be used to shadow BIOS code. This allows the BIOSes to run at t he fast SDRAM speed rather than the slow EPROM speed. Typically the system BIOS (from E8000H - FFFFFH), the VGA BIOS (from C0000H - C7FFFH) and the Flash File System (from CC000H ­CFFFFH) driver are shadowed. Memory beyond the 1M byte limit is available for Windows and other protected mode operating systems.
158004.B00 17
By default the TP400 is fitted with one 2M-byte AMD or Fujitsu 29F016 Flash memory chip. However, the TP400 has sites for two flash chips, and the 4M byte 29F032 can be fitted as an alternat ive to the 29F016. Thus there are options f or 4M or 8M bytes of Flash memory as well as the standard 2M-byte complement. The 4M and 8M byte options are available by special order and are subject to a minimum order quantity.
Flash memory is non-volatile memory that can be program med while it is soldered to the TP400. Data written to the Flash memory is retained after power is removed.
The Flash memory serves two purposes. Firstly, it contains the BIOS: machine-dependent software that is required to run an operating system.
The second function of the Flash memory is to provide a Flash File System f or users who want a solid state disk.
The top 256k bytes of the Flash chip ar e used for the system BIOS and any BIOS extensions, such as the VGA BIOS extension and the Flash File System BIOS extension. The TP400 comes pre-programmed with a system BIOS, a VGA BIOS extension for on-chip graphics controller and a Flash File System BIOS extension. See section 2.5 for mor e informat ion on memory mapping of the TP400, and section
6.3 for more information on BIOS extensions.
Utility programs are provided on the TP400 Ut ility Disks that allow the Flash chip to be programmed by the user. This allows the user to program various alternative BIOS image files into the Flash memory. These utility programs are described in section
A Flash File System is provided with every TP400. This converts the remaining 1744k bytes of the 2M byte Flash chip into a non-volatile read-write logical disk dr ive. This Flash disk can contain the MS-DOS operating system as well as your application program. The Flash File System is described in section 6.6.
Optionally, 4M byte and 8M byte Flash disks are available. The TP400 allows the Flash File System to access the large Flash chips through a
window in the 1M byte address space. Memory management logic in the Geode GX1 and hardware in the Super I/O chip allows the high order address lines of the Flash chip to be changed by software. The Flash File System driver software controls the memory management logic and bank switch hardware transparently to the user’s software.
The Flash File System is intended for ROM-DOS and MS-DOS. In principle Flash file systems could be created for other operating systems, such as Linux, QNX, OS/9 and VxWorks, but at the tim e of writing this work has not been done and DSP Design cannot provide FFS drivers for these operating systems. This situation may change in the future, so contact us if you have an interest in these operating systems.
The Flash chip resides on the eight-bit PC/104 data bus. The BIOS makes use of "shadow RAM" in place of t he Flash chip for gr eater speed.
In this scheme the BIOS contained within the Flash chip is copied by the BIOS to SDRAM at the same addresses. The Flash chip is then disabled and the BIOS is
18 158004.B00
executed from the 32-bit wide SDRAM, much faster than it would be from the Flash chip. Section 6.3 contains further information on BIOS extensions.
Table 2 shows the memory map as configured by the standard BIO S of the TP400. This table shows the bottom 1M byte address space. Extra SDRAM is located immediately above the 1M byte boundary. Memory accesses beyond the top of the SDRAM are performed on the PCI bus.
BIOS in Flash Chip - copied to shadow SDRAM memory during the boot sequence. 96K
E7FFF E0000
This space is reserved for the Flash memory programming program and the Flash File System.
32K DFFFF D0000
Available for PC/104 memory mapped boards. BIOS Extension code can be located here and optionally shadowed in SDRAM.
The Flash File System BIOS extension is initially located here, before it copies itself to low memory. Available for PC/104 bus memory mapped boards if the FFS is not used.
Available for PC/104 memory mapped boards. BIOS Extension code can be located here and optionally shadowed in SDRAM.
Usually VGA BIOS, which is copied from Flash chip to shadow SDRAM at this address. Alternatively used by VGA BIOS on PC/104 or PC/104-Plus bus that can also be shadowed.
Usually allocated to VGA memory.
128K 9FFFF 00000
158004.B00 19
This section describes the I/O address map and the on-board peripherals.
