DSE DSE2157 Installation Instructions Manual

2157 Output Expansion Installation Instructions
DSE2157 relay expansion module is used in conjunction with the DSE7000 series controllers to provide additional relay output functionality. The relay outputs are configured in the ‘host controller’, the DSE2157 module is not itself configured apart from the ‘ID switch’ detailed below. For further details on configuring the ‘host controller’ you are referred to the relevant configuration software manual.
Controls and indications
LED Indications
Function Colour Action
Power on / Link lost RED Steady when DC supply is connected and data is being received
from the host controller. Flashing when the DC supply is connected and the data connection to the host controller is not operating.
Status 1-8 RED Lit when the corresponding relay is acti ve
ID switch
The rotary ID switch is used to select the ‘ID’ of the 2157 expansion module as the host controller is capable of giving instructions to a number of 2157 expansion modules at the same time (consult relevant modules instructions for further details on number of supported expansion units).
The enclosure cover must be unclipped and removed to gain access to the switch. The switch should be operated using a small screwdriver and set to match the required ID.
NOTE : The ID must be a unique number, different from the ID of any other 2157 module connected to the host controller. If two or more 2157 controllers are required to ‘mimic’ each other then they should be configured with different IDs, and both configured the same in the host controller.
NOTE : The selection of the ID of other types of expansion modules WILL NOT interfere/clash with the ID of the 2548. For instance if the 2548 is set to ID 4, it is acceptable to have a different type of expansion module (for instance 2130) set to ID 4 also.
053-034 ISSUE 2
ID Switch
Power on / Link lost LED
8 x Status LED (1 LED per relay)
Typical wiring diagrams
NOTE : Configuration of the outputs is performed in the host controller.
Overall size 164.6mm x 76.4mm x 48.9mm (6.48” x 3.01” x 1.93”) Mounting type DIN rail or chassis mounting Din rail type EN 50022 35mm type only Mounting holes M4 clearance Mounting hole centres 152.37mm x 64.50mm (6.00” x 2.54”)
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DSE2157 relay output expansion module
Author : Anthony Manton
DSE2157 relay output expansion module
057-083 Issue 1 DSE2157 relay output expansion operator manual
Deep Sea Electronics Plc Highfield House Hunmanby North Yorkshire YO14 0PH ENGLAND
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DSE2157 relay output expansion module
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DSE2157 relay output expansion module
057-083 Issue 1 DSE2157 relay output expansion operator manual
1 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................. 4
2 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 4
3 SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................................... 5
3.1 PART NUMBERING ................................................................................................................. 5
3.1 POWER SUPPLY ..................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 DSENET® ................................................................................................................................. 5
3.3 OUTPUTS ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.4 DIMENSIONS ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.5 APPLICABLE STANDARDS ................................................................................................... 6
4 INSTALLATION ................................................................................................... 7
5 USER CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................ 7
5.1 TERMINAL SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................. 7
5.1.1 CONNECTOR A ................................................................................................................ 7
5.1.2 CONNECTOR B ................................................................................................................ 7
6 TYPICAL WIRING DIAGRAM ............................................................................. 8
7 CONTROLS AND INDICATIONS ........................................................................ 9
7.1 LED INDICATIONS .................................................................................................................. 9
7.2 ID SWITCH ............................................................................................................................... 9
8 FAULT DIAGNOSIS .......................................................................................... 10
9 MAINTENANCE, SPARES, REPAIR AND SERVICING ................................... 10
10 WARRANTY ................................................................................................... 10
11 DISPOSAL ...................................................................................................... 10
11.1 WEEE (WASTE ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT) ................................. 10
11.2 ROHS (RESTRICTION OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ............................................... 10
+ 10 hidden pages