The TP400 features a number of on-board I/O mapped resources, and supports access to the PC/104 bus I/O space as well.
All I/O mapped functions that are present on deskt op PCs are present at the same I/O addresses on the TP400. The TP400 is therefore compatible at the machine code or register level with desktop PCs.
On-board I/O devices include registers within the Geode GX1 chip set, the Super I/O chip, Ethernet chip and the extra UART chip. The Super I/O chip contains the floppy disk controller, Utility Register, keyboard controller, calendar/clock module and the serial and parallel I/O ports. The on-board I/O addresses are listed in Table 3.
I/O accesses are routed as follows. I/O accesses within the Geode GX1 processor remain internal to this chip. I/O addresses that are within PCI bus devices (which includes the registers internal to the CS5530A chip) are performed on t he PCI bus. Those I/O accesses that are not claimed by PCI bus peripherals are translated into ISA bus accesses (by the CS5530A PCI bridge) and performed on the ISA bus.
Thus those addresses that are not on-board the TP400 are available for peripheral devices on either the PC/104-Plus bus (PCI bus peripherals) or on the PC/ 104 bus (ISA bus peripherals). The PCI bus peripher als get the first option to respond to an access; only if there is no PCI response will the accesses be routed to the ISA bus peripherals.
I/O addressing of PC/104 bus boards is reasonably straightforward: if an I/O address is not used by on-board resources then it can be allocated to a PC/104 board. Putting this another way, the addresses of PC/104 bus boards should be chosen to avoid the on-board I/O resources.
Note that, in common with many ISA bus I/O boards, address decoding logic on PC/104 boards often decodes only address lines A0 - A9, which can result in aliasing - whereby a PC/104 board can respond to more than one address. For example, a PC/104 bus board set for I/O address 200h may also respond at I/O addresses 600h, A00h, E00h and so on.
I/O addressing of PC/104-Plus (PCI bus) peripherals is to a large extent programmable, via each per ipheral's PCI Conf ig uration r egist ers. T hese re gister s are programmed by the BIOS f ollowing reset, in a process that should normally ensure that no conflicts occur. PCI I/O addressing uses all 32 bits of the PCI address space, so aliasing cannot occur.
20 158004.B00
00 - 0F DMA Controller in Geode GX1 20 - 21 Interrupt controller in Geode GX1
22 - 23 Geode GX1 Processor Configuration Registers 2E - 2F Super I/O Chip Configuration Registers 40 - 43 Timer Unit in Geode GX1 60 and 64 Keyboard controller in Super I/O chip. 61 Port B Control/Status Port in Geode GX1 70 - 71 Real-Time Clock in Super I/O chip and NMI enable in Geode GX1.
80 - 8F DMA Page Registers in Geode GX1 92 Port A System Control Port in Geode GX1 A0 - A1 Interrupt Control/Status Reg. in Geode GX1 C0 - DE (Even
addresses only)
DMA Controller in Geode GX1
E0 - E7 Utility Register in Super I/O Chip F0 - F1 Coprocessor Error Registers in Geode GX1 102 Enable Register in 65550 1F0 - 1F7 IDE disk controller 200 - 201 Reserved for Game Port
220 - 22F, or 240 - 24F, or 260 - 26F, or 280 - 28F
Sound card compatibility registers, if enabled. One of these addresses is selected.
2E8 - 2EF COM4: in extra UART chip. 2F8 - 2FF COM2: Serial Port in Super I/O chip. 330 - 38B Sound card FM registers. 378 - 37A Parallel Port in Super I/O chip. 3B4 - 3B5 VGA Register in Geode GX1 (monochrome modes). 3BA VGA Register in Geode GX1 (monochrome modes). 3C0 - 3CF VGA registers in Geode GX1. 3D4 - 3D5 VGA Register in Geode GX1 (colour modes). 3DA VGA Register in Geode GX1 (colour modes). 3E8 - 3EF COM3: Serial Port in extra UART chip. 3F0 - 3F7 Floppy Disk Controller 3F8 - 3FF COM1: Serial Port in Super I/O chip. 481 - 48B DMA high page registers. 4D0 - 4D1 IRQ edge/level select registers. CF8 - CFF PCI Configuration Registers 121C - 121F ACPI Timer Count Register in Geode GX1 AC00 - AC8F ACPI Registers F800 – F8FF Typical address range for DP83815 Ethernet chip
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